...There's no shortage of arable land on this planet, without having to destroy any more rain forests. ...
Your statement is correct but implies that the rain forest is being destroyed to grow crops. It is being destroyed by wealthy people who like the looks of fine woods, especially mahogany. A single tree delivered to the saw mill can be worth $1000 to the illegal cutter, who normally sets fire to the forest after removing the highest value trees in effort to hide his crime.
The most silly assertion, once made by
Time is the rain forest is being destroyed to grow sugar cane for alcohol production. Alcohol is never shipped in Brazil more than 400 miles. More than half of all the cane fields are in the state of Sao Paulo as to be economically competitive the cane must be growing within about 50 miles of the distillery and most of them are within that state as that is near the large markets of Sao Paulo city and Rio. The rain forest is at least 800miles too far away from the markets to be economically competitive. Also note that less than 2% of Brazil's farm land is growing sugar cane. Pasture makes up about 50% as Brazil has the world's largest cattle herd. If concerned about the rain forest stop eating beef and never buy fancy woods - best to comment when in friends house that his mahogany end tables etc. are why the rain forest is being destroyed as feww understand the real cause. (Consider it an eductional duty as I do when posting this here.)
IMHO, much of the false information associating the destruction of the rain forest with either alcohol production or even food crops is a combination of two factors:
(1) The natural desire of the worlds wealthy to try to blame someone else for the evils they do.
(2) The intentional misleading propaganda of the corn to alcohol interest.
Those interest cannot justify the taxpayer high subsidies they receive by noting the corn based alcohol uses about the same fossil energy as is in the alcohol produced but sugar cane alcohol contains about 8 times more energy that the fossil energy used in its production.
Nor can they justify making Joe American's cost of driving significantly higher with the import tariffs on tropical alcohol so they can profit more with sale of a product damaging the public health and wealth.
Nor do they dare to acknowledge that corn grown in cold Iowa requires much more Nitrogen fertilizer to mature in the shorter growing season, which a Noble prize winning soil specialist has recently pointed out make huge increase in the NOx pollution as soil bacteria process most of this fertilize into NOx instead of the growing corn utilizing it. This NOx pollution ALONE is greater GHG than would be released than simply running the cars on gasoline and also quite a health hazard!
While the diversion of corn to non-food uses, probably does increase the cost of Joe American's food, that is not certain; but at least less is available for export and that weakens the dollar which makes imports more expensive for Joe, including especially oil.
Faced with these adverse facts it is little wonder that they mislead the ignorant public with false claims that Brazil is destroying the rain forest to produce alcohol. If I were among the wealthy less than 1% who profit from Joe American's extra taxes to support the subsidies and care zero about the fact he can barely afford to drive his car, I would tell lies to the US population also.