I did click the link, however, signing in I thought would be too much effort for what it's worth.I can construct time from a single axiom.
Complex numbers exists.
That is correct.First off, did I read that correctly?
And by Plato's Forms, you're asserting, for lack of better words, imaginary numbers are actually the real numbers and vice versa?That is correct.
Well, what do you mean by invoking Plato's Forms?No, imaginary numbers are R x iR. Where R = real numbers.
Uh, think I read somewhere that Descartes thought that mind and matter should be considered separately
This is false: S is two dimensional. You literally spelled it out in (1): S = C x CHere goes:
A_1: Complex numbers exists. Call this C.
0...…….Import all mathematical operations..................................................................….Plato's Forms
1...…….Construct S = C x C.............................................................................................…..A_1, 0
1.1........S is 4 dimensional................................................................................................….1
Transform how? And what does "capture numbers" mean?2...…….S can transform in order to capture numbers......................................................…A_1, 1, 0
What is the Riemann Circle of S_4?3...…….Construct two Riemann Spheres in S, call it RS x RS....................................……….A_1, 0
4...…….Isolate the Riemann Circle of S_4 and call it P_T...................................................A_1, 0
You can't use the word "dynamic" here; you are currently describing a static model. There's nothing dynamic about it.5......….Let P_T advance by one (rotate relative to S_1,2,3) at regular intervals. Call this dynamic "Sub-time" = T_S. A_1, 4
Right, you've now defined something called a "time interval". Now please prove that the name fits, i.e. that what you've got there really is time, and not (for example) a mislabeled spatial dimension.7...…...Define "Duration of Sub-time" by: T_Sf - T_Si.........................................................4
8.........Let S_1,2 be perpendicular to S_. 3,4........................................................................1
11...…..Construct {for all n = 1 to N: n(T_Sf - T_Si)} . Call this durations of sub-times...…5, 7
12...….Define "time interval" = Delta t = (1/N) \sum\limits_{n=1}^N n(T_Sf - T_Si)…….1-11
But you don't need complex numbers to do so, do you?The current in a capacitor is described by a function of complex numbers.
Can you describe time as an axiom, or whatever, with use of only real numbers?Easier is a big help. It is more elegant.
Slow down, I still have no idea what you're thinking with Plato's Forms.Materialism has been disproved.
You are quite correct.But you don't need complex numbers to do so, do you?
It's just easier to describe than with real numbers alone.