Great On Fries and scrambled Eggs... ... Of course I don't like eggs.... could explain the Ketchup...
Ever Just wanted to Bitch about something. Not only Because it's True enough, but because you know some one will Bitch right back at you and Put you in your place?
I can't help that Flaw in my Personality. My Father was a lawyer.
ok.. as sad as it is... the "Black" Population is Much angrier and more aggressive. And what I SHOULD have wrote was that the Reasons Above where probly part of WHY they are.
And the WHOLE bummer about it, is "What can be Done to stop it?"
I have Two Wonderful Nephews and A Beautiful Niece who are Melado. Their Poor life can be Hell at times. They ate too white on one side of the family, and too black on the other. Not that any of us on EITHER Side treat them Different. Not at all. It's just that I watch how people respond to My Eldest Nephew. He's only 14, but he looks like a young adult. And..

He's Automatically treated like "Watch that boy he might steal something" etc when We are in the stores together. I couldn't IMAGINE being treated like that, AND trying to "be up Beat an not Defensive". you know? He is stronger then me though. Yes Sir's No Ma'ms".... Straight A's... Loves Football... Just a Basic Kid. but one night, while the whole family was together, my Nephew and I made a Fast run at 1 am to pick up some junk food from 7-11. Our Plane was get lots of Candy and chips and soda and play a special video Game straight through till we beat it. Well.. We Drive to the 7-11... at one am.. and this Clerk... who was Indian, Imagine that, Just stared my Nephew Down. not just stared but Glared... then he fallowed us around the store. you could FEEL the previouse excitement in my Nephew drop to a cold Temperature. He Hung his head, and wanted to just leave. I told him come on lets just get our stuff, Ignore this guy, he's not even from this country. My nephew Nodded and walked over to the Soda's refrigerator and this Clerk, LOUDLY says "I NEED ID".... I look, and of course the Pop is by the Beer and wine. And I Said "I have ID, what do you need it for?"... He SMILES to me (I don't think he knew my nephew and I were together) and says kindly "Not you ma'm' HIM."... I said "Well He doesn't have an ID..." then I WAS treated like shit by this Clerk. I said, "Why do you need an ID For POP?" ..... the clerk tells us to Hurry, then storms over to his counter. We go up there with our things. My Nephew has his head down in shame, and I am PISSED. The Clerk tells him to Lift his shirt because he thought he saw him "take something." so... he did, and I said "Lets Boo Boo", a Nick name he's had since a baby. And the Clerk Says "Ya, Take your "BOO" some where else."...
We get in the car, he's choking tears back, I Feel so ANGRY. I am thinking "STUPID FOREIGNERS" ( Thinking THAT made ME Racists) ... But My Nephew just says he's "used to it." I said How in the HELL can you be "used" to being treated so badly. He said because he sees people do the opposite extreme when It comes to racism, and he just wants to live his own life. We went home that night. He didn't feel like playing the Game with me any more, and went to bed. It was a horrible Experience. So to me, I can understand the any way.. I am stepping off the soap box. And, I apologize for the ass kicking comment. I just wish there was SOMETHING that I could do, being white, that wouldn't be looked at as a "hand out" or "Pity"... but SOMETHING that FELT Equal.. and I can't come up with a damned thing