Can a hollow planet exist?

Larry Johnson

Can a planet exist with no core, just empty space? Perhaps a bubble of molter rock could solidify filled with gas. How thick would the crust have to be for the planet to remain intact?

Water: If the planet contained some water would it pool at the bottom of the planet, or would it constantly slosh around?

Gravity: Would the spinning of the planet act as a centrifuge forcing the contents of the planet to the sides? So people in a hollow Earth would walk on the crust internally, as we do externally? Their 'sky' would be a ceiling with people walking on it!
I don't think there could be a hollow planet. But a rock with a bubble should be possible. So size makes all the difference.
A hollow sphere has zero gravity inside, assuming that the sherical shell does not vary in density from one region to another. Unless density variations were extreme, I would expect it to have approximately zero gravity inside.

Such a planet could exist & would be stable assuming suitable materials comprising the spherical shell. I would not expect it to form under any conditions likely to occur naturally, but it could be constructed by a technological culture. Aside from an amusement park feature, I cannot think of any use for such a planet. Perhaps it might be useful for zero-G experiments.

Rotation would cause water or gas to collect at the internal equator.
a hollow planet definitely can exist.
the various space shots prove that.
the question becomes one of size and possibly spin rate.
spinning a hollow "planet" will produce an "artificial" gravity in addition to what the "planet" already has.
as for the gravitational forces i have no clue

i don't know if such a planet can be naturally formed but you could possibly excavate an asteroid.
a hollow planet definitely can exist.
the various space shots prove that.

Do you have any references or cites for that statement?
According to the current definition of planet, I think not.
Must be spherical due to self gravity. No natural hollow body would meet this criterion.
Must gravitationally dominate it orbital slot. Pluto fails of the last one which is why they now say we have eight planets. Any artificial hollow structure would fail this one.
the gravitational forces on a hollow planet big enough and thick enough shelled to hold together would melt almost any substance around its inner shell boundary (the earth melts rock less than 75k down). Rock also flows while "solid", under pressure.

We're talking diamond or the like, for the inner parts of the shell, if you want to maintain a hollow inside.
the gravitational forces on a hollow planet big enough and thick enough shelled to hold together would melt almost any substance around its inner shell boundary (the earth melts rock less than 75k down). Rock also flows while "solid", under pressure.

We're talking diamond or the like, for the inner parts of the shell, if you want to maintain a hollow inside.
the gravitational forces on a hollow planet big enough and thick enough shelled to hold together would melt almost any substance around its inner shell boundary (the earth melts rock less than 75k down). Rock also flows while "solid", under pressure.

We're talking diamond or the like, for the inner parts of the shell, if you want to maintain a hollow inside.

My understanding is that the partial melting of the upper mantle is driven by the rise in temperature - itself due to decay of radioisotopes - combined with relatively low pressures. Higher pressures raise the melting point of rocks, surely, not lower them?

But you're right of course that a hollow plant would implode or crumble, due to the rocky shell not having enough strength - whether liquid or solid - to resist the pressures due to the force of gravity.
But you're right of course that a hollow plant would implode or crumble, due to the rocky shell not having enough strength - whether liquid or solid - to resist the pressures due to the force of gravity.
then why didn't the shuttle, command module, lunar module ascent stage implode?
sputnik one was largely a hollow ball with a transmitter.

i believe the spin rate will negate some of the downward force of gravity.
then why didn't the shuttle, command module, lunar module ascent stage implode?
sputnik one was largely a hollow ball with a transmitter.

i believe the spin rate will negate some of the downward force of gravity.

Haha very funny. This must be a bid for a place in Pedantry Corner in Private Eye.

But I think you're confusing "planet with "satellite".
then why didn't the shuttle, command module, lunar module ascent stage implode?

Because the gravity it created was immeasurably small.

sputnik one was largely a hollow ball with a transmitter.

