copyright image theft (re. spuriousmonkey)

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Athelwulf said:
Count me in. :D

Excellent! I baggsy first dips on all the photocopier toner and more attractive of the younger women of breeding age. The rest of you will have to fight it out between yourselves who gets to turn to cannibalism first.

I'm off to build a Brave New World. Chowder.
water said:
I first met Ron at a Buddhism forum. I was a newbie then and was impressed by him, looked up to him.

However, as time progressed and I got to know him a bit better, I realized he is not a person I wish to spend time with. But by then, it was too late, he had my details, he knew my usernames, and things went from bad to worse with each day. If I ignored him, he would come after me in open forums. If I confronted him, he cried and became depressed, or put up a big fight. If I left the forums, he was still referencing to me, directly or indirectly. Or his wife tried to smoothen things up.

Eventually, to leave completely was the only option I had. I have been away for almost two months. But I find it absurd that I should stay away so that he can do whatever he wants to and I just have to swallow being slandered, or fear that he will go by 'silence denotes consent'.

I hate that this is being discussed in open forums. But all private communication has so far proven to be futile.

I am not denying my responsibility for sharing my personal details or in what happened.
But I could not know in advance that things would turn so bad.

I have also not asked anyone to solve this problem for me, nor do I expect anyone to do so. A few people have expressed concern over what is going on, so I explained it to them.

* * *

I posted information on him breeching the copyright law because I wanted to show that he himself does not respect it -- while crying foul when others don't.
Like I said, I regret to have posted that, even though there was good reason to do so.

Why did you pm me to discuss Ron? I never expressed any concern. I was not aware of him or you association with him when you did so. Your pm highlighted a problem I never knew existed.

2) Why have you never put Ron on ignore?
Ignore does not mean consent , and he will know he is on ignore as he cannot pm you when he is on ignore. Ignoring obsession is the only way to eliminate it and not allow it to invade your life.

3) You say you were 'away for two months' yet you continued to read every post he writes, why? If you did not read every post, how do you know he still references you?

4) Why did you start a public thread asking him to leave you alone, when a thread like that by its very nature invites not only a response but a hositle and negative one.

You cannot pretend in your response to this you were naive and stupid water as one thing you are not is stupid. That thread was not an error of judgement, you knew what reaction you would elicit and invited it.

I am not unsympathetic to you water, I can see that Ron became somewhat enamoured with you. And your ultimate rejection took a bad toll on him. Losing someone you consider a valuable friend generally does. A lesson for you there.

Meanwhile you have many more effective tools at your disposal to thwart this unwanted attention than a public forum. I have made friends off the net whom I met on the net. If we fall out I won't go back to the point of origin and complain about them. That is just absurd.

Ron was mainly posting without reference to you lately, so it was improving.
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Theoryofrelativity said:
The fact water has had 'relationships' PLURAL with people on this board, two thus far that ended the same way
Ignorance, or just sloppy generalization, I am not sure which this statement represents. Again, you make a judgement based on what you heard second hand.

tor said:
Regardless, I am not pro one or the other, I am just presenting the 'other view' as presently the majority view is blinkered. The strategy is a good one....say it all in pm, so your public face appears fresh and clean and free of responsibility. But the game is up.
Why don't you let the people who have knowledge about the situation present their view if they wish, and let those who are ignorant not present their views? - i.e. drop your completely pretentious falsification that you know what happened.
By the way, I hope the people who are informed are smart enough to let this go, and let people think what ever they are going to think - small minds are not easily convinced, right?

tor said:
Let this game cease, and I hope that water who as you yourself state,
Whoa, I state nothing except the fact your statements are completely loaded with innuendo and personal criticism which you cannot uphold with evidence, and you really need to just admit that your zero authority on the subject should not be brought to bear on a discussion.
Please note that I am not the one presenting a viewpoint about what happened, merely stating that you have no, and I repeat it for the hundredth time, no authority to make statements, and the more you say the more misinformed you appear (as leopold correctly pointed out - you really shouldn't comment about what you were not around to see).

EDIT - BTW you give good advice when you take a second to stop playing the detective, and aren't wasting space expositing on the personal qualities and situations you are fancying as reality, which are merely conjecture.
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I understand and sympathise.

I think the whole issue has been exacerbated by too much attention.

It would probably be helpful if other sciforumers did not call attention to any posts where private relationships are mentioned. They may think they are speaking on someone's behalf but what they are doing is subjecting both parties to further humiliations which are really ugly to watch.

Anyone who has issues with a members posting can just as easily report it to a moderator. If enough people do so, the moderator is forced to take action. Just indulging in abusiveness and public declarations of private affairs is simply juvenile.
Theoryofrelativity said:
cole you miss the point, I do not need to present evidence to you, the comments you complained about were not for you were they? They were addressed to Ron and water. They know what went on, they know what part of that was discussed with me. They know precisely why I have written what I have written. Thus any critisism from you is very irrelevant.
Sad, because the criticism from me about jumping to conclusions based on second-hand information is quite relevant to you, as you have made quite clear from your pre-occupation with doing so, as expressed in this thread.

However, any criticism anybody makes of water and ron IS irrelevant, and I hope you can extrapolate that from your statement to me, if not from my statements to you.
Look I'm gonna put this in black and white and stop dancing around the table.

I never liked the public displays that went on with these two found it all very distateful, self indulgent. Ron said things that made me cringe as did water, I found them both in different ways being a 'bitch' to the other. Ron carried it on in public, water carried it on in private via pm. Ron genuinely cares about water, water genuinely dislikes ron. All in all a very sad situation which can only be resolved by ignoring each other. Drawing a line under it and moving on.
Theoryofrelativity said:
The comments direct to them relate to their comments direct to me, so again no inaccuracy or 'lies' there.
Firstly I'd like to say this.. who are you?

