Basic elements of Psychology


Registered Senior Member
- Ideas: sensation, decision and concept.

- Afecctions: feeling and emotion.

Feelings can be of acceptance (love) and rejection (hate).

Emotions can be active (joy) and passive (sadness).

Conscious is the short-term memory.
Subconscious is the long-term memory.
Unconscious is the biological memory (instincts).

I wonder how accurate Psychology can be.
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The study and practice of psychology is inherently subjective.
Any approximation thereof would then rather depend on the practitioner
The study and practice of psychology is inherently subjective.
Any approximation thereof would then rather depend on the practitioner

I agree.
False ideas are: illusion, hallucination and dellusion. The last two are symptoms of psychosis.

The negative affections are: frustration, anxiety and depression. The last two are symptoms of neurosis.

The satisfaction - frustration polarity of wishes is the principle that governs the mental life.

What's love ?

For me, love is the feeling that seeks the good and happiness of another person.
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