Body image


Valued Senior Member

There is so much body image pressure, especially directed at women to be a certain weight.

I see nothing wrong with some of her weight gain.

It's unproductive to body shame people especially when there is nothing wrong with their health.

Society should really change body size/image impositions and let it be okay for people to be any size they are or want to be.
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The best way to show the rag writers that this stuff is not worth our attention - is to not propagate it at all.

i.e. why offer approval here? Why dignify the act of passing judgment in the first place?
they are both the same person. she just gained weight recently and pressured to lose weight by her management and just by social ridicule.
One of my favorite models(or was it her sister?)
One day, I queried "are you alright"?
"why" (she asked)
"The last session" said I. "I had your belly perfect, but today, it's different. Have you taken up swimming or dance or something?"
"I have a confession" said she "I have a twin sister and when one of us can't make it, the other takes her place. One of us is ten pounds heavier and I ain't saying which one."
Then, she said that "both had been modeling for 4 years", and I "was the first to notice the difference".

OK both of these young women were smoking hot.
10 pounds more or less made no difference to their desirability.

She(they?) modeled for this:

Nice bods, great attitudes!
(that ain't an easy pose)
Isn't it just as judgmental to give a thumbs up to some body as to give a thumb's down?

Either way, we're reinforcing that body image is important and is being judged all the time. The fact that we happen to give superstar X a thumbs up, is not nearly as telling as the fact that we make the judgment at all.

Surely the only socially-evolved way to show that body image is not important is to not keep talking about it.

i.e. is this thread not just as much part of the problem? Actually, worse, because it's hypocritical: paying lip service to healthy body image, while in actuality reinforcing the social pressure.
Isn't it just as judgmental to give a thumbs up to some body as to give a thumb's down?

Either way, we're reinforcing that body image is important and is being judged all the time. The fact that we happen to give superstar X a thumbs up, is not nearly as telling as the fact that we make the judgment at all.

Surely the only socially-evolved way to show that body image is not important is to not keep talking about it.

i.e. is this thread not just as much part of the problem? Actually, worse, because it's hypocritical: paying lip service to healthy body image, while in actuality reinforcing the social pressure.


A healthy body , female/male is fantastic .

Now people being fat , obese and out of shape , seems to me to be acceptable . In the mainstream . But what of the health of being all of those ?

They are not healthy . Bottom line .

A healthy body , female/male is fantastic .

Now people being fat , obese and out of shape , seems to me to be acceptable . In the mainstream . But what of the health of being all of those ?

They are not healthy . Bottom line .
In the 21st century, we have learned not to prioritize secondary traits over accomplisments.

Imagine in your workplace, if your colleagues and bosses were oblivious to your brilliant work ideas and work ethic, and preferred instead to judge you on your figure.
In the 21st century, we have learned not to prioritize secondary traits over accomplisments.

Imagine in your workplace, if your colleagues and bosses were oblivious to your brilliant work ideas and work ethic, and preferred instead to judge you on your figure.

Irrelevant . To this discussion .

The thing is , being overweight is NOT healthy . Period .
BMI normal = 18.5 to 25

overweight = 25-30
obese = over 30

I had read that it is best for older people to have a slightly over "normal" bmi ---say in the range 25-27 so they have a reserve for recovering from illness or surgery,

(that being said) obese - over 30 bmi is dangerous, and for joint health/comfort losing weight is usually beneficial.
Irrelevant . To this discussion .
It is very relevant to this discussion, that we are judging whether a stranger we don't even know on the other side of the world on her ostensible weight gain of 5 or 10 pounds - all the while hypocritically claiming that we should be promoting healthy self-images.

Post 1 talks about body shaming - and yet in the same breath - manages to judge her body anyway.
BMI normal = 18.5 to 25
overweight = 25-30
obese = over 30
I had read that it is best for older people to have a slightly over "normal" bmi ---say in the range 25-27 so they have a reserve for recovering from illness or surgery,

(that being said) obese - over 30 bmi is dangerous, and for joint health/comfort losing weight is usually beneficial.

The thing is , being overweight is NOT healthy . Period .
This is not true.
Weight parameters have undergone quite a revision in the last decade or so; it has been shown that being overweight, within certain parameters, does not contribute to shorter life or more health complications as previously thought.

To be clear, I am not saying there are no restrictions; I am simply pointing out that it does end with a "period", as you seem to think.

"One study found that the vast majority of people labelled 'overweight' and 'obese' according to current definitions do not in fact face any meaningful increased risk for early death. In a quantitative analysis of a number of studies, involving more than 600,000 men and women, the lowest mortality rates were found for people with BMIs between 23 and 29; most of the 25–30 range considered 'overweight' was not associated with higher risk."

And finally, overweight is off-topic. The person in the video in the opening post is clearly not overweight.
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Look body image is about being fat or obese . And its not just about " image " . Its about , more importantly , what you can do , and what you can't do .