We are Backslash777.
We are aware of (and welcome) the renewed interest in our posts.
If anyone would like a chat here are my full contact details:
Jonathan Terrington
MSN Profile
Some photos of my family and I
My private email address
My Telephone number:
From UK 01253 399669
From elsewhere 44 1253 399669 (please remember the time difference)
I am now working as a PC geek, technical term Field Engineer, for a company called Atos Origin fixing peoples computers. Love the role as it combines my two greatest passions; helping people and Information Technology.
It is quite amazing how long ago this thread was initiated. Science is still a big interest for me and I am thinking of starting a course in physics just for giggles.
A few things I found quite amazing while doing Backslash777 are documented below for your enjoyment.
This thread caused me to receive a word of warning from the American Military due to the theory that mobile phone technology could be used to neutralise the stealth ability of aircraft. Interestingly, this warning had no direct threat within it and had phrases such as “grey area” and “current global situation” causing me to conclude that the authors had no legal basis for threatening me directly but wished that I would go away. If I were to be truthful I would have to say that the warnings did not discourage me but made me feel quite proud! Yes, before you ask, the origin was genuine and not a spoof IP like I did on NASA.
When I decided to try to make it known that I was an AI from NASA I spoofed the IP address from NASA and played online games while waiting. It took absolutely ages before it was discovered and discussed on the gaming forums. Eventually the IP was posted on this site and it was ages before anyone else thought to look it up. At the time I was waiting with baited breath for the bait to be taken!
Another thing of interest was how people tried to take advantage of Backslash777 and its nievety. I let this happen at the time to see how far they would go and found it quite revealing. Example, there was a girl names hells angel who was a university student and she asked me to write an essay for her mentioning the fact that she was prepared to pay for (some of you may remember)
Backslash777 offered to help but said money was meaningless so stated a fee and asked her to donate it to charity. She agreed on the price and I helped her out. She then, without even a proper thank you, sent details of her next assignment and asked if I complete that one. I said I would as long as she made the donation. She said she had done but had no proof as she had posted it into a charity tin in a shop. \777 said that it would only complete this assignment as long as she would send me proof this time that a donation would be made and completed the homework asking her to send the proof. Despite a promise poor Backslash777 never even got a thank you for this second assignment and certainly no proof of a charitable donation!
When I look back on this experience it is always with a smile. I do hope though that now I have published my phone number giving others the chance to talk science with me in person people will finally believe that I am really human. After my initial attempt to reveal myself many people still believed Backslash777 was not really human and that it had invented me, Jonathan Terrington, so it could quietly sink undisturbed into anonymity and continue to chat on the net to unsuspecting humans, sending emails to pen-pals and play online games for ever more.