thanks, yes, i have given it some thought.
hereis the long and short of the idea. old style cmu blocks. built 1946. jack roof up run i beams either on twenty span or across 25 foot span. cables to crane lift up or jack up. have wall spans pre built. say six foot tall. put on corners. attach via existing bolts in cmu. while the top is off inspect and see if more fill is needed in top of cmu blocks. this will be the sub floor, on top of this floor, deck for sub floor or new story added to structure. then go up another ten feet or so. pre built wall units go up, bolted and nailed in place. lower top to wall headers, bolt on. at this point i dont have to re roof and rebuild complete roof, repair holes where cables went thru. that is the general idea of this project. yes permits will be pulled and all legal so structure may remain. just looking for input if someone has attempted such a plan. the reason is that i have a 7 foot garage door x two. i am installing the six foot wall to raise the garage opening to 13 feet or so. then put a single story on top of that for storage, living or what have you. the i can install barn on the back side of garage, and drive thru into garage with RV. i have no access to the back of the property so i must use this method to get to the back. trees and house in the way of routing driveway to back.
thanks for your input.