Complaint about moderation


Valued Senior Member
Doesn't make much sense to me. That just reminds me of The Silence of the Lambs.

What is this thread about?
You don't understand sarcasm or irony nor do you have much of a sense of humor, I'm guessing.

Of course Mark Turner makes no sense. Not one post since he has been here makes any sense nor does giving me 10 warning points in that train wreck of a thread by Paddoboy and the craziness goes on. I'm not sure you are even aware enough of what goes on here to competently judge my posts in order to hand out a warning.

Pretty soon only the crazy posters will remain.
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You don't understand sarcasm or irony nor do you have much of a sense of humor, I'm guessing.

Of course Mark Turner makes no sense. Not one post since he has been here makes any sense nor does giving me 10 warning points in that train wreck of a thread by Paddoboy and the craziness goes on. I'm not sure you are even aware enough of what goes on here to competently judge my posts in order to hand out a warning.

Pretty soon only the crazy posters will remain.
Seems a bit harsh! I don't really get it either. I assume he is alluding to the 'Looney tunes' aspects of these posts.

You don't understand sarcasm or irony nor do you have much of a sense of humor, I'm guessing.
Thanks for the character analysis, Seattle.

If you knew me better, and read a bit more closely, you'd realise quite a few things I post - especially when it is only one or two lines in a reply - have a humorous ironic slant to them. Most people - especially Americans, in my experience - tend to miss that and read everything as if it is all serious business, so it doesn't greatly surprise me that you've got the wrong end of the stick.

Of course Mark Turner makes no sense. Not one post since he has been here makes any sense nor does giving me 10 warning points in that train wreck of a thread by Paddoboy and the craziness goes on.
As Tiassa noted in that thread, that was a very easy call to make, as a moderator. Somebody - not paddoboy, not Tiassa, not me - reported your post. It was both a personal attack on paddoboy (and thus a breach of our posting guidelines), and it also tried to "joke" about child abuse by priests, while at the same time implying that those priests wouldn't prey on boys perceived as homosexual. But you already know that. Also, when I gave you the warning, I explained the reason for the warning to you. Yet here you are, whinging in two different places about it.

You did the wrong thing and somebody called you out on it. Suck it up.

I'm not sure you are even aware enough of what goes on here to competently judge my posts in order to hand out a warning.
I am more aware of what goes on here than you are. As a moderator, I am obliged to examine reported posts and to apply our site policies in a fair way, while trying to avoid letting my own feelings get in the way, as much as possible.

You will be aware that, in paddboy's thread, I was on the same "side" of the argument as you. Indeed, I was one of the people most consistently taking paddoboy to task for his sexist views.

If you want to think that I warned you because I don't like you, or because I don't get your attempt at humour, or whatever, then go right ahead. You certainly won't the first to make that mistake.

Thanks for the character analysis, Seattle.

If you knew me better, and read a bit more closely, you'd realise quite a few things I post - especially when it is only one or two lines in a reply - have a humorous ironic slant to them. Most people - especially Americans, in my experience - tend to miss that and read everything as if it is all serious business, so it doesn't greatly surprise me that you've got the wrong end of the stick.

As Tiassa noted in that thread, that was a very easy call to make, as a moderator. Somebody - not paddoboy, not Tiassa, not me - reported your post. It was both a personal attack on paddoboy (and thus a breach of our posting guidelines), and it also tried to "joke" about child abuse by priests, while at the same time implying that those priests wouldn't prey on boys perceived as homosexual. But you already know that. Also, when I gave you the warning, I explained the reason for the warning to you. Yet here you are, whinging in two different places about it.

You did the wrong thing and somebody called you out on it. Suck it up.

I am more aware of what goes on here than you are. As a moderator, I am obliged to examine reported posts and to apply our site policies in a fair way, while trying to avoid letting my own feelings get in the way, as much as possible.

You will be aware that, in paddboy's thread, I was on the same "side" of the argument as you. Indeed, I was one of the people most consistently taking paddoboy to task for his sexist views.

