Aureon research .

remediation of nuclear waste .

Need I say more .
SAFIRE Project[edit]
The International Science Foundation (a front group of EU supporters who falsely claim to neither support nor oppose[20] the Electric Universe hypothesis) says that they provided $2,200,000 USD to fund a laboratory experiment to test the EU claims regarding the nature of the Sun.[21] There is no independent analysis of their work and no publications about SAFIRE found on Google Scholar. The SAFIRE Project is housed in Mississauga, Ontario, and is documented in videos [22] from the EU2016 conference. They say that their intent is to compare the results of this experiment to the results of NASA's Solar Probe Plus mission[23], and thereby demonstrate whether the EU solar model has any grounding in reality.[24]

Electric Universe (EU) is an umbrella term that covers various pseudo-scientificcosmological ideas built around the claim that the formation and existence of various features of the Universe can be better explained by electricity and magnetism than by gravity alone. As a rule, EU is usually touted as an aether-based theory with numerous references to tall tales from mythology.[2][3] However, the exact details and claims are ambiguous, lack mathematical formalism, and often vary from one delusional crank to the next.

EU advocates can be roughly split into two groups. The first are garden-variety physics cranks who are convinced that they have a legitimate, revolutionary scientific theory, and that the scientific establishment is either blindly ignoring them out of misplaced faith in their own theories, or deliberately suppressing them for some greater, nefarious purpose.

The second group is composed of various other woo-peddlers who use EU claims to prop up their main ideas (because mainstream physics would blow them apart). For these people, the EU hypothesis is a means to an end, not an end in and of itself. The more common subsets of this group include some Young Earth creationists, who wish to discredit the mainstream cosmology and geology suggesting that Earth is billions of years old, and some of the loonier fringes of global warming denialism (such as Vault-Co), who are trying to find some process outside human control that they can attribute climate change to. The latter particularly like the hypotheses of Pierre-Marie Robitaille.

EU conferences[edit]
Each year the Electric Universe holds their annual EU conference, where a seemingly endless parade of misguided fools take to the stage and discuss mythology, homeopathy, dipole gravity, and other equally absurd nonsense. The only common thread is the notion that a conspiracy is afoot to suppress their oddball beliefs.[4] The conferences are open to the public, provided you cough up the $395 price of admission.[5][6]

In an interdisciplinary science like the Electric Universe, you could say we have no peers, so peer review is not available.
—Wallace Thornhill
Didn't read or view the research , apparently .
Correct. The Electric universe nonsense was debunked two decades ago. I don't need to read what a couple of more fools has to say about it.
Read my link, particularly the highlights.

Didn't read or view the research , apparently .

Correct. The Electric universe nonsense was debunked two decades ago. I don't need to read what a couple of more fools has to say about it.
Read my link, particularly the highlights.

So you admit that you have neither read nor viewed the research .

Your stupidity has no bounds .
So you admit that you have neither read nor viewed the research .

Your stupidity has no bounds .
I thought we were friends rive old beast.
Actually I know more about this nonsense then even you do. I did afterall read the Book "The BB Never Happened" quickly and efficiently debunked by the experts.
Don't take it too hard river...its dead and buried, that's the end.

remediation of nuclear waste . And has the proof that it can actually do so .

Need I say more .
Yes. Where's the proof?

I had a quick look at the "Science of Safire" on the linked site. Here's the sum total of their "science":

"We introduce hydrogen into the chamber.

The anode is a metal alloy.

The power going in is electrical.

The reaction produces high-energy levels which translate to thermal heat.

The heat creates steam to run a turbine to generate electricity."
Pretty informative, eh? It involves some kind of unspecified chamber, an unspecified metal alloy, an unspecified power input, an unspecified reaction, an unspecified energy production mechanism and an unspecified process for converting to heat.

They have a pretty picture of a metal box with unspecified contents, and some generic photos of something that looks like a vacuum chamber.

Got a link to the proof you mentioned, river?
Yes. Where's the proof?

I had a quick look at the "Science of Safire" on the linked site. Here's the sum total of their "science":

"We introduce hydrogen into the chamber.

The anode is a metal alloy.

The power going in is electrical.

The reaction produces high-energy levels which translate to thermal heat.

The heat creates steam to run a turbine to generate electricity."
Pretty informative, eh? It involves some kind of unspecified chamber, an unspecified metal alloy, an unspecified power input, an unspecified reaction, an unspecified energy production mechanism and an unspecified process for converting to heat.

They have a pretty picture of a metal box with unspecified contents, and some generic photos of something that looks like a vacuum chamber.

Got a link to the proof you mentioned, river?

Did you happen to look up those that are partners involved in the research ? Apparently not .

  • Vantage Machine Ltd.
  • DMI Precision Ltd.
  • Fogler Rubinoff LLP
  • University of Toronto
  • Princeton Instruments
  • Delta Photonics
  • Brooks Automation
  • Intlvac
  • Fluke Corporation
  • Plasus
  • Computer Elite
  • Orillia Tool & CNC
  • SAS Institute
  • Red Cage Solutions
  • Swagelok Company
  • Kurt J. Lesker Company
  • Hathaway Consulting Services
  • Paradigm Creative Group
  • Silver Wolf Productions
  • Spectragryph
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The remediation of nuclear waste is right now , the single most important thing this technology can give us .
Just looked at the link under movies..and as predicted the usual baseless claims or lies from river...Nothing at all that proves anything about remediation of nuclear waste.