Chakra activation hoax ?


Registered Senior Member
If you cut someone open you WILL NOT FIND CHAKRAS in the body. There is NO sex chakra or heart chakra. There are no spinning energy wheels in the body i have done alot of research on this.

So why gurus market visualization exercises that guide opening the chakras by visualizing spining them ? Why does this work for some people yet chakras do not exist ?

Traditions are hard to break away from. Societies that have on going traditions must find ways to disprove what those traditions have said in the past but cannot because of the deep beliefs people have in what's been handed down from generation to generation. Telling people that what they have learned from their ancestors is wrong is very difficult but over time it can be done if the truth is shown daily to that society.
Cosmic Traveller your right on. Still find it hard to fathom suckers still believe this stuff in the 21st century.

I suspect people are looking for the "silver bullet" or holy grail which gives them great power :D . Ohh i want to see into the future easy open up your third eye LOL what rubbish :)
Only with a good educational system can the truth be told but even education can be run by lunatics and therefore nothing really changes except for whose in charge.
If you cut someone open you WILL NOT FIND CHAKRAS in the body. There is NO sex chakra or heart chakra. There are no spinning energy wheels in the body i have done alot of research on this.

So why gurus market visualization exercises that guide opening the chakras by visualizing spining them ? Why does this work for some people yet chakras do not exist ?


I want to know more about your research did you actually cut people open and see if they have a chakra? If so were they still alive or were they cadavours?
If you cut someone open you WILL NOT FIND CHAKRAS in the body. There is NO sex chakra or heart chakra. There are no spinning energy wheels in the body i have done alot of research on this.

So why gurus market visualization exercises that guide opening the chakras by visualizing spining them ? Why does this work for some people yet chakras do not exist ?


I think you might be taking the concept a bit too literally. It is a visualisation exercise after all, it doesn't require there to be anything physically happening in the body at that location. Although often heat will be generated and such things. Our minds control all our physiological processes but we don't instinctively know how to take advantage of that because most of that happens subconsciously. Visualisation exercises can be quite helpful for gaining better understanding and control over ones body. Of course sometimes they are just purely for the mental benefit.
The traditional explanations for what is happening may not be correct but that doesn't mean nothing is happening during these exercises.
Kurros so why do they insist on the existence of chakras if there is no emphirical evidence ? i want evidence that can be quantified.

Kurros so why do they insist on the existence of chakras if there is no emphirical evidence ? i want evidence that can be quantified.


I think you missed my point. I was trying to say it doesn't matter whether they exist in a strict sense or not, the exercises can still be beneficial. Clearly they are not an organ or some clearly identifiable object like you seem to be demanding. Some them do correspond to pressure points and things like that I believe, but I don't know for sure.
What Kurros said. Things do not have to be real, to have real benefits. If you can make use of a visualisation exercise, accept it for what it is, and no more.
I see your point. Thanks for clarifying yourselves. With the advent of the internet it saddens me that society still seems stuck in the old times.
Kirlian Photography would have you believe differently.

As they say, if you cut a fresh leaf and take a photo of it, the photo will retain the full leaf shape. Kinda like the phantom pain amputees all undergo.

I am open to any and all religions and Chakras may yet be conclusively discovered.

As they say, if you cut a fresh leaf and take a photo of it, the photo will retain the full leaf shape.

The wiki article says this is disputed. I find that quite odd, it seems a very simple experiment to perform, why has it not been shown conclusively one way or another? It says Randi was disputing it, but this was surely a long time ago. Perhaps the wiki article is just not up to date. I'm throwing my bet with Randi on this one though.

Edit: Ok from a brief web search it seems pretty much nobody except some soviets with questionable experimental technique have been able to produce this effect...
Visualization is a self programming technique that works under right conditions. My friend's son had a stroke and gained 99% of the motor functions through this technique.

It is definitely not for Morons who can not visualize anything.
Chakras - Whats the deal ?

I still cant understand why some people claim after clearning their chakras they feel renewed and stronger. If the chakras dont exist why do they claim this ?.

Perhaps the chakras are metaphorical expressions or something we do not understand or science cannot clarify ???:confused:
Indiancurry.. View the chakra as an energy centre which spins like a wheel and opens like a flower.... It's not to be taken literally - this visualization is to clear the mind of random thoughts, ussually that result from the subconsious. Color visualization is a valid technqiue (google it) that helps calm the mind, our consious is very powerful and peforms well with abstract concepts. At the least, meditating to allign your chakras will provide you with several benefits especially since the concepts your concentrating on (the spinning colorful chakras) has to do with cleansing and other positive properties.

google them there are alot of studies showing it to be highly effective
Not to mention that, in many cases, the location of the chakra's correspond to important centers on the body (nerve centers/bundles, the heart, pressure points, etc)
They're fine as metaphors. If you want to calm yourself by visualizing your heart chakra as a gently spinning orb of light, hey, knock yourself out. The problem is that idiots take them literally and actually start believing in them.
visceral, the thing is... if you don't believe it will work, then even as a placebo effect, it will not work.

That's the funny thing about the human mind - while it is incredibly powerful, and sheer willpower can make you sick or help you regain your health, it is unfocused. Doubt and fear can easily cloud the mind (which is why so often combat training is based on making reactions INSTINCTIVE rather than CALCULATED actions - instinct can kick in faster than you can overcome the fear or anger and think about it).

In order for it to truly work, I would imagine you would have to believe it can work. Otherwise... well, why are you even attempting to use it if you don't think it'll work?
I guess it's the visual in your head that makes it work not the literal belief.

As dick-brained as it sounds, I used to use a calming technique when I was younger where I imagined laying ice against my frontal lobes to calm me...It worked. Maybe just because I was focusing on the visual rather than on whatever was pissing me off.
I guess it's the visual in your head that makes it work not the literal belief.

As dick-brained as it sounds, I used to use a calming technique when I was younger where I imagined laying ice against my frontal lobes to calm me...It worked. Maybe just because I was focusing on the visual rather than on whatever was pissing me off.

In that example, you are most likely right - because you no longer focused your thoughts on what was annoying you, you became calmer.

However, say you were injured in some way and wished to will the pain away - if you didn't believe you could do that, you wouldn't really be able to. Yes, you might dull it a bit by not focusing on it anymore, but you wouldn't be able to silence the pain completely.