Black people

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humans are violent, period

J.B said:

Blacks are the most violent group of people on the planet.

Really? Have blacks ever commited acts similar to what happened to the jews during the holacaust in germany? Did blacks invent and drop a nuclear bomb on Japan? Did they almost kill of an entire race of native americans? I really don't see how you could say that.
artistmosi said:
Really? Have blacks ever commited acts similar to what happened to the jews during the holacaust in germany?
artistmosi said:
Did blacks invent and drop a nuclear bomb on Japan?.
No, what have blacks invented?
artistmosi said:
Did they almost kill of an entire race of native americans?
No, they would have had to be able to invent ships. But, if blacks were intelligent enuff to invent ships, I'm sure that blacks and native americans would have never fought at all. ;)
Great On Fries and scrambled Eggs... ... Of course I don't like eggs.... could explain the Ketchup...

Ever Just wanted to Bitch about something. Not only Because it's True enough, but because you know some one will Bitch right back at you and Put you in your place?
I can't help that Flaw in my Personality. My Father was a lawyer.
ok.. as sad as it is... the "Black" Population is Much angrier and more aggressive. And what I SHOULD have wrote was that the Reasons Above where probly part of WHY they are.
And the WHOLE bummer about it, is "What can be Done to stop it?"
I have Two Wonderful Nephews and A Beautiful Niece who are Melado. Their Poor life can be Hell at times. They ate too white on one side of the family, and too black on the other. Not that any of us on EITHER Side treat them Different. Not at all. It's just that I watch how people respond to My Eldest Nephew. He's only 14, but he looks like a young adult. And.. :( He's Automatically treated like "Watch that boy he might steal something" etc when We are in the stores together. I couldn't IMAGINE being treated like that, AND trying to "be up Beat an not Defensive". you know? He is stronger then me though. Yes Sir's No Ma'ms".... Straight A's... Loves Football... Just a Basic Kid. but one night, while the whole family was together, my Nephew and I made a Fast run at 1 am to pick up some junk food from 7-11. Our Plane was get lots of Candy and chips and soda and play a special video Game straight through till we beat it. Well.. We Drive to the 7-11... at one am.. and this Clerk... who was Indian, Imagine that, Just stared my Nephew Down. not just stared but Glared... then he fallowed us around the store. you could FEEL the previouse excitement in my Nephew drop to a cold Temperature. He Hung his head, and wanted to just leave. I told him come on lets just get our stuff, Ignore this guy, he's not even from this country. My nephew Nodded and walked over to the Soda's refrigerator and this Clerk, LOUDLY says "I NEED ID".... I look, and of course the Pop is by the Beer and wine. And I Said "I have ID, what do you need it for?"... He SMILES to me (I don't think he knew my nephew and I were together) and says kindly "Not you ma'm' HIM."... I said "Well He doesn't have an ID..." then I WAS treated like shit by this Clerk. I said, "Why do you need an ID For POP?" ..... the clerk tells us to Hurry, then storms over to his counter. We go up there with our things. My Nephew has his head down in shame, and I am PISSED. The Clerk tells him to Lift his shirt because he thought he saw him "take something." so... he did, and I said "Lets Boo Boo", a Nick name he's had since a baby. And the Clerk Says "Ya, Take your "BOO" some where else."...
We get in the car, he's choking tears back, I Feel so ANGRY. I am thinking "STUPID FOREIGNERS" ( Thinking THAT made ME Racists) ... But My Nephew just says he's "used to it." I said How in the HELL can you be "used" to being treated so badly. He said because he sees people do the opposite extreme when It comes to racism, and he just wants to live his own life. We went home that night. He didn't feel like playing the Game with me any more, and went to bed. It was a horrible Experience. So to me, I can understand the any way.. I am stepping off the soap box. And, I apologize for the ass kicking comment. I just wish there was SOMETHING that I could do, being white, that wouldn't be looked at as a "hand out" or "Pity"... but SOMETHING that FELT Equal.. and I can't come up with a damned thing :(
J.B said:
My point was that every race has done violent stuff. So you can't say that blacks are the most violent. Personally, I think the extermination of the jews is the most vicious act in modern history. It's all relative though.

