Slow down their Heckler, your not making sense. I start a POSITIVE post, you make a NEGATIVE comment without reason. The feeling is mutual I wouldnt want to be an egotistical SOB like you and i think the majority would agree. Secondly, make sense when you try to cover up your ignorance when you PROCLAIM that I PROCLAIM that my country has been misunderstood or misjudged, where did I PROCLAIM that? I merely stated that it seems were always getting hammered down and I would like to here some positive comments, what wrong with that HECKLER, do you own these forums?
I’m sure there’s about as many intelligent people in the U.S.A. as there are beardless men in Iran or atheists in Saudi Arabia or blondes in Africa.
Americans are nice and personable people, on average, in the same way all imbeciles are nice and personable. Their ignorance makes them innocent and their simplicity makes them cute - children.
But what can you say about a nation where 80% of its population still believes in ghosts and talking to the dead (I forget the precise percentage) or where 60 million of its citizens believes in a fanatical religious absurdity called ‘The Rapture’?
What do you say about a nation that tries to impeach a president for dropping his pants in the Oval Office but doesn’t bat an eye when one lies to them and sends many to their death half a world away, under false pretences, invoking some absurdity concerning freedom, or one that sells drugs for guns but plays the the part of good ol' American cowboy?
What do you say about a nation drugged up on saturated fats, who’s most recent cultural contributions have been Britney Spears, Hollywood idols and rap tunes, where emasculated Negroes display their own hyper-masculinity and sell it as an elixir to castrated youths?
What do you say about a nation still debating
Evolution (if the shape of the Earth had any personal existential ramifications the
Flat Earth theory would still be on the table) or where they make international decisions in complete ignorance of history and geography and geopolitical balances?
What do you say about a nation more interested in Monday Night Football scores and soap-opera dramas and
idololatric fame and fortune, caught up in materialistic decadence, or who still believe in the benevolence of their nation’s diminishing power or who equate liberty with having multiple soft-drink options while they have no problem with a two-party political option?
What do you say about a nation of wealth still caught up in a nineteenth-century racial calamity and that can dispense billions towards securing Iraqi oil fields, where corporations make trillions of dollars on the blood, sweat and tears of ignoramuses, but that can’t provide basic health care for its own citizenry?
What do you say about a nation of self-proclaimed altruists, totting guns, as a matter of their civil rights, but that do not lose any sleep and do not pour out into the streets in protest when their fundamental civil rights are slowly taken away, under the premises of national security, which are motives just as shaky as those dreaded Iraqi W.M.D.’s?
What do you say about a nation where its citizenry lack a basic understanding of their own single national language and then portray themselves as the defenders of ‘right’ and what is ‘good’ in a world they know nothing about, using such childish concepts as ‘justice’ or ‘good & evil’?
Here’s some positive comments about the good ol’ U.S.A.:
They are an example of the most sophisticated form of population and mind control in the history of mankind.
Globalization= Americanization – the leveling of every culture into a pancake of non-distinct superficiality.
Where, in the past, empires have attempted to remain powerful through force, the U.S.A. is doing it through Orwellian subtlety and soft-power; an empire built on the docility, inebriation and stupidity of its population trying to spread its ‘example’ across the globe and calling all resistance to it ‘evil’ or ‘terrorism’.
Here again the specimen of American culture displays a fundamental aspect of American docility.
It wants to ignore reality and simply wallow in a ‘positive’, feel-good stupor.
The big bad world frightens it and makes it feel sad.
Give it a dose of Hollywood fantasy to feel better about its growing feminization.
And where’s the chips and beer…don’t forget the beer,
Everybody Loves Raymond is up next.
Isn’t the American “free-press” wonderful?
Now that’s “reporting”.
And yes just as all hatred towards a black man is due to race so is all distaste for Americans due to jealousy.
The entire world is jealous.
That about sums about the average American’s understanding of world affairs.
Peace out!!!!