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Dark Decades in Particle Physics and Cosmology
Mathematics is the Heaven of physics but at the same time can often be a hell that leads astray.
Here we present a list of the twelve most illogical ideas in particle physics and cosmology accepted by the scientific community.
One of the items on the list is the Higgs mechanism. We show that in fact the Higgs mechanism does not explain the origin of the gravitating masses or gravitational fields. The Higgs mechanism is a mathematical hocus-pocus because it does not refer to physical phenomena.
The superluminal quantum entanglement causes that in reality quantum physics is classical and statistical. Observers claim that the Uncertainty Principle is valid because detectors can not see the superluminal exchanges. What’s more, the detectors see a statistical picture of a large number of consecutive states that are often the same states.
Speed of photons in “vacuum” is invariant/the-same only in relation to the systems with which the photons are entangled.
Can we discuss the twelve illogical ideas?
Why is the scientific community accepting the mathematical ideas that can not have physical foundations? Why is the scientific community not choosing the most logical interpretation? Is this the result of the lack of intuition that a good physicist should have?
One of the topics is quantum physics. I wrote as follows.
“The superluminal quantum entanglement causes that in reality quantum physics is classical and statistical. Observers claim that the Uncertainty Principle is valid because detectors can not see the superluminal exchanges. What’s more, the detectors see a statistical picture of a large number of consecutive states that are often the same states.”
We have two types of detectors that can detect quantum states: the soft detectors and the hard detectors.
For example, Total spin states of two electrons can be read out by measuring the electric current flowing nearby a quantum dot. Such a soft detector practically does not disturb the consecutive spin states. If time of observation is much longer than periods defined by single superluminal quantum exchanges then observer claims that there is a superposition of states which lead to the many-worlds interpretation. But we can see that it is an illusion because of the superluminal exchanges the detectors can not see. Moreover, it is not possible for parallel worlds to be physically separated.
On the other hand, there are the hard detectors which can detect one state of the consecutive states - for example, it can be because of a collision of an electron with a target. When someone incorrectly assumes that the superposition is a real phenomenon then the hard detectors lead to the quantum decoherence. But we can see that it is an illusion as well because in reality the detector detects a specific state from many subsequent states created because of the superluminal exchanges.
The sentence “What’s more, the detectors see a statistical picture of a large number of consecutive states that are often the same states.” leads to the probabilities of states in a system. This means that quantum physics is useful for describing Nature as it is seen by an observer who builds detectors. But we have to be very careful about the interpretation of quantum mechanics and its practical applications because superposition of states in a particular system is a fiction.
Of course, we can use a statistical picture of consecutive states in a system when it interacts with something via much slower interactions than the superluminal quantum entanglement.
Quantum physics shows how observers see Nature but this is not a real description of Nature.
Dark Decades in Particle Physics and Cosmology
Mathematics is the Heaven of physics but at the same time can often be a hell that leads astray.
Here we present a list of the twelve most illogical ideas in particle physics and cosmology accepted by the scientific community.
One of the items on the list is the Higgs mechanism. We show that in fact the Higgs mechanism does not explain the origin of the gravitating masses or gravitational fields. The Higgs mechanism is a mathematical hocus-pocus because it does not refer to physical phenomena.
The superluminal quantum entanglement causes that in reality quantum physics is classical and statistical. Observers claim that the Uncertainty Principle is valid because detectors can not see the superluminal exchanges. What’s more, the detectors see a statistical picture of a large number of consecutive states that are often the same states.
Speed of photons in “vacuum” is invariant/the-same only in relation to the systems with which the photons are entangled.
Can we discuss the twelve illogical ideas?
Why is the scientific community accepting the mathematical ideas that can not have physical foundations? Why is the scientific community not choosing the most logical interpretation? Is this the result of the lack of intuition that a good physicist should have?
One of the topics is quantum physics. I wrote as follows.
“The superluminal quantum entanglement causes that in reality quantum physics is classical and statistical. Observers claim that the Uncertainty Principle is valid because detectors can not see the superluminal exchanges. What’s more, the detectors see a statistical picture of a large number of consecutive states that are often the same states.”
We have two types of detectors that can detect quantum states: the soft detectors and the hard detectors.
For example, Total spin states of two electrons can be read out by measuring the electric current flowing nearby a quantum dot. Such a soft detector practically does not disturb the consecutive spin states. If time of observation is much longer than periods defined by single superluminal quantum exchanges then observer claims that there is a superposition of states which lead to the many-worlds interpretation. But we can see that it is an illusion because of the superluminal exchanges the detectors can not see. Moreover, it is not possible for parallel worlds to be physically separated.
On the other hand, there are the hard detectors which can detect one state of the consecutive states - for example, it can be because of a collision of an electron with a target. When someone incorrectly assumes that the superposition is a real phenomenon then the hard detectors lead to the quantum decoherence. But we can see that it is an illusion as well because in reality the detector detects a specific state from many subsequent states created because of the superluminal exchanges.
The sentence “What’s more, the detectors see a statistical picture of a large number of consecutive states that are often the same states.” leads to the probabilities of states in a system. This means that quantum physics is useful for describing Nature as it is seen by an observer who builds detectors. But we have to be very careful about the interpretation of quantum mechanics and its practical applications because superposition of states in a particular system is a fiction.
Of course, we can use a statistical picture of consecutive states in a system when it interacts with something via much slower interactions than the superluminal quantum entanglement.
Quantum physics shows how observers see Nature but this is not a real description of Nature.