If you want to think that I warned you because I don't like you, or because I don't get your attempt at humour, or whatever, then go right ahead. You certainly won't the first to make that mistake.

You are wrong about the homophobic intent on my part. I wasn't implying or even thinking that a priest wouldn't be interested in a gay child. My "joke", jab or whatever you want to call it was that Paddoboy wasn't good enough looking for someone to be interested in him so I said maybe he wasn't "masculine" enough. What I was really saying was it sounds like he is complaining about not being molested or bragging about not being molested.

I don't think there was any "rules" violation other than me "picking" on Paddoboy and his denials of what was obviously sexist behavior. Everyone who participated in that threat did essentially the same thing, rightly so.

It makes no sense to alienate content providers when you moderate a forum. It's silly to even have such a system and it's even sillier to have one on a forum where minute rule "violations" are addressed and basic forum rules are flaunted every day.

How many posts in the science forums are actually pseudo-science? Most of them. Is that moderated? No. Someone rants about calling everyone "Sweatcakes" and your focus is on me. It's ridiculous.

Tiassa rants everyday, usually off-topic and by the end of his rant most people don't even know what he is talking about. I'm sure you don't either. Is anything done about that? No, of course not.

All of the moderation time is spent giving 10 warning points at a time to every nut that has been doing the same thing since the forum began. Alice would feel quite at home here in Wonderland.

You are characterizing me as whining or however you guys spell it. That's a personal attack on me. Shouldn't you give yourself a 10 point warning?
You are wrong about the homophobic intent on my part.
It's not about intent. I could second-guess intent until the cows come home. I have to go on what you write.

I don't think there was any "rules" violation other than me "picking" on Paddoboy and his denials of what was obviously sexist behavior.
The person who reported your post thought differently, for starters.

Everyone who participated in that threat did essentially the same thing, rightly so.
No other posts were reported from that thread. Just your one.

It makes no sense to alienate content providers when you moderate a forum.
Depends on the content.

It's silly to even have such a system and it's even sillier to have one on a forum where minute rule "violations" are addressed and basic forum rules are flaunted every day.
I think you mean "flouted". You are free to report objectionable posts, just like every other member.

How many posts in the science forums are actually pseudo-science? Most of them. Is that moderated? No.
The Science sections are actually policed quite carefully. We must allow people to ask naive-sounding questions there, and we must allow people to be wrong about things. Part of the aim of those sections is to provide an opportunity to learn about science.

Blatant pseudoscience tends to get moved the Fringe forums.

Someone rants about calling everyone "Sweatcakes" and your focus is on me.
That exchange in the thread rather nicely illustrated a point. Beside, the namecalling went both ways. If it came to it, it would be a decision to moderator both or moderator neither. Anything else would be unfair.

Tiassa rants everyday, usually off-topic and by the end of his rant most people don't even know what he is talking about. I'm sure you don't either. Is anything done about that? No, of course not.
Take it up with him. He is a moderator.

All of the moderation time is spent giving 10 warning points at a time to every nut that has been doing the same thing since the forum began.
It is true that quite a lot of moderator time is spent on that kind of thing, it is true. A while back, I think I polled the membership on whether they wanted stronger penalties and/or less tolerance. Opinions were divided.

You are characterizing me as whining or however you guys spell it. That's a personal attack on me. Shouldn't you give yourself a 10 point warning?
Complaining about being moderated is not uncommon. It's a bit like questioning an umpire's decision in a sports game. It might make you feel good, but it's almost never going to change the decision that was made, and it will rarely affect future decisions. The best response is usually for the player to suck it up and get on with the game.

Moderating a poster is not a personal attack on that poster. Nor is stating the obvious about a poster's reaction. The word is "whinge". It means "complain persistently and in a peevish or irritating way", often applied to little kids who complain about parental discipline, saying the other sibling started it, and it's not fair etc.
It's not about intent. I could second-guess intent until the cows come home. I have to go on what you write.

I didn't write anything about homophobia or someone being gay.

The person who reported your post thought differently, for starters.

