Atheist expects death to be oblivion.

"Thou doth protest beat others too much" ... hence et al
You bungled the wife beating application, and you still haven't mastered the protest meme. I suggest you either master the nuances of the English language or use a better translator.

Jesus committed suicide for your sins.
Jesus committed suicide for your sins.
Oh, much like you may or may not still be beating your wife, et al and so on ...

Btw, I find it cute that even after I go to the trouble of finding an article that granta your silliness the greatest charity, you put on your grammar nazi cap, wiggle your hands, and then repeat the same blithe "unawareness" that all loaded q's have at their core
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Jesus - assuming he existed at all and lived anything like the stories - allowed himself to be killed for an illusion.
Correction - three illusions: the magnanimity of a spiteful god; the market-value of self-sacrifice; the sensibility of humankind.
. . . finding an article that granta your silliness the greatest charity, you put on your grammar nazi cap, wiggle your hands, and then repeat the same blithe "unawareness" that all loaded q's have at their core
Your ranting has become completely unintelligible.

A suggestion - stop screaming at your computer, wipe the spittle off your screen and browse a website with pictures of funny cats for a few minutes.
But the sentiments, they are to a very large extent influenced by religious beliefs. The US may pretend to be a secular democracy, but it's still so predominantly Christian as to not even question or notice those influences. It still at least 75% believes in sacrifice as a virtue (without regard to its outcome)
Do you think 75% of the country sees the sacrifice of the 9/11 terrorists as a virtue?
English not your primary language? Go look up the meaning of the saying and try again.
Oh, I despise people who resort to inflammatory speech, in any language. It is typical of hate mongers. We are hearing much too much of it lately.
Do you think 75% of the country sees the sacrifice of the 9/11 terrorists as a virtue?
Of course not! Cowards, every last one! Or, as so many American posters expressed it at the time, BASTARDS!!!
75% of Americans identify as Christian, which makes Muslims their natural enemy. Whatever the other descendant of Abraham does is automatically wrong in the eyes of the Lord.
Still, those sacrifices were made for religious/national glory.
The Americans who senselessly and unwittingly died (didn't make any decision to sacrifice themselves) were revered as martyrs and the emergency workers who died afterward were lauded as heroes.
.... However, their long-drawn-out illness and the subsequent cancer outbreak in the vicinity affecting all kinds of non-combatants, was not celebrated by a grateful society, because those senseless deaths were due to irresponsible capitalism

So, you see, sacrifice is not equally valued across the universe.
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Of course not! Cowards, every last one! Or, as so many American posters expressed it at the time, BASTARDS!!
Exactly. It's the cause that determines, for us, whether suffering/martyrdom is heroic.
75% of Americans identify as Christian, which makes Muslims their natural enemy.
Malala Yousafzai? Shot three times by Taliban terrorists when she was 14. She is now seen as a hero; she won a Nobel peace prize when she was 17 for her work on women's education.

Kareem Khan joined the US military to fight terrorism. He received a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star before he was killed in action. Another hero.

Again, it is actions, not religion, that determines it for us. (Most of the time, at least.)
Your ranting has become completely unintelligible.

A suggestion - stop screaming at your computer, wipe the spittle off your screen and browse a website with pictures of funny cats for a few minutes.
Do you even know what Capracus is trying to discuss?

If you do, feel free to come in with a more helpful angle, rather than jumping in with generic, content-free tirades.
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Exactly. It's the cause that determines, for us, whether suffering/martyrdom is heroic.
Your cause vs their cause. You see their defectors as heroes; they see them as traitors. They see your traitors as heroes.
Again, it is actions, not religion, that determines it for us. (Most of the time, at least.)
No, it's the suffering or death - in your cause. You don't celebrate positive action for its own sake - in fact, the system usually impedes/punishes positive action by the undeclasses -- unless they're shot full of holes in public.
Maybe it's all orchestrated by the florists.
Oh, much like you may or may not still be beating your wife, et al and so on ...

Btw, I find it cute that even after I go to the trouble of finding an article that granta your silliness the greatest charity, you put on your grammar nazi cap, wiggle your hands, and then repeat the same blithe "unawareness" that all loaded q's have at their core
Rather than troubling yourself with finding an article relating to the suicide of Jesus, you simply could’ve addressed the subject yourself. Then to further complicate the issue you mistakenly frame the question of Jesus’s suicide as a loaded question, which triggers you into a defensive posture that results in this nonsensical wife beating mantra. Your apparent lack of grasp in the meaning of some phrases indicates some linguistic challenges on your part, I suggest you address these deficiencies or your communication skills will continue to suffer.
Your cause vs their cause.
Exactly. And different groups have different causes. It's the cause (and the actions towards that cause, and what they sacrificed to perform them) that's important for both of them - although of course not everyone agrees on those causes.
Atheist expects death to be oblivion.
So do theists. They just pray in the hope it isn't so, but alas it surely will be. Atheists just have made their peace with that individual ending which makes room for a replacement.

When there is only change, nothing can stay the same, there is only conversion.
One thing needs to die for another thing to live.
Everything we do is controlled by the way our brain and our body works so yes there's obviously no life after death.

Even our thoughts are governed by biochemistry.

Our brain is like a computer which will stop functioning once its components fail. There is no afterlife for broken down computers.
Venturing into to the Land of Make Believe, a notion of life as a universal sensory organ could be argued, and the cessation of an individual life does not negate the experiences acquired by that life. A central character in this Land of Make Believe, let’s call him Mr. Rogers, could be a repository for all of the experiences garnered by the countless life forms that have existed through all eternity. Thus when we we expire as human beings, our existence continues in the memories of Mr. Rogers.