Secondly I'd like to say that for someone who's only been here a few months, you sure do seem to spend a lot of time here.. get out and enjoy real life.

Thirdly, they came to you as a confidant and you are tell all what they appear to have said? Nice.

And finally, this thread was actually not about Water. It was about a prat complaining that his photo had been used by another poster and then following his whining little complaint with threats to another poster. What his prat should have don was ask a moderator to fix the problem instead of starting this god awful thread. Water was brought into the 'conversation' because we were all witness to his obsession and his stalking of her and his ridiculously threatening behaviour and comments were just further proof and a follow on that he's simply 'not all there'. Now where do you come into this equation? Are you double dipping? Taking from one and giving to the other, and vice versa just so you can say you're in the "know"?

Seriously, get out and enjoy the sunshine a bit. For someone who's only been here as little as you have, it is unhealthy that you have so many posts, because it indicates that you are immersing yourself more in a virtual life than in real life.
cole grey said:
Sad, because the criticism from me about jumping to conclusions based on second-hand information is quite relevant to you, as you have made quite clear from your pre-occupation with doing so, as expressed in this thread.

However, any criticism anybody makes of water and ron IS irrelevant, and I hope you can extrapolate that from your statement to me, if not from my statements to you.

There is a very specific reason I posted that first post that you responded to and that was, it was my public reply to a private pm from water.

The private nature and detail of that pm from water was NOT ....................I have no words for it presently.

Thus as I said the 'post' was for the two of them and not for you. It was public not private becuase I disliked the nature of that last private pm. And did not want to encourage any further private pm's from water.
cole grey said:
Athelwulf, when people talk bullshit they get attacked, and perplexity talked shit as much as anyone else around here ever did, so don't pretend the attacks were ex nihilo.
Firstly, I wasn't aware of any times he had done this. I'll keep it in mind while I'm surfing the forums, in case I happen to stumble upon any of it.

Secondly, even if this is true, I see no reason people should reciprocate. Like I said earlier, they should be better than him.

cole grey said:
Please, perplexity's macho posturing is up there with the best/worst, and you've seen it. Fact=Perplexity participated hand in hand creating the situations with the "bullies" you describe.
I still don't see a reason to excuse anyone's actions.

Please keep in mind, so one one is under the wrong impression, that I'm not excusing perplexity for anything he might have done. I'm merely taking up the role of Gandhi in this drama.
Theoryofrelativity said:
little minds do not manipulate they are manipulated, thus the little mind was not your grandmothers but yours.....natural enough, you were/are a child. Now do you get the reference?

You not a nice man. I not talk to your anymore.
To clear up something:
I pmd those who expressed concern over what was going on between me and Ron, and to some of those who were most involved otherwise. I informed them on the issue and asked them not to speak to him on my behalf. Namely, I had received several offers to speak on my behalf. I could not, however, pm everyone, last night the thread progressed faster than I could keep up.

ToR said earlier in this thread that he was improving, not referencing to me anymore. I privately responded to that, saying that such was not the case. From this an interchange with further clarification followed.

I wanted to keep it all from escalating in the public, hence all the pming. I thought that if the people involved were informed, then a public tiff would not follow, or at least be milder.

I do not wish to speak about this anymore though.

* * *

samcdkey said above,

It would probably be helpful if other sciforumers did not call attention to any posts where private relationships are mentioned. They may think they are speaking on someone's behalf but what they are doing is subjecting both parties to further humiliations which are really ugly to watch.

-- perhaps this consideration should be made part of the forum rules.

Sciforums has always had quite an amount of private tiffs carried out in the public, and it is often difficult to tell how serious, or how not serious it all is. Many of us are guilty of participating in those fights.
While those fights might be sometimes interesting to watch and participate in, they do add to the general tension on the forum and make it less appealing for serious discussion.
But with a special rule to keep this in check, the situation could improve.
water said:
ToR said earlier in this thread that he was improving, not referencing to me anymore. I privately responded to that, saying that such was not the case. From this an interchange with further clarification followed.

water I am not referring entirely to recent pm's, the inital dialogue regards Ron began months ago. The comment you made to me at that time mirrored what leo said. What you told me today HAD zero bearing on anything. You revealed personal information that Ron had shared with you or NOT as the case may be. It was not requested nor desired. I am aware though of the response that was expected but has not been forthcoming.

water said:
While those fights might be sometimes interesting to watch and participate in, they do add to the general tension on the forum and make it less appealing for serious discussion.
But with a special rule to keep this in check, the situation could improve.

The hypopcrisy of the above is making me practically choke on my marshmallows. STOP pm ing everyone with your personal nonsense and they will stop reacting to it on the forum. This fight WAS about the avatar, you claimed it related to you, I did not see it myself, but then guess all became about you as all your pm receivers came out to play. *choke cough splutter*

I am glad though you are now ready to lay this to rest and move on. If Ron does the same HOORAY.
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redarmy11 said:
Is there anyone who hasn't slagged anyone else off yet?

Yes: me.

samcdkey? You're an evil, manipulative bitch.

Fuck off, turd.

Repeat once more on behalf of Athelwulf.
redarmy11 said:
Aw, how cute. Our first row. :)

Seriously though, I think this could be the start of the Apocalypse. Can you all hear the trumpets?

No but a car just backfired outside my window.

Will that do? :confused:
thedevilsreject said:
i think thats ad hom i've ever heard from you sam

I can say anything to red.

He's my essential accessory* and I'm his saucy minx**

These are love words for us.

* (red goes with everything I own)
** (beef sauce mixed with live minx tortured under cruel inhumane conditions)
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