Did God answer prayer for healing?

Yes I was disabled with a slipped disc (5 lumbar). Took me two years to recover from crawling on the ground to standing. One right I turned in my sleep and woke up from a sharp pain which quickly subsided. The movement had made the disc slip back to its natural position and with some rest and exercise, I recovered completely. No God
I just did.
So was mine without the prayer.
That is not true. Occasionally there is an event that may be unexplainable, but is not a miracle. I sure do, my wife is a nurse and I worked in medical billing for many years.
Not at all, I don't know why you would make such an accusation. In fact, I was pleased to know he had a long life and a loving family. Nothing wrong with that.
It was unnecessary to even make such a suggestion. I am a humanitarian, just not religious.

I loved your post!
Thanks so much!

You both had a different experience with a similar problem.

You were not healed by God.
My Dad felt that he was healed by God.

Neither experience invalidates the other.
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He was miraculously healed instantly after my mother prayed for him at home.

Could you please ask your mother to pray for world peace and an end to poverty?

Clearly, God answers her prayers, while he ignores the prayers of many desperate and needy people. But now that we know how to get through to him, we can solve all our problems!

Could your Mom ask God to fix Covid-19, while he's at it? Innocent people are dying needlessly.

Thanks, SetiAlpha6! And thanks to your Mom.
As you likely already know, there are a growing number of reports coming out of Muslim countries, of Jesus Christ appearing to them both in dreams and physically before them. And that they are turning to Him because of it.
If Jesus really wants people to convert to Christianity, why doesn't he make an appearance on worldwide TV? The Olympics are on at the moment, and millions are watching. Seems like the ideal time for Jesus to appear in the Olympic Stadium, in front of the cameras.

Maybe ask your Mom to pass on the message to him.
No, it has to do with breaking down from old age, as we all shall experience.
That's what I said. It has nothing to do with healing. 2nd Law or no 2nd Law, God did not heal my mother. Either He tried and failed or He never tried. Either He's a failure and a fraud or he's an evil bastard.
That's what I said. It has nothing to do with healing. 2nd Law or no 2nd Law, God did not heal my mother. Either He tried and failed or He never tried. Either He's a failure and a fraud or he's an evil bastard.
I agree. I believe that the concept of God is superfluous. The Universe does very well without a God, always has.
If Jesus really wants people to convert to Christianity, why doesn't he make an appearance on worldwide TV? The Olympics are on at the moment, and millions are watching. Seems like the ideal time for Jesus to appear in the Olympic Stadium, in front of the cameras.

Maybe ask your Mom to pass on the message to him.

He already came to this Earth, but we slaughtered Him! You know that!
But you just told us all that you believe he's back, appearing to people in Muslim countries.

So what are you saying?

I do not know why God does what He does.
He does not ask me for permission.

If we Slaughtered Him, why would God want to have anything to do with any of us?
I do not know why God does what He does.
Do you personally believe that Jesus is currently (i.e. this year, say) appearing to selected Mulsim people, urging them to change their religion?

I think we can leave the "why" until we have established that there's something that needs an explanation in the first place. Don't you think?
He does not ask me for permission.
What does your God do?
If we Slaughtered Him, why would God want to have anything to do with any of us?
I don't know about you, but I didn't slaughter anybody.

On the Jesus issue, though, wasn't it supposedly God's Plan to have his Son die for the Sins of the World, or something like that? Didn't they cover that in bible class?
Sorry, just made the assumption that you and I, “we”, were all humans. Guess I was mistaken?

...part of the human Species?

Perhaps I am the only one? :eek:

The Romans, those that personally killed Jesus, it is thought at least, by some small handful of scholars and historians, that they were all humans, I mean as opposed to being aliens, or hollow earth dwellers, or something else creepy or crazy! I mean a Bigfoot living at the time could also have, but he is probably too nice to ever actually do it, and would probably have no reason to.

As far as I know, unless you are capable of time travel, you did not kill Jesus yourself.

At least as far as I know.
No one alive today did.

We are not guilty of the physical act of killing Jesus.

Were you thinking that we are?

And anyway, Jesus forgave those that took part in killing Him, while they were doing the very act.

Just because you forgive someone for an evil act, does not mean you should trust that they would never do it again.

The amazing thing is that He would ever forgive them, and also still love us, even enough to die for us.

You all already know, all of this!
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Could you please ask your mother to pray for world peace and an end to poverty?

Clearly, God answers her prayers, while he ignores the prayers of many desperate and needy people. But now that we know how to get through to him, we can solve all our problems!

Could your Mom ask God to fix Covid-19, while he's at it? Innocent people are dying needlessly.

Thanks, SetiAlpha6! And thanks to your Mom.

You are very Welcome!

But, my Mom has also passed away, so?

And anyway, for the most part, God gave us authority over this World, to do with it as WE wish.

We make free will decisions every day that can either help others or hurt others. That is usually why our world is so messed up! We invented rape, alcoholism, selfishness, greed, etc. A long list!