J.B said:
No, they would have had to be able to invent ships. But, if blacks were intelligent enuff to invent ships, I'm sure that blacks and native americans would have never fought at all. ;)
Actually blacks did build ships. I don't think blacks would have killed the native americans. Some people believe asians visited the americas before the europeans and coexisted with the native peoples, i.e. they didn't kill them for their gold. Europeans of that time had a completely different mindset than any one else on the planet. They were conquestors, explorers, and they had definite goals. Gold, spreading religion, and power were extremely important to them and they were alot more advanced in warfare. They cared little for the lives of less civilized and less advanced people. It's sad to me that they didn't have a different mindset when they met the indians. I think the world would be a more peaceful place today if they had respected, shared, and learned from the indians; who were wise about living with nature.
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OUCH! I Didn't say that, JB said that. For ME I see that Finances in order to het a better lawyer is the Issues. I don't think Black are "VIOlENT" I think theres a Dark anger and outcast feeling in side of them that make it Easier to act out. Esspecialy in Poverty areas where books are from the 70's.... and talk about "whit this" and "white That".... But my Bigest concern is that MANY People have tried to Stop these Racial Problems, and yet, they are looked out as hand outs. Cant The Black Comunity Tell us Exactly what they would LIKE? they are human just as you and I are. But the "JB's" of the world add fule to a Painfull anger. So... What can we do?
PHPlatonica said:
OUCH! I Didn't say that, JB said that. For ME I see that Finances in order to het a better lawyer is the Issues. I don't think Black are "VIOlENT" I think theres a Dark anger and outcast feeling in side of them that make it Easier to act out. Esspecialy in Poverty areas where books are from the 70's.... and talk about "whit this" and "white That".... But my Bigest concern is that MANY People have tried to Stop these Racial Problems, and yet, they are looked out as hand outs. Cant The Black Comunity Tell us Exactly what they would LIKE? they are human just as you and I are. But the "JB's" of the world add fule to a Painfull anger. So... What can we do?

I'm sorry! You're right, J.B. said it. Really, J.B. just has to meet one or two black people that he likes or respects and he'll change. Personally, I think racism will go away in a couple more generations. Just look at the kids growing up. They are around a lot more diversity and, with the internet, it's hard to remain ignorant of history and the great achievements people of all the different backgrounds have made.

Blacks are the most violent group of people on the planet.

No they aren't.

There: now we've both provided equal amounts of evidence.

15 million

Jobs - Unemployment
Aboriginals are 4 times more likely to be unemployed than other Australians.

Aboriginal households receive 60% of the income of white households.

80% of adult Aboriginals have no educational qualifications.

National figures are not available but a survey of Aboriginal housing in Queensland in 1979 found that:

63% was totally unacceptable
34% was acceptable but needed repair
3% was on par with normal white Australia standards.
National figures unavailable but survey in New South Wales in 1980 found that infant mortality among Aboriginals was 52 per 1000—four times the national average.

Aboriginal life expectancy is 52 years, 20 years less than the national average.

In West Australia, Aboriginals are only 4% of the total population, but 33% of the prison population. In Victoria an Aboriginal has 45% more chance of going to jail than a white.

Either we already discussed this, or I have a bad case of deja vu.

