Why not learn what "evolution" and "natural selection" means.
You clearly do not understand that evolution does not purposely make or give any abilities. It's all probabilistic.
It seems many theists really dont know what evolution says.
They seem to think one species can give birth to another and where they get that from I have no idea.
They also fail to appreciate that change takes place over a long time. An ape could no give birth to a human ..but they think that is the thrust of the theory...of course if they tead what it says they would not be so silly...maybe but mostly their view of evolution is irrational and stupid.
I think if the ones who think they have a problem with evolution that they would be less concerned if they took the time to read up and actually learn what the theory covers.
Also what they fail to understand is if evolution was proved wrong their burden of proof remains...even if evolution is wrong it does not mean the answer is god..they dont get that at all..however they almost seem to say ..evolution cant work therefore god exists...no no no.
If all science was proved in error or absolutely incorrect that does nothing to prove god it only proves science wrong and does nothing to suggest god exists.
But of course science is always 100% correct it has to be to be published and peer reviewed..religion heck flaw after flaw after flaw..
Too many flaws to list yet not one incorrect aspect to science...not a single one...if we find one it gets correcyed immediately...imagine teligion doing ot that way..
Never ever...and when you point put a flaw..slavery in the bible as an example...do they say ..yes that is wrong..no they bend over backwards to say slavery is actually ok.
To prove god exists is an issue they can not manage with positive input ..that is offerring stand alone proof..but hold onto the line..I can not think of a better idea therefore god.
Yeh great way to find truth.
And so to move somewhat to the thread topic I would say one thing that seems different between the two is that atheists understand the burden of proof and the requirents of evidence whereas thesists seem content with out proof being happy to justify themselves by a call that "its my faith" which is really shorthand for "I have no evidence but I believe in god because I want to and therefore I must be right"
Theists see no problem with accepting heresay evidence if it relates favourably to their belief...atheists seem more demanding of real evidence and reject heresay just as do the courts.
Atheist tend to look at what is before them and try and work out possible alternate explanations and not too worried if they must say "I dont know" whereas theists look at all things and determine that somehow someway God is involved and they must have an answer as to why they are here and can not accept their insignificance and one life mortality.
Atheist seem more tolerant of others whereas theists seem to expect everyone must do it their way because their way is gods way.
Atheists seem to manage personal responsibility whereas theists determine it is God who makes the calls and responsible for everything.
Atheists dont fear death in the same way as theists and not driven to bank on an after life to accept a cruddy present life.
Atheists dont fear a superstitious prospect of hell whereas so many theists believe it is real and hold genuine fear that they will go to hell for eternal punishement if they admit the truth that there can be no god in an eternal universe.
Theists seem to accept the killing and cruelty because they think there are better times waiting for all in the next life.
An atheist sees the suffering and understands those poor victims have got the worst of things and it wont improve...and asks why cant your god fix it..he doesnt therefore he does not exist..theist replies freewill without which we wont be human...pathetic really.
Theists too me seem untrustworthy as they dont worry about double crossing another human and only keep their word with god...thru fear of hell no doubt.
Atheists are mostly direct in discussion whereas theists, certainly here delight in evasive tacticts and often can be accused of being dishonest by others who expect discussion to be less convoluted.
Theists seem to fall for the con artists..one only has to look at the huge wealth accumulated by various telly evangalists...it is mind numbing these con men make such easy livings.
I daw one calling for vash to buy his third private jet so he can sptead the word of the lord...how many folk get conned to pay for a private jet...
Theists fall for faith healing, answered prayers, miracles talking in tounges and mostly believe women are less than men and deserve subserviant rolls.