Of course.
Not sure if you're talking tongue-in-cheek.
Do you take any credit yourself for knowing good from bad? Or does all the credit go to your mom?
Yes I take credit and responsibility for all of my actions, and the mindset that led to them.
The trick is in understanding your own programming.
I was having a bit of a rough go of it while in the army. I had a difficult time when forced to tolerate stupidity and ritual.
(When the Tao is lost, there is goodness. When goodness is lost, there is morality. When morality is lost, there is ritual.)
One fine day, I was wandering o'er the commons when a major called out to me. Not wishing to engage in conversation, I ignored him.
Shortly thereafter, he was standing in front of me demanding that I salute him(ritual).
I began to do that, then paused...for a moment of enlightenment... I then began to follow the programming while voicing the actions aloud.
cub scouts salute with 2 fingers(and did so)
boy scouts salute with 3 fingers(etc)
Explorers with 4
and the army with all five
Dumbfounded, the poor fool spun on his heel and walked away.
I watched him depart for a moment while storing the memory, then went back to my own thoughts.
When you know your own programming and then choose to follow it or deviate...that is taking personal responsibility.
And I would have it no other way.