Ayn Rand fans: Help decide her fate

I still don't get what did she do wrong to deserve all that you people have said to her. the cutting holes through eyes is...
I still don't get what did she do wrong to deserve all that you people have said to her. the cutting holes through eyes is...

Until you read her garbage you would not realize the reason for this hatred.
She says, it is OK to be raped for its creativity in blossoming the sexuality;
it is OK to whip your ass to get things done.. :bawl:
Everything is right "in a way".

But not every way is a way to true happiness.
well allright than, what makes you say so of Ayn Rand's work? What is it in her writing that displeases you?
Read The Fountainhead. It's a great book, and a nice introduction to her. Her most famous work is Atlas Shrugged. Also a great book, but a bit intimidating for a first time read.

She's one of my favorite authors. The Left loves to hate her. She created the philosophy called Objectivism, basically a philosophical basis for captitalism.
They can deface it, burn it, turn it into a urinal, whatever. Ayn would support their right to do any of those things, it's their property. Of course, it's an idiotic, juvenile act of destruction. But what the hell, she had the gall to defend capitalism.


With awful, grandiose tomes that could have been edited to include only the relevent content: "I once skimmed through some Nietzsche, I have horrible self-esteem issues, I like money and I want hunky dudes to rape me."

The rest is repetition upon those themes.

Really? That's it. Nothing else? You seem to have over-simplified all her books, which is the usual tactic of uninformed partisans.

I suggest cutting eye-holes in it, making it a mask and wearing it to Halloween parties.

Because that would accomplish something.

I never announced that. :mad: And if her name is Ayn Rand she has long way left Russian culture.

From what I recall: She emmigrated to the USA and chose the name "Ayn" (a relettering of the word "ein" which is German for "one") and "Rand" (the name of the typewriter she used). Her original name was: Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum in St. Petersburg Russia to Jewish parents.

yeah I never did read anything she wrote. What did she write about? And also if she did wrote garbage than why are there so many fans?

Even if you don't agree with the overall philosophy of books, they are still monumental works and immensely entertaining. That, in the end, is all that we can really demand from an author.

Her villains are either self-conscious untalented conspiracists who get together like high school cliques to unfairly deny glory to the hero, or parents.

There are no children.

The European Jewish ethnic origin is interesting, in the line of a heroic characters with great abilities held down by the demands of mediocrities or undermined by their moms/dads - compare Chaim Potok's protagonists ( better written books), the authors of much superhero comic book and cartoon stuff, or the comment Joseph Heller once made: that everyone in his (European Jewish immigrant) neighborhood knew - knew - that Superman was Jewish.
It is almost a comfort to me that I've never read Ayn Rand. It's kind of like not reading/seeing the English Patient.

I mean, in an age where most modern philosophers are not only unloved but unthought-about, your average beret-wearing libertine can always have an argument with your average gun-collecting moral constructivist about some dead lady who sounds like she's got a "rugged individualists having their way with the goodly earth" fixation.

Perhaps I am wrong, but then - Oh Apathy! - I find myself unable to care. About the drawing I must follow David Hume's advice (for this specific case):

DHume2003 said:
Does it contain any abstract reasoning concerning quantity or number? No. Does it contain any experimental reasoning concerning matter of fact and existence? No. Commit it then to the flames, for it can contain nothing but sophistry and illusion.

Burn thou that sucker, that I may not have to hear about Ayn Rand again.

A few things:

1. This was kinda funny.
2. But, it would appear that the funny guy who made this never actually read the book. I believe it was super banker that ran the diner in Galtville. Might have been super tobacco exec guy...
3. I wonder if anyone realizes the hidden sentiment of utter contempt for the 'underclassses' that this comic portrays. After all, cooks, servants, farmers, etc can't excel at their jobs, can they? They're just poor, poor victims who have to be helped through their lives by their betters. Right?
Man, people need to examine their ideals a little better. That's just sick. Pretty indicative of America's situation though. Perhaps the world?

Rand's philosophy has many problems. Being oversimplistic being the largest.
Her writing has many problems. Being repetitive being the largest.

But, much of her philosophy and her writing is simple common sense.
I think Atlas Shrugged could have used a long intimate session with a heartless editor, but I consider it a good read and would recommend it to anyone.

As to Hume:
Originally Posted by DHume2003
Does it contain any abstract reasoning concerning quantity or number? No. Does it contain any experimental reasoning concerning matter of fact and existence? No. Commit it then to the flames, for it can contain nothing but sophistry and illusion

I always found this ironic. A touch of sour grapes perhaps.
Hume was, after all, dealing with Human Understanding which is about as abstruse as it gets.
It seemed to me he was railing against how other philosophers were being eaten up like candy by the public while he was getting a big fat nothing.
Poor David. Doomed to abstraction.