No one tries to pass laws based on what Santa says.I'd say that I identified as an atheist for a few years, after leaving faith for a time. My ''definition'' of it would be complete indifference. I wasn't angry, nor trying to argue with theists, I merely accepted that for me at that time, I no longer felt that I believed. Further, I didn't feel the need to believe. I'd consider myself spiritual at this point, believing again in God. (that's a long story) I tend to wonder why there are very vocal, angry atheists railing against theists, as I didn't feel that way as an atheist. Of course, no one wants views of another shoved in their face, so maybe that's their reasoning? But, it's like not believing in Santa Claus; I don't feel the need to convince those who believe in him, to stop. Why spend so much time arguing over an entity that you don't believe exists?
No one tries to pass laws based on what Santa says.
Well, yours is.We grow up still being reliant, and that reliance is ultimately on God.
Just because you don’t believe in God, doesn’t make it not so, anymore than my belief in God.
Can't speak for anyone but myself. Personally I don't care what anyone believes, as long as they don't try to make me live by their beliefs. But once they try to pass off their beliefs as science and have them taught in the public school system, then it becomes my business.Religion has no place in government. Is that the main reason why atheists argue with theists? Like many atheists, a good many theists in the world, have a live and let live mentality.
Agree.Can't speak for anyone but myself. Personally I don't care what anyone believes, as long as they don't try to make me live by their beliefs. But once they try to pass off their beliefs as science and have them taught in the public school system, then it becomes my business.
There are many positions there. Not two.All other differences and disagreements stem from either of those positions.
Well, theists do, at least. Some people are more independent.Not so.
We grow up still being reliant, and that reliance is ultimately on God.
I think that the angry atheists are angry because religion is shoved in the face of the non-believer all the time. Followers of religion are out there evangelising. Religion gets special treatment from the State, most of the time. Atheists, historically, have been marginalised and actively persecuted by religious people, who have historically held political power over them. That continues to happen today in some nations, to the extent that atheists are executed for their refusal to cowtow to the local religion in some places.I tend to wonder why there are very vocal, angry atheists railing against theists, as I didn't feel that way as an atheist. Of course, no one wants views of another shoved in their face, so maybe that's their reasoning? But, it's like not believing in Santa Claus; I don't feel the need to convince those who believe in him, to stop. Why spend so much time arguing over an entity that you don't believe exists?
Like I said, only in the bluntest possible sense. If you're unable to recognise diversity of belief within atheism or theism, that's your problem.Nope. It’s pretty black and white mate.
So we agree. Good.No need. [Babies] start out with complete reliance on their parents.
Specifically, the "position" of theism entails being aware of the idea of god(s) and forming the belief that the idea describes a real entity.The terms merely describe a position. They are not the position.
Learning about the idea (definition) of God is an obvious prerequisite to believing there is a God. Without the concept, the belief is impossible.Belief in God isn’t learning about God, or philosophy, although they can help to clarify the object of your belief.
Not as a belief system, no. As a position, maybe.Not being aware of God does not constitute atheism...
As is common in your posts, I assume there was an end to that sentence at some point, but you didn't post it. I'm not going to guess.... anymore than not be...
I won't guess what you might have wanted to write here, either. As it stands, we just have nay-saying without reasoning, which doesn't amount to anything that really requires a substantive reply.Wrong. My description of atheists is perfect. An atheist is a ...
For the purposes of this discussion, your baseless claim that atheists are in denial is completely irrelevant. Shall we move on, then?For the purpose of this discussion, your reason for being an atheist is completely irrelevant.
Did I hit a nerve there, Jan?Firstly, the kook aid stuff is atheism. Those folk foolishly followed an atheist into hell.
Some religions aren't theistic, I agree, but a lot of them are.Secondly, religion is not necessarily about theism, especially these days.
I have never described myself as "deeply religious", though admittedly I'm not sure what you mean by that. What does that mean? Is it better to be "deeply" religious than "lightly" religious, in your opinion? What's the way we're all supposed to do religion, according to the Jan Ardena method? Do tell.You should know, because according to you, you were deeply religious, and you were an atheist.
Is that true of all Christians, in your opinion, or have you just concluded that about my former Christianity? And on what basis?You only thought you believed in God because you were a Christian.
No more than you do, Jan.Yet you have nothing to say about your relationship with the Christ, or God.
I have some ideas. I know you think the reason for theism is God. That's straightforward for you, as a theist. But, of course, you could be mistaken. And even if you're right, you still have the puzzle of working out the reason for atheism. Hint: it's not because atheists just like to deny things.You mean you don’t know what the explanation for theism is? It figures.
I don't think that. In fact, I said the exact opposite, did I not? Please don't make stuff up, Jan.But why do you think one needs an explanation to believe in God.
Ah, ye of little faith!It will go away soon, because societies are in free fall at the moment.
Do you think the End Times are nigh, Jan?Just like Sodom and Gomorrah, and the days of Noah, plus a whole host of other times mentioned in other scriptures. Matter will eventually run down, just like spring and summer, making way for the darkness of winter (I should be a poet),
It doesn't have to be, but I can tell you that's how I came to it, personally. I don't think it's a unique experience.Atheism isn’t rational.