Again, the gravity it created was immeasurably small.

i believe the spin rate will negate some of the downward force of gravity.

It would actually make things worse by removing much of the benefit of having a sphere (all forces in compression.)
Haha very funny. This must be a bid for a place in Pedantry Corner in Private Eye.

But I think you're confusing "planet with "satellite".
my post was to show it's possible to construct "a planet" with people living inside it that would survive space travel.
i also stated it would be a matter of size and spin rate.
It would actually make things worse by removing much of the benefit of having a sphere (all forces in compression.)
surely there must be a sweet spot where size and spin rate can make such an idea work.
surely there must be a sweet spot where size and spin rate can make such an idea work.

No, because the stress is never relieved at the poles.

The beauty of a sphere is that it is always in compression. It's like an arch bridge; any additional pressure is spread along a perfectly symmetric surface, and that surface starts out in compression, which is where most substances are strongest. It is only once you propagate the stress far from the original point that you start to see tension forces, and by that time the forces are spread out enough that they are considerably weaker.

The other nice thing about a sphere is that gravitational pull inside the sphere is zero at every point. The only place it acts is outside the inner surface - so a very thin shell will greatly attenuate gravitational forces.

Once you spin it the sphere will try to bulge in the center. It will turn from a sphere into a disk shape, and its poles will try to collapse towards the center. (Or it will try to resist that force, in which case you just took your balanced sphere and added all sorts of additional stresses to it.)

In general you cannot spin a sphere to create gravity. If you do you will distort the sphere (see above) and only create "gravity" along a strip along the equator. No spin can create downward force at its axes.
my post was to show it's possible to construct "a planet" with people living inside it that would survive space travel.
i also stated it would be a matter of size and spin rate.

surely there must be a sweet spot where size and spin rate can make such an idea work.

Ah OK I see, you mean really a big-ish spacecraft rather than a really planetary sized body? So you'd spin it for artificial gravity? But then, why a sphere rather than a wheel, like the space station in "2001"?
I think hollow earth can be better visualize when we recognize that gravity is really a push. (Search Walter Wright for that push gravity demonstration.)

The solar system creates a bow shock. a wrinkle in space-time fabric primarily from the sun. The planets are captured in this wrinkle and are dragged into the direction of the sun. However, the planets and the sun's push gravity works to prevent the planets into colliding towards the heliocentric point of the bow shock.

The push gravity model and space-time heliospheric bowshock may explain many things including:
- hollow earth
- blown up Maldek which became the asteroid beyond Mars (if Maldek was solid, it might have not imploded)
- planets not falling into the sun or moons not falling into earth despite elliptical orbit (newton's law presupposes a given radius of revolution)
- planets that are original to the solar system revolving in the direction of the rotation of the sun: counter clockwise
- planets with a different rotation may have extra solar origins or subjected to outside collision/influence eons ago
- the magnetic polar shift (like those traced from piled up lava strata from different eras) do not result to the planet flipping vertically in relation to the sun
- why the following do not happen: the geographic north pole of one planet flipping towards the south pole of another planet/moon/sun.

*Inner Sun
The earth's inner sun is the resonator that creates a push gravity for its inhabitants. These beings do not float around the hollow earth unless they have a means to fly. The hollow earthers walk on their concave topography as related by Olaf Jansen in the recounting of his experience.

The push gravity from earth's inner sun coming out of one of the poles encounters the push gravity from helios (solar system central sun), and then it is bent and turns inward again into the other pole of the earth. In the process creating aurora at the points of impact and separation.

* Spacetime curvature
The interaction of resonance flowing from the inner sun and the resonance within the solar system (heliosphere) creates a curvature as if like the edges of the bowling lane canal.

If your bowling ball falls in that canal, it is somehow trapped unless it is rolling with enough force and spin. In other words, it can be a toroidal flow of forces that creates a curvature in space-time fabric around the planet.

