I first met Ron at a Buddhism forum. I was a newbie then and was impressed by him, looked up to him.
However, as time progressed and I got to know him a bit better, I realized he is not a person I wish to spend time with. But by then, it was too late, he had my details, he knew my usernames, and things went from bad to worse with each day. If I ignored him, he would come after me in open forums. If I confronted him, he cried and became depressed, or put up a big fight. If I left the forums, he was still referencing to me, directly or indirectly. Or his wife tried to smoothen things up.
Eventually, to leave completely was the only option I had. I have been away for almost two months. But I find it absurd that I should stay away so that he can do whatever he wants to and I just have to swallow being slandered, or fear that he will go by 'silence denotes consent'.
I hate that this is being discussed in open forums. But all private communication has so far proven to be futile.
I am not denying my responsibility for sharing my personal details or in what happened.
But I could not know in advance that things would turn so bad.
I have also not asked anyone to solve this problem for me, nor do I expect anyone to do so. A few people have expressed concern over what is going on, so I explained it to them.
* * *
I posted information on him breeching the copyright law because I wanted to show that he himself does not respect it -- while crying foul when others don't.
Like I said, I regret to have posted that, even though there was good reason to do so.