Billy Baxter
Registered Senior Member
i see you still don't understand: it doesn't matter if i "believe" or not because it's true (or factual) regardless of the belief of the observer
case in point: a man gets hit by a car and breaks his legs. he can believe he was hit by god, but regardless of what he believes, he was still hit by a car. it was not a gust of air, meteor or any other object and this is validated by not only the evidence but that you can reproduce the exact same injuries under the exact same conditions with the exact same parameters.
1- valid as proof of what?
2- in science? nope; in religion? this is like asking if faerie farts cause hurricanes: so long as that is what you want to believe then it will be true only to the believer... it doesn't make it reality any more than standing in a garage makes you a Toyota.
it doesn't matter what my opinion is or what spirituality is
it aint science and it aint a scientific truth in any way, shape or form
it also has nothing to do with science
nor does it really have to do with proving your beliefs with science
So how can you be sure we're not all just thoughts in the mind of a dreaming god? That your eyes actually see what's really there in front of you?