These toroidal flow create many phenomena. Magnetism is an offspring of the flow of this compacted commingling of push forces from inner sun and the heliosphere. Within this curvature of space, the mixing currents of helios and the inner sun is compressed and induce grid formation and magnetic ley lines.

Placing pyramids over the aquifers of the major points and ley lines, it will be possible to accumulate usable energies:

The smaller objects (like cars, rocks, etc) that don't exert their own push gravity or at least not enough, will then be captured by a pull force around certain boundary created by the space-time curvature of the planet.

Newton's rule of thumb is then applicable to that curvature.

The objects in the Solar Systems are all captured in the moving space-time curvature of the sun, the heliosphere. And the resonance of the sun related to creating the solar push gravity bends accordingly (together with other cosmic rays) and returns to the sun within the bow shock of its movement.

That is why push gravity force from the sun affects even the sides of objects not facing the sun.

* Tunnels and Portals:
The curvatures around space objects may intersect and create a current that can be used as space elevator or an invisible cosmic sail wind to speed up travel.

The galactic central sun can use these tunnels to send new energies (via a relay mode or directly) to our sun and then to earth.

When space tunnels or such phenomena occur, portals may become visible. Flying a compatible ship through them will be like zipping with the speed of tachyon. Travel will be faster than light.

* Spacetime into Timespace
Artificially, a ship can be made to create it's own toroidal containment in order to create it's own internal gravity, space-time inside and time-space portals for surfing. On earth's surface. structures can be made to create a contained time-space rip to serve as a star-gate.

When an advanced spaceship create this field, it can travel through time instead of space (fully or partially) and will become hard to see. Inside the contained space-time, the occupants will not be subjected to G-force but feel normal. Looking outside, they will observe people etc., slowing down, frozen or moving backwards commensurate to how they surf the time-space.

* Our experience contrasted with those living in the hollow earth
What we experience on the surface of the earth is a strong pull of the curvature of space and a lesser push from the resonance permeating the heliosphere.

Inside the hollow earth, the beings are mostly shielded by the containment of the interior of the mantle, so they are experiencing only the push of the inner sun.

Thus beings inside the hollow earth will grow bigger. However, 3D bodies will be less dense.

Because those who live in the hollow earth is inside the containment of the earth, the distortion of space-time is avoided.

1. They are living in a containment with fairly only one gravity resonance which is exerted evenly in all direction inside the sphere creating a self contained smooth space-time fabric.

2. Their mental orientation regarding time is fairly undisturbed, they are not reminded about aging due to a constant daylight and no seasonal change.

3. They have harmonious interaction with nature and peers.

Because of these, their bodies evolved with less stress and attained their potential. Another effect is that they become timeless. So a moment inside the hollow earth living in the Now moment, when compared to the surface. will translate to years. They are therefore by our measures, immortal.
Push gravity has been debunked many times, in many places.

but this goes way beyond push gravity, into realms of woo-woo unexplored since Velikovsky.
Push gravity has been debunked many times, in many places.

but this goes way beyond push gravity, into realms of woo-woo unexplored since Velikovsky.

Has any scientist accepted Walter Wright's challenge? If it was debunked, why is the universe expanding, instead of shrinking due to attraction? Why are the shepherd moons of Saturn pushing the ring of ice in line? And why do these ice and ring materials do not clump into one another forming instead a coagulated orb?

So if the academe cannot explain something, it is woo-woo?
Has any scientist accepted Walter Wright's challenge? If it was debunked, why is the universe expanding, instead of shrinking due to attraction? Why are the shepherd moons of Saturn pushing the ring of ice in line? And why do these ice and ring materials do not clump into one another forming instead a coagulated orb?

So if the academe cannot explain something, it is woo-woo?

If the academe cannot as yet define gravity, they must not limit it's definition to a pull force. They must instead be open to any possibilities that can be demonstrated as in the case of the various demonstrations available at Walter Wright's museum for gravity.