No other posts were reported from that thread. Just your one.
That should tell you something.

I think you mean "flouted".
I don't.

That exchange in the thread rather nicely illustrated a point. Beside, the namecalling went both ways. If it came to it, it would be a decision to moderator both or moderator neither. Anything else would be unfair.
I think you mean "moderate" not "moderator".

Moderating a poster is not a personal attack on that poster. Nor is stating the obvious about a poster's reaction. The word is "whinge". It means "complain persistently and in a peevish or irritating way", often applied to little kids who complain about parental discipline, saying the other sibling started it, and it's not fair etc.
Sounds like a personal attack to me, but then again I'm not a moderator.
You are characterizing me as whining or however you guys spell it. That's a personal attack on me. Shouldn't you give yourself a 10 point warning?
Gee my heart bleeds for you. I put a point of view in that thread that I and I believe most normal people actually agree with. You started your childish 'comeback" that took the thread off track, and then commenced with the "pet name" jibes. I of course fired back as I don't suffer bullies in any way shape or form.Then of course you automatically accused me of dobbing you in and reporting that. I rarely report and I fight my own battles.
Now you are spitting the dummy and complaining!!! Give us a break!!
Gee my heart bleeds for you. I put a point of view in that thread that I and I believe most normal people actually agree with. You started your childish 'comeback" that took the thread off track, and then commenced with the "pet name" jibes. I of course fired back as I don't suffer bullies in any way shape or form.Then of course you automatically accused me of dobbing you in and reporting that. I rarely report and I fight my own battles.
Now you are spitting the dummy and complaining!!! Give us a break!!
I need a translator for this ^^ :wink:
What part confuses you. Best to go back to that thread and read the first reply [I think] and the obvious insults that are now put down to just joking.

No, I mean I've never heard of ''spitting the dummy'' or ''dobbing.'' ^_^
What part confuses you. Best to go back to that thread and read the first reply [I think] and the obvious insults that are now put down to just joking.
Bud, it might be the part about dobbing and spitting the dummy but I'm not sure Sunshine.

Edit-I see that Wegs and I were typing at the same time, Bud.
No, I mean I've never heard of ''spitting the dummy'' or ''dobbing.'' ^_^
Spitting the dummy or dobbing in are the same as getting the shits, or being annoyed, or upset that anyone has dared call you out for your silly and childish smart arse replies, as was the first reply in that other thread. The smart arse reply, actually turned out to be a dumb arse reply.:p
And I see our friend continues unabated...some people never learn.
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Spitting the dummy or dobbing in are the same as getting the shits, or being annoyed, or upset that anyone has dared call you out for your silly and childish smart arse replies, as was the first reply in that other thread. The smart arse replies, actually turned out to be dumb arse replies.:p
And I see our friend continues unabated...some people never learn.

That silly smart arse reply was of course
Are you upset that no one fiddled with you? Maybe you just weren't all that masculine as a young boy?
Is the point of your article that you identify more with the few males who were falsely accused than with the many women who experienced a society for so long where this was more prevalent?

In this country (US) that's similar to "White Lives Matter Too".

This isn't some of your best work. Maybe the elderly shouldn't be respected just because they are old?
dobbing in the dummy spitter
no toys left in the cot
More correctly
The dummy spitter, spat the dummy, because someone dobbed [dobbing] him in due to his insulting and sexually demeaning language. Such a condition brought about generally due to an excessive image of self importance and delusions of grandeur.
More correctly
The dummy spitter, spat the dummy, because someone dobbed [dobbing] him in due to his insulting and sexually demeaning language. Such a condition brought about generally due to an excessive image of self importance and delusions of grandeur.

the baby went out with the bath water when what swings between the legs was the only oar left to paddle
I didn't write anything about homophobia or someone being gay.
That was one available reading of what you wrote.

So you were making a point about somebody proudly and ostentatiously displaying the site rules there, were you? Okay, I'll take your word for it.

I think you mean "moderate" not "moderator".
Yes. Thank you. I'm glad you worked it out.