Countries to work in

A hangover? Where did you go? Kroeg? Or been partying at a friend's?

Of course I am still up, :) not for long though. I was checking the forums out while being on my way to my bed. Have a good day. May the hangover get a headache, all on its own.

See you later... :)
ya know i hear Spain is nice, 'cept the white slave trade, and the militaristic government, but dude, they have Absinthe, real Absinthe, and its LEGAL!!!
off subject, but did ya know they have a parade krew (yes they spell it with a 'k') in New Orleans named Bachus? they throw panties with peoples phone numbers in them during Mardi Gras
Absinthe isnt that great - the main ingredient besides ethyl alcohol, THUJONE, has been shown to cause liver failure. Marijuana and hashish are also legal in Spain, though public smoking is forbidden, of course..
Originally posted by o_O
they have a parade krew (yes they spell it with a 'k') in New Orleans named Bachus?

Do you not know where the name Bachus comes from then? No mythology ever at school or so..?
pbsst, mythology, who needs that stuff!! thats almost as useless as irish legends of screaming women demons......:D

yeah, i knew, just though he might like to know that he shared a namesake with a cool krew in tha big easy, what? never been to mardi gras you say? poor, poor banshee
o_O, don't presume too much.

When pride and presumption walk before, shame and loss follow closely...
Do you not know where the name Bachus comes from then? No mythology ever at school or so..?

practice what you preach :D
Sweden....for Bachus.

There are many jobs available in telecom here. Just take a pick. The salary in this business often seems to be based upon achievements, but that depends on what sort of work within the telecom branch you do.

There are of course some paperwork to be done if you are going to work in Sweden (swedes looove paperwork). Go to or search on Google with the words " apply for work in Sweden", then you have many sites to search for information on. I think the first step is to get a job, and then contact the Swedish embassy where you live and they will help you.

Not speaking swedish is not such a big problem as one might think here, since most of the population speak almost fluent english. And many telecom companies work with other countries so I think you will do fine with just english, especially if you work in the bigger citites such as Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö.

We have the same alphabet as you do, except for the last three letters: å[au: as in australia]
ä[ai: as in and]
ö[eu: as in nerd] :D

The weather is the big cities is not very cold( -10°C on a normal winter day) it can be moist though, not like up here , where it's freeeeezzzziiiing( -40°C is not THAT unusual).

Drinks, yes very expensive, unless you find some small joint where they sell it cheap in secret. This is why swedes always drink themselves wasted at somebodies home before they go out, we have a great affection toward what we call foreparties, like a warm up party.

The living cost is fairly expensive, if you are going to rent an apartment, let's say one with 2 rooms+ kitchen and bathroom, it can cost about 650 USD per month, then add all other bills( phone, electricity, TV etc) and the monthly cost can be up to 800 USD and more. The food is also quite expensive, about 400 USD per moth there too. And then you must have some money left for other thing as parties and clothes, so I guess for a normal person with an average income the total monthly cost would be somewhere around 1000- 1500 USD.
You can live cheaper...but that's no fun.

Hope this helped a bit. :)
Originally posted by Bebelina
The living cost is fairly expensive, if you are going to rent an apartment, let's say one with 2 rooms+ kitchen and bathroom, it can cost about 650 USD per month, then add all other bills( phone, electricity, TV etc) and the monthly cost can be up to 800 USD and more

That is cheaper than it costs to live in most cities in the US. I pay over 600 for a one bedroom (not including electricy, phone, water, garbage) in Arizona. In some cities in California you can triple that. (I'm assuming USD means United States Dollars, please correct me if I'm wrong).
Somehow, a lot seems much more expensive in the US. Then again, I do not know how it is in every European country... :)
Yes, that was United States Dollars. Well then, compared to US Sweden is cheap to live in.
Originally posted by Bebelina
I think the first step is to get a job, and then contact the Swedish embassy where you live and they will help you.

Well since i have a day off on friday i'll see if i have time to visit them :)

Originally posted by Bebelina
Drinks, yes very expensive, unless you find some small joint where they sell it cheap in secret. This is why swedes always drink themselves wasted at somebodies home before they go out, we have a great affection toward what we call foreparties, like a warm up party.

Well since i don't know anyone there getting cheap drinks and all will be kinda hard :(
Don't worry, I'm sure your collegues at your new job will have mercy on you and show you their hangout or invite you home.

Oh, and Japan is a modern nation, so not only do they have Žð, but they have beer as well. In fact, the famous ŽD–y brand is made in Japan, the brand name is the same as the capital of –kŠC“x prefecture where it's cold and the ƒAƒCƒk minority are, unfortunately, dying out.

Another plus about Japan is that they have funny English skills. "Press corner blick and beautiful Japanese flows out of my mouth", the energy drink "calpis" that you say like "cow piss", all sorts of nifty gadgets...

Singapore is fun because people of there speak "English" ;), and since there are 3 major ethnic groups, you can eat all sorts of different food, also check out 4+ major religions, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, and Christianity. Oh, they also have a minority religion there, Sikhism.

Singapore likes importing "foreign talent" because generally more "foreign talent" speaks English than do S'poreans (who speak "Singlish", their own language that the government likes to lead people to believe is actually just bad English grammar)

And they have unique humor as well, nowhere else can you here an ang mo knee joke :p