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Hence, logically, it appears quite possible', whatever needed to sustain nature and its balance is naturally selected. Mostly, we look only one side of it i e. Survival of fittest. But this may not be sufficient to sustain and balance the nature so we may also need tó look other angles. One such sngle is providing sufficient food to sustain the fittest ones.

Food isn't really that important let's say that all the food bearing plants and animals died or had defenses against being eaten such as being poisonous then natural selection would select autotrophs(Photosynthetic Organisms) to survive and continue to live as organisms that eat other organisms would die off eventually and be less likely to reproduce, thus giving autotrophs the advantage evolutionarily making them the dominate type of life instead of carnivores/herbivores.
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Hence, logically, it appears quite possible', whatever needed to sustain nature and its balance is naturally selected.
Absolutely not. Species will rampage and destroy anything they can; they will lay waste to entire ecosystems if they gain the slightest benefit by doing so. (Reference: rabbits in Australia, quagga mussels in the western US, Argentinian ants in the US.)
Mostly, we look only one side of it i e. Survival of fittest.
That's all those species look at as well.
One such sngle is providing sufficient food to sustain the fittest ones.
Nope. Rats will happily eat themselves to extinction if given the opportunity. The only thing that prevents that is mass starvation and death.
Absolutely not. Species will rampage and destroy anything they can; they will lay waste to entire ecosystems if they gain the slightest benefit by doing so. (Reference: rabbits in Australia, quagga mussels in the western US, Argentinian ants in the US.)

That's all those species look at as well.

Nope. Rats will happily eat themselves to extinction if given the opportunity. The only thing that prevents that is mass starvation and death.
If so, should we conclude that neither nature nor its selection and also not its balance is just happening random not systematically mediated? If so then no firm theory we can be made on it. We can hardly base just past and present(whatever happened or happening) but can not decide about future( what will happen) due to its random nature.
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If so, should we conclude that neither nature nor its selection and also not its balance is just happening random not systematically mediated?
Again, natural selection is deterministic - it selects for phenotypes (with corresponding genotypes) that survive and reproduce most effectively. With a given change and a given environment, you can determine with good accuracy what the result will be. For example, I can tell you with great certainty that if a mutation occurs that results in the death of the organism shortly after birth, it will be selected against. Likewise, if a mutation occurs that extends the fertile period of an organism, it will GENERALLY be preserved and selected for. (The details include effects on the environment, preservation of offspring, increased social pressures etc.)

The methods that natural selection uses are random.
Again, natural selection is deterministic - it selects for phenotypes (with corresponding genotypes) that survive and reproduce most effectively. With a given change and a given environment, you can determine with good accuracy what the result will be. For example, I can tell you with great certainty that if a mutation occurs that results in the death of the organism shortly after birth, it will be selected against. Likewise, if a mutation occurs that extends the fertile period of an organism, it will GENERALLY be preserved and selected for. (The details include effects on the environment, preservation of offspring, increased social pressures etc.)

The methods that natural selection uses are random.
That will just be an estimation of whatever already happened but you can not predict what will happen. You can estimate longevity and viability of a child by checking his Health but you can not estimate that a fittest children in an specific environment will only take birth. it should mean that natural selection is just an estimation and existsnce of whatever already happened but not of what will happen. You rightly said it is random i.e. it brings all odds and evens but simply evens are substained whereas odds are not in nature.
However, one thouggt is there. About human conception. There is sperm race and whoever can reach first, means most fittest, win the race. It suggests natural selection can also be pre determined. Although, due to some forceful ejeculation even weaker ones can also be accidentaly fertilize egg. Same also happen elsewhere or everywhere. Hence can we say, natural selection can be any out of random, accidental and predetermined?