It's physical maths, not just maths.
Sounds like back peddling.
You are ignoring the = sign. It is included in the maths. = is a check. So you are allowed to check the result.
Firstly = is not 'a check', it is an equivalence relation. Secondly what are you comparing? Distances. The definition of distance is something non-trivial. You define distances using metrics or norms (they are different things!), of which you can pick many for some spaces.
For instance, suppose you're considering points in 2 dimensions. How far is the point (x,y) from the origin (0,0)? If you use the Euclidean norm it is $$||(x,y)|| = \sqrt{x^{2}+y^{2}}$$. If you use the Manhattan norm it is $$||(x,y)|| = |x|+|y|$$. If you use the infinity norm it is $$||(x,y)|| = max(|x|,|y|)$$. If you use the Lp norm then it is $$||(x,y)|| = (|x|^{p}+|y|^{p})^{\frac{1}{p}}$$ (so the L2 norm is the Euclidean one and the L1 norm is the Manhattan one). And this is just a simple case, never mind issues like curved spaces like in general relativity (which is just applied Riemannian geometry).
Since you no doubt don't understand the general formulas I've just given consider (x,y) = (3,-4). For the L1 norm $$||(3,-4)|| = |3|+|-4| = 3+4 = 7$$. For the Euclidean norm $$||(3,-4)|| = \sqrt{3^{2}+(-4)^{2}} = 5$$. If it's the infinity norm its $$||(3,-4)|| = max(|3|,|-4|) = 4$$.
So before you can even use the = to 'check' distances you have to define distances. And thus also assumes you're already working in some kind of space, with different directions. Vector spaces are non-trivial mathematical concepts either.
Furthermore if you're going to have a theory of everything you never to explain where this space comes from. You can't say "This thing is at that point" because 'points' are places in space so you're presupposing space. Loop quantum gravity doesn't presuppose the existence of space-time at all and tries to construct it. In string theory space-time is an ensemble construct due to lots of closed strings. It is possible to construct valid, consistent string dynamics in spaces which
do not have the notion of points. Distances are
meaningless in such constructs but string theory can still be done in them.
So while you think you're making no assumptions in terms of mathematics you've actually made a ton of them. The reason why you don't realise it is because you have such a poor mathematical background and you don't realise just how far even basic high school mathematics is from
true first principles of logic.
In the 1910s Russell and Whitehead tried to write a single set of books which developed mathematics from true first principles, called Principia Mathematica. It took over 360 pages for them to develop enough logical structure to show 1+1=2.
360 pages.
That is how far even 1+(-1)=0 is from
true base axioms.
Anyway the check gives you some answers to quantum physics.
Prove it. You accused mpc of just spitting out random posts, let's see you do better.