Not from light as in visible light, but from high energy gamma-ray photon interactions - with other photons or matter:Anyone up on this?
Fire is a living being. It eats and breathes, and it will never die.
Which came first the egg (light) or the chicken (the matter)...
Matter then light
this makes sense until you add gravity.
at that point i am lost
Gravity, being a property of mass, appears as mass appears
I don't see a problem
yesIf you remove the mass particles from an atom, such as Hydrogen, somehow, can it travel at the speed of light like a mass-less photon, when sped up fast enough, without increasing in mass, as can happen when matter accelerates to high speeds, because its mass particles have been removed?
yet in theory energy can be neither created nor destroyed..
thats an interesting concept.I've always thought of mass as compressed energy - concentrated energy in essence
So as mass forms gravity appears - concentrate energy - up pops mass - mass exudes gravity
does gravity exist prior to matter coalescencing ?
micro gravity queue the question of
is there some atomic thingey that contains gravity as a particle ?
or, is gravity a field which is attracted by mass, and in so thus can it be repelled ?
Guessing here no