You realise that calling names and labelling inconvenient facts as "delusions" doesn't actually amount to an argument, don't you, Jan?They’re like cuckoos. They simply apply names to their delusions, then attempt to change them to suit their fancy.
So you agree with me, again. They don't accept God on the basis of evidence, but on the basis that they "just know".They accept God because they know God is their Spiritual Father. They simply grow up, spiritually.
That's a strange thing to say. Surely the idea of love is central to Mills and Boon novels? (Mind you, I haven't read many.) It also seems to me that there's a lot of religious philosophy out there, never mind the secular kind.Science, logic, and philosophy, are completely separate to the positions of atheism, and theism, just as Mills and Boon novels are completely separate to love.
Now you're shifting the goal posts. I see what you did there. You started talking about "theism", but then you switched it up to a discussion of "spirituality" half way through.People who conduct their relationships on any type of literature, are like atheist who conduct their spirituality on science, logic, and philosophy.
Actually, that was an empirically testable claim I put to you. You could investigate it to see whether it holds up or not, if you were interested.An atheist perspective no doubt.
I assume you're trying to put forward an analogy wherein the theists are akin to accomplished musicians and atheists are non-musicians. In that case, the atheist-to-theist conversion would be the non-musician learning music. But what would be the equivalent of the theist-to-atheist conversion? The accomplished musician suddenly forgetting everything he knows about music? Or the accomplished musician suddenly choosing to deny that he can play an instrument, perhaps? And where would I fit in? Would I perhaps be a person who merely pretended at one time to be an accomplished musician, but never really was?All those qualities you mentioned are below theism.
It’s like thinking that the only real musicians are the ones educated in top music schools. Whereas the ones who are self-taught, are merely making an uneducated, and untrained, din.
Quite often, yes.Oh they suddenly discover it do they?
Because that's what they say about their religious conversion.And you would know this how exactly?
If you like. Are we done?I guess we can rap up this thread because you have all the answers, hey?
The 1578 handbook for inquisitors spelled out the purpose of inquisitorial penalties: ... quoniam punitio non refertur primo & per se in correctionem & bonum eius qui punitur, sed in bonum publicum ut alij terreantur, & a malis committendis avocentur. from the Latin: "... for punishment does not take place primarily and per se for the correction and good of the person punished, but for the public good in order that others may become terrified and weaned away from the evils they would commit."
No. I haven’t got round to completing the last part of your response yet.If you like. Are we done?
I'm sorry, but only senior members of the Atheist Illuminati are allowed to carry cards. We could give you one, but then we'd have to kill you. It's for your own good. Just Believe. Er... Don't Believe!Some people carry cards? I never got a card! I applied years and years ago and I still don't have a card, so I assumed atheists don't issue cards to their membership. Gyp! Who is running the Atheist Council?
Jan, you're still at this? You have such stamina!![]()
They can't. Because there isn't any. And former theists realize their beliefs were delusions.But former atheist never accept God on the basis on the evidence they pretended to want.
How senior do you have to be? I'm an atheist in good standing - firm standing, none of this: "changed my mind, I wants my daddy back... uh, no he didn't answer my prayer I don't believe in him anymore... er... no, wait, maybe..." firm standing - since 1960.I'm sorry, but only senior members of the Atheist Illuminati are allowed to carry cards. We could give you one, but then we'd have to kill you. It's for your own good. Just Believe. Er... Don't Believe!
Some people carry cards? I never got a card! I applied years and years ago and I still don't have a card, so I assumed atheists don't issue cards to their membership. Gyp! Who is running the Atheist Council?
I'm given to understand it's James R and the Illuminati.I don't have an atheist card either!
Why not?? Who distributes them?
The Afterlife, Paul Simon
After I died, and the makeup had dried
I went back to my place
No moon that night
But a heavenly light shone on my face
Still I thought it was odd
There was no sign of God just to usher me in
Then a voice from above
Sugar coated with love, said, "Let us begin"
You got to fill out a form first
And then you wait in the line
You got to fill out a form first
And then you wait in the line
Okay, a new kid in school
Got to follow the rule
You got to learn the routine
Woah, there's a girl over there
With the sunshiny hair, like a homecomin' queen
I said, "Hey, what you say?
It's a glorious day,
By the way how long you been dead?"
Maybe you, maybe me
Maybe baby makes three
But she just shook her head
You got to fill out a form first
And then you wait in the line
You got to fill out a form first
And then you wait in the line
Buddah and Moses and all the noses from narrow to flat
Had to stand in the line
Just to glimpse the divine
What you think about that?
Well it seems like our fate to suffer
And wait for the knowledge we seek
It's all his design, no one cuts in the line
No one here, likes a sneak
You got to fill out a form first
And then you wait in the line
You got to fill out a form first
And then you wait in the line
After you climb, up the ladder of time
The Lord God is here
Face to face, in the vastness of space
Your words disappear
And you feel like swimming in an ocean of love,
And the current is strong
But all that remains when you
Try to explain is a fragment of song
Lord is it, be bop a lu la
Or ooh poppa do
Lord, be bop a lu la or ooh poppa do
Be bop a lu la
Songwriters: Paul Simon