Here is an interesting set of arguments that came to me. The theory of evolution is based on selective advantage. Evolution occurs via random changes and is not about logical progression to the future, but has no sense of direction.
Darwinian evolution, biological evolution, yes. but there are other forms of evolution that do have direction, the pseudo-
lamarckian evolution of technology and civilization. Take microchips for example, which evolved via a conscious forced (computer engineer and scientists) microchips evolve millions to time faster then biological evolution, also unlike biological evolution which must be based on ancestor designs, microprocessors are often designed from scratch, without carrying around ancestral features which become increasing vestigial and illogical with each generation. Society also evolves with happiness and order as its direction, laws and social orders change to match the demands of the people as the people quest to live better and prosper.
Darwinian and biological evolution operate randomly because that what evidence has suggested, mutations appearing by random events, detected repeatedly, mutation caused by non-random events (aside for genetic engineering done by humans) as not been, ergo we assume the former is universal. Now just because we lack evidence for the latter does not mean its not true, its just irrelevant to sciences: if it can't be detected or predicted upon then its outside the realm of science. For example lets say airplanes fly because angels hold them aloft, now science found aerodynamic properties which appear to do the trick, so much so that better planes have been built based on theories on those properties, planes that preformed according to theory. That does not negate the possibility that angels are actually doing all the work rather than airflow, but that is irrelevant to science: science only operates on what can be detected and predicted upon. The whole of the universe may in fact be a trick, a lie, and science only cares to understanding the details of the lie, not to see beyond it.
This philosophy, when applied to science, gives one the impression of a cult, that can use power tactics to maintain advantage in culture. Progression is not important but needs to be censored for all to work properly.
Than science is just a tool, like religious dogma, science can be a dogma used by the dogmatic. Even so I disagree with the final statement: science has always been about finding truth even at the cost of reversing everything believed before, and science has had many upheavals where previous held theories had to be discarded for new ones, in light of evidence. Of course followers of the previous theories, who put so much energy and time into those theories are rarely happy and quick to yield to successor theories; at least they yield far easier than religious faithful whom even today cause whole crusades of vicious democide to enforcer their beliefs on to others.