I guess you forgot.
OH.. No, I put exactly that in another thread. I Feel it's important. Because on the one hade, No one wants (And feels good about) a Hand out. But the Cockasion comunity has advanved with their like Race to achieve things, that... Mojority of black americans are tying to find them selfs. ANd this ALL .. every shread of what I write, is to SAVE my Nephews and Neice from a COnfusing crule world that is based on thei Race. They are not "accetpet" in the black comunity because they are part white, and not Fully accepted in the the WHite comuninity Because they apear Dark... I want something to DO to keep them full of heart and hope that they have, while helping them succeed. Isn't this what Families do for one another? and the best start is Find the Racial Culperate, and find out WHY they seem to Racist? Are they Racist because of the majority of African americans? Or is it somethin much Deeper? As a Cockasion, I Have BEEN acused to "Pity" when it comes to Racial Descrimination. And As I White, I ahave to endour the hard Comments made by African american groups who put ME in a catagory because I AM White. I SEE the Rascism on Both sides. WHAT as a Humen Being can I DO to "Ignore" this potentialy Dangerouse Trend?
I must wonder here........... How many "blacks" (and I am uncorfortable with that term) Actualy VISIT this post? It doesnt change may aregument, but, I want to KNOW MORE of what they are experiencing. It is like the little girl when the Tide came in. Thousands Of Start sih were beached on the Sand. The Little Girl would run Up on way, pick up one or two star fish then Throw them Back into the see. Then She would go to the middle, Pick up a few more star Fish, and Hurl them back into the see. She went up and down the whole coast grabing stranded starfish, knowint there were thousands of them. And All day long she Did this. An Older man watch her do this TIl Dusk, and he asked her "Why?? Why are you Trying to save these star fish? it is there fault they are became beached. Should they just Die and become food for the Pelicans and the such?" But the little Girl Responded, It didn't mater HOW MANY Start fish she saved, because in her mind, each star fish was it's own, and that start fish pick through random selection, had another chance to not be beach, and live."
This is how I feel. I can not "save" the world, but I can make a Difference. As long as there are "hopes" it is a begining.
J.B., if you lived in the 1930s, would you support Nazi Germany? It seems like you do.

Anyways, my point is that you are a strong nihilist, to the point of self-destruction. I really don't get it, and I never will. Just like you and your views.
Incae you didn't know what it meant JB, I would like to be helpful.
Main Entry: ig·no·rant
Pronunciation: 'ig-n(&-)r&nt
Function: adjective
1 a : destitute of knowledge or education <an ignorant society>; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics> b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence <ignorant errors>
- ig·no·rant·ly adverb
- ig·no·rant·ness noun
synonyms IGNORANT, ILLITERATE, UNLETTERED, UNTUTORED, UNLEARNED mean not having knowledge. IGNORANT may imply a general condition or it may apply to lack of knowledge or awareness of a particular thing <an ignorant fool> <ignorant of nuclear physics>. ILLITERATE applies to either an absolute or a relative inability to read and write <much of the population is still illiterate>. UNLETTERED implies ignorance of the knowledge gained by reading <an allusion meaningless to the unlettered>. UNTUTORED may imply lack of schooling in the arts and ways of civilization <strange monuments built by an untutored people>. UNLEARNED suggests ignorance of advanced subjects <poetry not for academics but for the unlearned masses>.
Sentences: "JB is IGNORANT in his discussion Of black people. he may have a theory, but it is based on no Factual Evidence. IGNORANCE: a State Of being Ignorant.
yeah, mr 'stats' man JB. ht are we to make of this character? who seems to live and breathe his racist propaganda

on more than several occassions i've tried to inquirw off of him where his hate comes from. i asked him when was the first time he began feeling like he does-----no reply

i asked him if he had ever been hurt by a black person------no reply
spuriousmonkey said:
Well, they start to think that maybe a black skin helps the immunosystem fight of infections. Some other fuction of melanin.

yes but the only reason we evolve different skin is due to the climate andenviroment surroundings.

theres nothign more to it.

PHPlatonica said:
I must wonder here........... How many "blacks" (and I am uncorfortable with that term) Actualy VISIT this post?

We read Sci Forums all the time.
I dont bother responding to white supremacist drivel because they are not based in science. (as I said before, eugenics has been disproven in study after study)

In the real world, I deal with morons like JB and Firekkkros all the time.
These dolts are insecure and easily manipulated.
and they are everywhere.
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