An encounter with "black eyed children"

I like to think urban legends/hysterical epidemics are symbolic externalizations of our collective psyche. Nowadays there seems to be a linkage of these sightings with southern border xenophobia, perhaps capitalizing on the archetype of the "alien" in both it's extraterrestrial AND extranational instantiations. Ever notice how alien creatures always seem to pick on remote rural dwellers, people particularly prone to a frightful vigilance regarding trespassers and outsiders?
I like to think urban legends/hysterical epidemics are symbolic externalizations of our collective psyche.

Sleep-paralysis seems to feature some kind of archetype handed-down to and varying with each generation (whether that pattern is biologically or culturally inherited). Depending upon the century, the hallucinated content could be anything from demon to old-hag to space-alien, that gets plugged into the template. A figure entering the dark bedroom to hover menacingly over the frozen, half-awake / half-asleep "victim". Changing with the social trends of whatever older supernatural / Clarke techno-magical threat becomes popular. In one era some incubus / succubus is performing dastardly violations on the person's body; in another its futuristic machines drilling into the skull and facilitating the traditional violations.
Sleep-paralysis seems to feature some kind of archetype handed-down to and varying with each generation (whether that pattern is biologically or culturally inherited). Depending upon the century, the hallucinated content could be anything from demon to old-hag to space-alien, that gets plugged into the template. A figure entering the dark bedroom to hover menacingly over the frozen, half-awake / half-asleep "victim". Changing with the social trends of whatever older supernatural / Clarke techno-magical threat becomes popular. In one era some incubus / succubus is performing dastardly violations on the person's body; in another its futuristic machines drilling into the skull and facilitating the traditional violations.

Reminds me of a terrifying scene from "The Grudge" (American version) where a woman is lying paralyzed in her bed and screaming while a little black-eyed asian boy sits off in the corner and watches. A common experience for me in my half awake states, only mine involves being held down by little black-clawed demons. I can really feel those claws stabbing into my palms. So real. No wonder people suspect preternatural foul play during these experiences. Then again, if I were some disembodied psychic parasite savenging off intense human emotions, what better time to attack my prey than when they are are asleep?

A common experience for me in my half awake states, only mine involves being held down by little black-clawed demons. I can really feel those claws stabbing into my palms. So real.

The reason I mentioned "drilling into the skull" is that is one of the common experiences I had back in the days when I occasionally suffered the condition in the early morning hours. I can't even remember what I interpreted the entities as -- aliens or demons, etc. Pretty sure it was the noise from the fan of the air cleaner / ionizer that got converted into a "drilling sound" by my brain during those quasi-dream episodes. With my visual hallucinations in turn conjuring the applicable hand-held machine in response to those audible modifications. I had deliberately tampered with the fan to make it sound louder than normal, because the steady, random noise usually allowed me to sleep sounder (drowning-out other sounds from outside or inside the house, I guess).
I had an encounter with the Black Eyed Peas that wasn't very pleasant. Not a big hip-hop fan I guess...
Black eyed "kids" hu? Maybe they are wearing those color contacts.