Why doesn't ID fall under the same 'abiogenesis' banner? It certainly seems consistent with your assertion that once there was no life and now there is. So what justifies excluding it?.
And that point seems to depend upon a pre-existing adherence to some form of atheism and/or metaphysical naturalism. (I don't disagree necessarily, though my own naturalism is more methodological. Ontologically, I'm inclined to favor agnosticism. We just don't know the ultimate nature of reality.) I'm just saying that this hidden atheistic/naturalistic premise still needs to be acknowledged, clarified and argued for, since the whole point of the thread seems to revolve around it.
Once being a good Catholic boy, I sometimes still sit and wonder that question...You know, why doesn't ID also fall under the Abiogenesis blanket...
Then after thinking it through some, I see the need to give myself an uppercut.
Let me explain....Why doesn't the same standards apply to any supposed IDer? I mean how can anyone accept that some all powerful, all knowing, and existing for eternity, could ever be imagined to exist? So by those standards, isn't such beliefs then superfluous at best? Ýour agnosticism would also best fit myself. I mean if extraordinary evidence arose that showed we are the creation of some deity, and all other possibilities were invalidated, then sure! that deity/person/ghost or whatever, would have my endearing respect and devotion. But it's just impossible in the light of science in this day and age, and how science has pushed such needs to near oblivion.
The same scenario was put to me rather sarcastically and facetiously re what would I do if GR was finally surpassed [with me being labeled as a GR fan boy

] Simple, if and when that did happen, I would absorb whatever knowledge I could on the matter, and like the reputable scientists around the world, encompass it with open arms.
I don't go out to antagonise or rebuke religious people per se. I really don't give a stuff about them and their beliefs. I have the attitude of live and let live. The exception to that rule, is when such religious people start crusades against science, then sure! I'll give them both barrels. I have plenty of religious friends, including my beautiful wife and we all have tolerance for each others beliefs or non beliefs. I don't push mine down there throats, and they do not attempt that with me...with one small exception...The Mrs will always ask me to come to church with her on Christmas day.

I always mange without any hostility to avoid it though!!