Memory of my early childhood has all but gone.Yes I did miss your point. I now understand that you are asking about the creation of my persona. I will give it shot, I haven't thought much about it.
First I was born, pure id, with the mind of a lizard and a sucking reflex. These were imparted by the DNA, integrated from the aggregate of vestigial ancestral survivability components. After normalizing my reflexes, focus and digestive tract, I then executed a bootstrap program mainly in motor control and the auditory aspect of speech. A lot of pattern recognition began accumulating samples, and by age 2, I was walking, talking with 90% of my neural pathways completed.
At this point the ego operating system loader loaded, under the id bootstrap controller with DNA as its kernel. With this I loaded an operational version 1.0, the onset of personality, and went through a period of mental metamorphosis which we call "the terrible twos", manifest by tantrums. It was a shakedown, a defragging and reformatting operation to reconfigure the neural net for a MAC layer implementation of ego inter-neural packets using a compressed pseudorandom sequence of self replicating code that unfolds within the framework of the parietal platform. After that, the curiosity module opened out of the loader and initialized itself and I became a cute pain in the ass. By then I was running a 47th order moment-about-the-mean statistical capture and recognition for audio, video, tactile, olfactory, and taste sensor inputs through a analog sample-and-hold collector and muliplexor into a first order integration module distributed throughout the cerebrum, and hardwired into a duplex backplane at the pons for distribution up and down the spinal cord.
This of course is a system overview, as the DNA kernel endows us with redundancy between lobes, realtime error handling, interrupt service, a suite of object-oriented reentrant library modules, self replicating code, auto-encapsulation and realtime instantiation of experiential data and methods, and direct port tunnelling through the universal positron gateway to the edge of the universe where Mind ultimately resides.
That's my religion, if I had to sketch it in the back of a napkin at Hooters.
Other than that, I'm just a regular old atheist.
You are a bloody genius remembering the passage down the birth canal and all successive development since then. But you did make me think - are we programmed so much by our early experiences?
Have you consciously decided to make a change? Something that you were not programmed to do genetically? But as you have shown how would we know what is genetic and not?