Corona virus

Moderator note: FatFreddy has been warned for trolling and for posting misleading propaganda.

Going on about the moon landings being a conspiracy is mostly harmless nonsense, but telling lies about Covid 19 and the vaccines can actually endanger public health and safety.

Due to accumulated warning points, FatFreddy will have a day to think things through before returning to sciforums.
You need to learn how to evaluate evidence objectively. But before that, you need to learn how to think critically. You need to build up a "baloney detection kit" so that you know how to sort crap from fact.

It is partly because you currently lack these kinds of skills that you believe in all kinds of nutty conspiracy theories. Not knowing which source(s) to believe, you just choose the ones that suit your personal disposition. Being distrustful of authorities, you turn to less reliable sources for your information. But with no way to evaluate the reliability of those sources, you end up in a position where you believe lots of things that simply have no good evidentiary support (let alone expert support - you know, support from the kinds of people who actually have the required analytical skills that you lack, who also tend to be among the many people you distrust because they seem "other" to you).

The good news is: even now, it's not too late for you to learn the relevant skills. Having already wasted years of your life on nonsense, you could, if you chose, try to learn how to think critically about information you come across from various sources. There are plenty of good educational resources available to you. Mind you, without the skills to sort the crap from the facts, it can be hard to choose good learning resources. And when you don't trust "authorities" such as universities and other places of learning to teach you reliable methods for thinking and analysis, the temptation is just to stick with same old same old rather than to risk trusting somebody who might actually be reliable.

You face a dilemma, and probably not for the first time. But surely by you must have gained enough life experience to realise that the conspiracy crap isn't working for you. Maybe now would be a good time for you to try out something new?
Hmm, I think you are far too kind. It is plain from Fat Freddy's posts on this thread that he is being utterly disingenuous. He is neither confused nor having trouble evaluating sources of information. The sole purpose of the posts was to give an airing to various sources of disinformation. We can speculate as to the motive: perhaps as a wind-up for other readers of the forum, or maybe just to spread lies on the English-speaking internet, like a Russian state troll.

Either way, it is trolling, pure and simple.
Moderator note: FatFreddy has been warned for trolling and for posting misleading propaganda.

Going on about the moon landings being a conspiracy is mostly harmless nonsense, but telling lies about Covid 19 and the vaccines can actually endanger public health and safety.

Due to accumulated warning points, FatFreddy will have a day to think things through before returning to sciforums.
If his questions/statements were put forth in discussion format, would they stay?

Because if this is true:
[lies removed by moderator]
It's like suspending a guy because you cannot piece together an argument.

And hey, since I don't know what's going on, Jesus blessed me with immunity. :biggrin:

Just so you know.


Those questions weren't posted by FatFreddy? I'm lost. :leaf:
If his questions/statements were put forth in discussion format, would they stay?
Generally clever ways to break forum rules are treated the same way as breaking them to begin with.

For example, on a forum I moderate, personal attacks are not allowed - but attacks against a group (republicans, rioters, BLM) are. So clever folks might say (for example) "anyone who has 'beer' in their username is an idiot! You can't ban me because I am talking about a GROUP not a person." Doesn't work there.

In addition, this is a topic where misinformation can actually injure or kill people. I am reminded of the African religious leaders who opined that having unprotected sex with virgins will cure AIDS. Such rumors are not just stupid Internet nonsense - they can actually cause injury.
Lies about Covid-19 and the vaccines for it are widely available elsewhere. We at sciforums are not obliged to host them here as well. As I said before, telling lies about Covid 19 and the vaccines actually costs lives.
Well, FatFreddy will have a chance to retort.


I'm bored.
what if

the malaria parasite catches covid ?

Is Plasmodium a virus?
The Plasmodium parasite that causes malaria is neither a virus nor a bacteria – it is a single-celled parasite that multiplies in red blood cells of humans as well as in the mosquito intestine.

how bad would that be ?

im thinking out loud
africa super hot dry
only super strong corona survives
for how long before the malaria parasite becomes environmentally saturated in it ?
will it jump ?
if so how where why etc etc

would solve a whole lot of problems very quickly(cynical satire/black(dark) humor)


and thats the thing
it may develop in a hot dry incubation zone
& maybe get self regulated to minimal spread
but if it is suddenly transported into a colder more humid zone
then will it be given what it needs to thrive

that is modern travel & global stuff

be it, walked in through any countrys incubating in refugees from north africa middle east into colder Europe
then spread international

or just singular 1 off jump directly from hot dry to free spread in cool damp

it certainly was not slowed down by indias heat
so now its always flu season
every season of the year

so im hypothesizing
on most likely worst case incubation developmental jumps

every season is Flu season
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Blood Disease Protects Against Malaria In An Unexpected Way, Study Shows
Children with an inherited blood disorder called alpha thalassemia make unusually small red blood cells that mostly cause a mild form of anemia. Now, researchers have discovered that this disorder has a benefit--it can protect children against one of the world's greatest killers, malaria, according to a new study. Mar 19, 2008

and more commonly encountered;
Researchers found the answer by looking at where the disease was most prevalent. As it turns out, 80% of sickle cell disease cases occur in Sub-Saharan Africa or amongst populations having their ancestors in this region, as well as in other parts of the world where malaria is or was common.
There was a long standing theory that the sickle cell trait – having only one sickle cell gene – didn’t cause discomfort and provided a bonus trait of preventing patients from contracting severe forms of malaria. Later confirmed - associating sickle cell to a 29% reduction in malaria incidence - this working theory would explain why the mutation stuck around in evolution. In 2011, researchers used mice to confirm the assumption.

Blood Disease Protects Against Malaria In An Unexpected Way, Study Shows

and more commonly encountered;


according to a new study.

if the study was done on poverty stricken high infant mortality areas of malnutrition
it will need to be done again on 1st world children
it may be a selective gene issue

there may be down sides to it
the sequencing may also have a
for argument sake im just hypothesizing
some type of function which undermines blood transfer of some critical nutrients to the brain
so they may all be considerably less mentally capable
or purely as an example
a vastly reduced life span or massively increased risk of some later life disease