al onestone
Registered Senior Member
This is my recently published paper on vixra:
There's a lot of conceptual detail, but the jist of the experiment is like this, in the ZWM he combines the outputs of two downconversions (where a pump photon is converted to signal and idler of half the energy) by forcing one idler through the other crystal while its idler is also emitted. This somehow warrants the dropping of a mode in the calculation of the state vector (what an advantage). By dropping one idler mode he then calculates interference at the signal detector where the signals are combined. And he measures interference.
Of note, we must recognize that Mandel has found a way around the no-communication theory (which roughly states that one cannot perform a measurement/operation on one member of an entangled pair that has measurable consequences on the entangled partner). Mandel has created an action (aligning the idlers with one penetrating the others region of emission) which is performed exclusively on the idler which has measurable results on the entangled partner (creating interference). And it is an action which is specifically not a measurement or operation. It is an action which changes the state description of the whole entangled system, and this change in the state description must be performed by the theoretician, it cannot be explicitly mathematically stated like an operation or measurement or POVM etc.
I use this concept along with another concept he creates in an earlier paper with the same systems, the WZM. In this paper he also gets interference between the idlers by inducing stimulated downconversions in both crystals with a reference beam that is aligned with the signals. In this paper he uses a strong reference beam which is beamsplit and aligned with the two signal outputs of downconversion and it induces emission in the crystal, because it is of a sufficiently high photon occupation number. But I say that this implies something else, the high intensity quenches the signal output of the two signal beams with reference beam photons (that have identical description to the signals). This effectively makes it impossible to identify which photon, the originally entangled idler or one of many reference beam photons, is actually entangled with the idler. This effectively annihilates the entanglement or coincidental nature of the two photons. This is why the idlers are allowed to display interference regardless of the fact that the signals are available to have their path measured.
In my proposal I combine the two concepts of the two papers induced coherence and coincidence annihilation to produce an instant communication prot
There's a lot of conceptual detail, but the jist of the experiment is like this, in the ZWM he combines the outputs of two downconversions (where a pump photon is converted to signal and idler of half the energy) by forcing one idler through the other crystal while its idler is also emitted. This somehow warrants the dropping of a mode in the calculation of the state vector (what an advantage). By dropping one idler mode he then calculates interference at the signal detector where the signals are combined. And he measures interference.
Of note, we must recognize that Mandel has found a way around the no-communication theory (which roughly states that one cannot perform a measurement/operation on one member of an entangled pair that has measurable consequences on the entangled partner). Mandel has created an action (aligning the idlers with one penetrating the others region of emission) which is performed exclusively on the idler which has measurable results on the entangled partner (creating interference). And it is an action which is specifically not a measurement or operation. It is an action which changes the state description of the whole entangled system, and this change in the state description must be performed by the theoretician, it cannot be explicitly mathematically stated like an operation or measurement or POVM etc.
I use this concept along with another concept he creates in an earlier paper with the same systems, the WZM. In this paper he also gets interference between the idlers by inducing stimulated downconversions in both crystals with a reference beam that is aligned with the signals. In this paper he uses a strong reference beam which is beamsplit and aligned with the two signal outputs of downconversion and it induces emission in the crystal, because it is of a sufficiently high photon occupation number. But I say that this implies something else, the high intensity quenches the signal output of the two signal beams with reference beam photons (that have identical description to the signals). This effectively makes it impossible to identify which photon, the originally entangled idler or one of many reference beam photons, is actually entangled with the idler. This effectively annihilates the entanglement or coincidental nature of the two photons. This is why the idlers are allowed to display interference regardless of the fact that the signals are available to have their path measured.
In my proposal I combine the two concepts of the two papers induced coherence and coincidence annihilation to produce an instant communication prot