World hunger, for example, is a completely avoidable human invention! Poverty is also on us!

And as far as natural disasters go, this planet we have, was never designed or intended to be a perfect eternal home for us. Only a temporary home. It functions as designed, to be good not perfect.

Evolution also, left on its own without God’s direct intervention, results in the genetic corruption and the eventual extinction of the majority of species. 99% going on 100%. Even with the 99% success rate of biological extinction plainly seen, this is still denied.

That is why it is referred to as “the willful suppression of the truth”. So obvious!

Oh, and Humans are responsible for the spread of Covid-19, not God. You know that.

Love after all, is the reason that evil even exists.
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We are not guilty of the physical act of killing Jesus.

Were you thinking that we are?
You made that statement. You explain it. If WE are not responsible for killing Jesus, how can you hold US responsible for killing Jesus?

Make up your mind. I refuse to take any blame or any automatic assumption of guilt for anything I was not involved with, some 2000 years ago. And for you to assume that you and I are guilty for being human by birthright, you can go to hell and I'll come visit you there.
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No that is a false equivalence.

You will need to amend that statement for it to be even debatable.

God wanted us to Love Him and Love each other.

But, for Love to be real, for Love to even to exist, it has to be free. If it is coerced or forced, it is something else, not Love.

So God gave us a free will.

For free will to be real, for free will even to exist, our choice of the opposite of Love, must also be possible, real, and free.

So in creating Love as a free choice, the potential choice of the opposite of Love, or Evil came into existence.

1) Love has to be a free choice to be real, and exist.
2) Free choice enabled the potential choice of the opposite of Love, Evil.
3) If the opposite of Love is chosen, Evil becomes actualized and real, and Evil exists.

Evil cannot exist unless it is chosen.

For Evil to be real, for Evil to even exist, it also has to be free. If it is coerced or forced, it is something else, not Evil.

And that is kinda why...

Love after all, is the reason that evil even exists.
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You made that statement. You explain it. If WE are not responsible for killing Jesus, how can you hold US responsible for killing Jesus?

Make up your mind. I refuse to take any blame or any automatic assumption of guilt for anything I was not involved with, some 2000 years ago. And for you to assume that you and I are guilty for being human by birthright, you can go to hell and I'll come visit you there.

I’m So Sorry...

I do not hold you responsible for killing Jesus.
And I do not ever recall saying that.
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Love after all, is the reason that evil even exists
Love has nothing to do with Evil.
The antonym of Love is Hate. Hate exists because Love exists. Love and Hate are emotions.

The antonym of Evil is Good. Good exists because Evil exists. Good and Evil are characteristics.

Trump is an evil man who loves himself!

I’m So Sorry...

I do not hold you responsible for killing Jesus.
And I do not ever recall saying that.
Then what are you saying?

From what I read you believe in original sin, am I right?

The thing with sin is that by repenting Theists can be forgiven. That's an easy way out.
Walk-in service: "Say 10 Holy Marys, then go forth and sin no more". Presto clean slate.

No such escape exists for Atheists. When an Atheist sins, it is he who must forgive himself and to forgive yourself is the hardest thing to do. You have to live with your dirty slate for the rest of your life.
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Then what are you saying?

From what I read you believe in original sin, am I right?

Again, I am Sorry.

The doctrine of “Original Sin” is false, at least in the way you might be thinking about it, basically for the very reasons you so expertly stated.

Perhaps we agree on this point. I don’t know.

Hopefully we do.


We were discussing the killing of Jesus. And I did attempt to, but failed, to say that no one alive today can ever be held personally responsible for that.


The doctrine of “Original Sin” is not about that event.

That doctrine is about Adam and Eve’s Sin in willfully disobeying God to His face in the Garden of Eden.

And the teaching on that varies.

I would suggest that no one alive today can ever be held personally responsible for that event either. Again, because of the very reasons you provided so well. If that is taught, I would personally regard that as a falsehood.

But it is more complex than what I just said. Because of the complexity and consequences of that singular event.

If the account is true, then Adam and the very beautiful Eve, were also cast out of the Garden, away from the intimate presence of God. And it is figuratively described as “death”, to be separated from God. Because that condition is so terrible.

In Adam we all died, or in other words, in Adam we were all as a race separated from direct personal intimacy with God.

We are not all guilty of committing Adam and Eve’s Sin. Only they are, but we do have to live with the consequences of what they did.

In the same way, you also may have to live with the consequences of some of the bad decisions your parents, or someone else has made, even though you are completely innocent yourself. It is just how life works.

And, some Christians would probably call me a heretic for saying that! And we could start a verbal war right here and now.

They can be really ugly and nasty folk, or sweet as strawberry pie.

All I can do is tell you what I think, nothing more.

By the way...

This means that children are truly innocent and guiltless when they are born.

Which, of course, they certainly are!!!
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