Co-existsnce of Covid 19 Virus with Humans?


Valued Senior Member
Hello all,

Nothing should resist exchange of knowledge esp new knowledge. So:
This quote should be quite interesting and helpful. So you can explore and discuss.

Concluding Remarks
Zoonotic viruses and human viruses have different characteristics, even though many human viruses originally come from animal viruses. The animal-human interface brought SARS-CoV-2 into human populations, and the virus has already acquired the ability for effective transmission among humans. Projecting the future of the current outbreak remains to be difficult. The virus could become a “human virus” and coexist in the world population. For this scenario, we can still hope that its morbidity and mortality lower as they do for post-pandemic influenza. Even if natural infection or vaccination cannot provide a long-lasting immunity to prevent reinfection, it could reduce the severity of the disease (Gao et al., 2020; Ng et al., 2020; Wang H. et al., 2020; Yu et al., 2020).

Best wishes!
Yhese can be relevant questions to topic subject and to OP:-

1. Can SAR-COV-2 virus coexist with humans?
2. Is it under the process of such Coexistsnce?
3. Has it already acquired such coexistsnce?
4. Does such coexistsnce indicate that this virus can stay for long in our body in sone other parts than cells with its entry receptors Ace2? Refer Tiassa last post in my other topic.
5. What enable its coexistsnce in us? Is it long term antibodies?

Hope it will healp.
It’s interesting that the original SARS-CoV that caused the 2002-2004 pandemic (but mostly confined to Asia) disappeared, never to be seen again. SARS-CoV-2 has a 79% genomic similarity with SARS-CoV. SARS-CoV was considerably more virulent (~9% case fatality rate), but not nearly as infectious, as SARS-CoV-2. In contrast to SARS-CoV, will the very high infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 lead to it becoming an endemic human virus? I suspect yes, but I’m no virologist or epidemiologist.
Refer to question no 5, what enable virus to co exist...
"How neutralizing antibodies work
A neutralizing antibody can stop a pathogen from infecting the body by affecting how the molecules on the pathogen’s surface can enter cells in the body.

In enveloped viruses (a heat-sensitive virus cell that is inside a lipid membrane), neutralizing antibodies block the attachment of a virus to the cell as well as its entry into the cell."
.Above quote suggest s that antibodies netrskize or resist virus entry into the cells but do not kill these. So it can be reson to virus to survive and Co exist with humans in himan body for long.
It’s interesting that the original SARS-CoV that caused the 2002-2004 pandemic (but mostly confined to Asia) disappeared, never to be seen again. SARS-CoV-2 has a 79% genomic similarity with SARS-CoV. SARS-CoV was considerably more virulent (~9% case fatality rate), but not nearly as infectious, as SARS-CoV-2. In contrast to SARS-CoV, will the very high infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 lead to it becoming an endemic human virus? I suspect yes, but I’m no virologist or epidemiologist.
Intesting. Thanks. Btw, whether SAR-COV disappeared mesn it got eradicated in absolute or just coexisting with us unharmed in some n deep (sequestered) areas, not accessible to testing, so the test results could be POS or NEG under the same circumstances? Extent of infectivity can also deoend on areas in body where virus is existing?
If it is corxisting and if its infectivity and load is residted by antibodies it may popped up again when such snyibody level will fade away completely. i pray, it not mo hapoen.
Coexistsnce may somewhat linked to this symbiotic relationship:
"Commensalism describes a relationship between two living organisms where one benefits and the other is not significantly harmed or helped"
"Viruses Can Help Us as Well as Harm Us
Biologists estimate that 380 trillion viruses are living on and inside your body right now—10 times the number of bacteria. Some can cause illness, but many simply coexist with you"

Co-existsnce of virus in our body is a big deal. However it is to be seen:
1. Whether primary infection of all virus harmed us but latet they co existed with us without apparent harming us?
2. Whether they change their characteristic in a way they just stay in body as neutral or friendly virus without involving our immune sysytem?
3. Whether they could just stay in body without apparent harming us by constsntly involving immune system or immune protection,?
4. I thiink whatever which can just resist virus entry into host cells and enable their growth, should be the cause to their coexistsnce not that what kill them. So should it justt be long term antibodies which resist virus entry into host cells? If so, how and where they live in body?
5. Will it mean bodyy need to maintain constant antibodies to save us from virus infection n sickness and or to enable their coexistsnce?
6. If 5 above is correct, can any virus make us sick again if our constsnt antibody mechanisms fail or weaken?
7. Lastly, dies all this immune protection put undue load on our immune system which may get compromised decreasing our healthy longevity?

