Could Jupiter become a second Sun?

if jupiter becomes the second which is highly inprobable, will its moons become the planet what iam refering to is uropa due to its revolution around the massive planet and friction going on in the core could become the second habitable planet in our solar system. i know that igniting the big planet with nuclear weapons is just not enough. because if it could then would have happend when jupiter was bambarded with meteors back in the 90's.

Just a few factual errors there. If somehow Jupiter did become ignited, all of it's moons would instantly become cinders - if not vaporized - simply because the are too close to the planet.

It wasn't meteorites that struck, it was a single comet named Shoemaker-Levy that broke apart into fragments as it approached.
got to think of it i never heard of a sun revolving around another sun. it would be highly unstable

Sorry, but that's incorrect. Several of those exist and are cataloged. They are called binary systems/stars. In fact, just recently they've discovered two sets of binary stars - each pair revolving around the other AND all four revolving about a common point in space.
In order for Jupiter to become a Brown Dwarf, which is a failed sun, it would have to increase its mass by 75 fold...not very likely anytime soon or at least lets hope that is the case. Because an event that increases Jupiter's size by 75 fold cannot be good for earth. How much larger to become a sun, I don't know.
ahh, so how long, great prophet, untill the sun swallow's earth's orbit? hope it's not next week, I've got plans

This is not certian, for this to occur the sun would need to mainain its current gravity. But we know that is not the case - hence the expansion. So at this point it is uncertian if the sun will engulf the earth. No one knows what the gravitational pull of the sun will be.
No it wont. The stability of the system has been simulated. Jupiter is not going to start an inward migration.

Perhaps you`re right,
but, i seem to remember reading something saying that the orbits are actually chaotic.
So that it maybe possible to make very accurate short term predictions, but over long term periods over billions of years those predictions become more and more inaccurate. ie There is a possibility that Jupiter's orbit could change.
I thought is was the orbits of Jupiter's moons that was chaotic not the actual orbit of the I wrong in this?
The small moons of juptier appear to all be radio active, and composed of a element compostion unknown to earth science and being radio active
is it possible you think that a 6,000 Ft. diameter radio active moon of jupiter could fall out of orbit spialing into jupiter becoming a nuclear active as it falls and denotate the planet jupiter, causing it to become a small sun for a little while.

it seems that uranium and plutonimus are stable in juptier enviroment.

Dwayne rewrites the laws of physics once again.

I must say I find his posts entertaining. Space only knows where he gets it all from, though.
The small moons of juptier appear to all be radio active, and composed of a element compostion unknown to earth science and being radio active
is it possible you think that a 6,000 Ft. diameter radio active moon of jupiter could fall out of orbit spialing into jupiter becoming a nuclear active as it falls and denotate the planet jupiter, causing it to become a small sun for a little while.

it seems that uranium and plutonimus are stable in juptier enviroment.


"Unknown element"????? That, along with the rest of that post is just pure hogwash - as usual !! :bugeye:

Rabon, when are you EVER going to make the effort to study some real science instead of just daydreaming? You have NEVER, EVER shown a single shred of evidence for ANY of your silly claims!!! Sheesh!!
I don't know if you noticed read only but you never show any evidence for you wild alegations, i absolutely dare you to take a look at your past posts on the forum.

Do the math, check out some of the data on lunar satilites of Jupiter, their conditions are not easily exsplainable.

Jupiter has very stable atomic conditons, which result in the formation of higher atomic mass, and so the atomic elements artifcally produced on earth are present in jupiters enviroment naturally, even theroical atomic masses unknown/ unformable on earth appear to exist in the jupiter enviroment.

Oh I am sorry Blobrana have you viewed your own conversation as of late.

I don't know if you noticed read only but you never show any evidence for you wild alegations, i absolutely dare you to take a look at your past posts on the forum.

Do the math, check out some of the data on lunar satilites of Jupiter, their conditions are not easily exsplainable.

Jupiter has very stable atomic conditons, which result in the formation of higher atomic mass, and so the atomic elements artifcally produced on earth are present in jupiters enviroment naturally, even theroical atomic masses unknown/ unformable on earth appear to exist in the jupiter enviroment.

Oh I am sorry Blobrana have you viewed your own conversation as of late.


You're still just as nutty as ever, Rabon. Even my worst post contained more accurate facts than ANY of yours ever have!

And you still haven't told us how your "high-ranking military teachers" ever became qualified t teach you anything - including how to spell properly. :bugeye:

Oh - and you still haven't explained what makes you think there are "elements of unknown composition on/in Jupiter. (By the way, both Jupiter and Earth are proper nouns and should be capitalized - did your "teachers" short-change on the English grammar also - like everthing else?)
Well, Rabon, I saw you reading my last post. Not able to answer so you simply ran away, eh? Don't worry, though, I'll remember and be sure to ask the same questions again whenever you decide to reappear.
Readonly your nothing but a sorry ass, full of conceit, arrogant, and the turth is your just sorry sore ass.

let me rephrase are you perhaps a skeptic, if so you must be one looking to stiffle the simple imagination of the people that attend the form. (or just scared, at the inference of a second sun)

Get help if you can figure out the simple line i provide in post,
their is no reason for you to respond to my post. What i know you obviously lack, pick up the crumbs. but you know I am still just a beginner i only have a couple hundred post.

Oh sweet Jupiter!!! the second sUn of the system, however it still exist that it just may be that the many satilites of jupiter are now left over decayed matter, thier is a conditon for each, if it is stable matter the the satilites will electrified and if not the opposite and more a emitter of hard spectral energy.

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Readonly your nothing but a sorry ass, full of conceit, arrogant, and the turth is your just sorry sore ass.

let me rephrase are you perhaps a skeptic, if so you must be one looking to stiffle the simple imagination of the people that attend the form. (or just scared, at the inference of a second sun)

Get help if you can figure out the simple line i provide in post,
their is no reason for you to respond to my post. What i know you obviously lack, pick up the crumbs. but you know I am still just a beginner i only have a couple hundred post.

Oh sweet Jupiter!!! the second sUn of the system, however it still exist that it just may be that the many satilites of jupiter are now left over decayed matter, thier is a conditon for each, if it is stable matter the the satilites will electrified and if not the opposite and more a emitter of hard spectral energy.


No, Rabon, I'm none of the thing you said. Rather, I'm someone who is interested in FACTS - and not YOUR made-up kind.

Post counts mean nothing. I've read several dozen of yours and it's extremely rare for you to post ANYTHING at all except nonsense. The average kid in the middle of his/her high school years knows much more about everything than you appear to.