Australia Faces Grave Threat - From Clowns!

racism and threats against clowns, even when they are just being clowns. what is the world coming to? does one bad, axe wielding, killer clown spoil the whole bunch for the public?
Are clowns not people too? Just because they are creepy and wear a big red nose..doesnt mean they dont have feelings too, even if it might be homicidal.
OMG. Clowns are not a race, you used the word race.
In answer to your use of ''homicidal''.
That's just like saying... Are the Ku Klux Klan not people too? And they usually act their dirty deeds at night also like these scary clowns.
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OMG. Clowns are not a race, you used the word race.
In answer to your use of ''homicidal''.
That's just like saying... Are the Ku Klux Klan not people too? And they usually act their dirty deeds at night also like these scary clowns.

you are so right. I stand corrected, since you took the posts about clowns literally. how un-pc of me. I didn't know you were such a clown activist, considering you called them sh*theads earlier. my apologies.
I didn't know you were such a clown activist, considering you called them sh**heads earlier.
The scary clowns that go around alone at night are sh**heads. But, coming from you even the ''homicidal'' clowns have the right to walk the streets at night because their people too:
Are clowns not people too? Just because they are creepy and wear a big red nose..doesnt mean they dont have feelings too, even if it might be homicidal.
That is a scary thing to say.