All above need deep understsnding for Covid 19 virus if moving ahead in this direction of coexistsnce and imoact therefrom.
How could SAR-COV-2 behave differently than the way evolution behaves?
Can't there be two possilities?
1. Virus coexist with us by changing their characteristics from harning one to non harming one. Evolutionary.
2. We allow such virus to coexist with us be changing our charecteristic s. I think by change in inmune response. Acquired

I feel forner will stay for long but later may not. Virus may also get fully eradicated due to such comstsnt immune response or if we get immunocomotomised, we lose the war
Can't there be two possilities?
1. Virus coexist with us by changing their characteristics from harning one to non harming one. Evolutionary.
2. We allow such virus to coexist with us be changing our charecteristic s. I think by change in inmune response. Acquired

I'm sorry, but I just don't see what is so confusing about the prospect that once you learn how to swim, you can coexist with the rain.
I'm sorry, but I just don't see what is so confusing about the prospect that once you learn how to swim, you can coexist with the rain.

One can live in other's home either he become friendly or non harming to that home members or they restrict but do not throw him out by putting some constraints. In case of virus, it can coexist in human body either they harmonize with body and become neutral or friendly or non harming virus or if still virulent, restrict them constantly by long term antibodies for not to harm. These possibilities I am just thinking logically possible. I think we can not expect toast all about 360 trillion virus coexisting in our body are restricted by antibody immune response. There should be most of them which might just be friendly or neutral or non harming to body which should not be requiring any immune response to resist them. Not sp?
2. We allow such virus to coexist with us be changing our charecteristic s. I think by change in inmune response. Acquired
Sure, our immune responses can change - but that doesn't mean we "allow" viruses to co-exist with us. It's the interplay between their behavior and our behavior that determines survival and/or extinction. We have some influence over our immune response - e.g. through vaccines - but we can' t control the long-term outcome.
Sure, our immune responses can change - but that doesn't mean we "allow" viruses to co-exist with us. It's the interplay be yestween their behavior and our behavior that determines survival and/or extinction. We have some influence over our immune response - e.g. through vaccines - but we can' t control the long-term outcome.
Obiously, yes our body will not allow such coexistsnce unless any virus is useful for body. I think interplay between their and our behaviour is just trsnslated from two possibilities I mentioned previously. Vaccine will come under our behaviourvor 2nd possibilty.
Now we have to see where these virus coexist in body? Whether in their host cells in non harming dormat srate in host cells or somewhere else in body? Tiaza in one quote in my other topic had indicated it in some adipose tissues and intestines for SAR-COV-2( yet speculative).
Nope. As long as the virus doesn't kill the host, they coexist.
Virus kills or not kills its hosts, how it is diffenciated? Is it virus dependent or immune system dependent?
Coevolution and Co-existsnce should be different though interlinked.
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Virus kills or not kills its hosts, how it is diffenciated? Is it virus dependent or immune system dependent?
It's dependent on both, of course. Virus and host can only co-exist if the virus doesn't eradicate the host species and the host's immune system adapts to mutations in the virus.
1. Can SAR-COV-2 virus coexist with humans?
2. Is it under the process of such Coexistsnce?
3. Has it already acquired such coexistsnce?
4. Does such coexistsnce indicate that this virus can stay for long in our body in sone other parts than cells with its entry receptors Ace2? Refer Tiassa last post in my other topic.
long covid ?
5. What enable its coexistsnce in us?
dont know
Is it long term antibodies?
do not understand your question
There should be most of them which might just be friendly or neutral or non harming to body which should not be requiring any immune response to resist them.

Really, it was not so long ago↗ that we went through this: SARS-CoV-2 is not a friend.

Also, consider a post↗ you referred to, from another thread. Perhaps the idea of a viral reservoir is the latest plot twist in your Covid fantasy, but look at the titles in the notes: Lessons from HIV? Viral spread, immune activation, and cytokine amplification? These terms do not describe friendly or even neutral relationships.

Think of it this way: We generally do not consider arson a friendly act. Not even if the fire happens to kill a serial killer hiding in the building. But if your life goes like a movie, and you meet your spouse among the firefighters who come to your burning house, perhaps you will invite the arsonist to your wedding so your spouse can raise a glass and give thanks to the person who tried to kill you. It starts to read like a wuxia serial.