You may understand there are two elements everytime in opposition in the universe:
Particules of Light/Darkness
Positive energy/Negative energy
Positive fields/Negative fields
Electron + / 'Electron' - : Neutrons
Time compression / Time expansion
There is only something in between which is not the center but the equilibration of both...
-Mr. Newton's equation from World Enterprises.-
2n = 1 (n = Time Variable) 2 = 2 variables : (forward + backward)
32L = Eophis Variable / "Eophis" = Light acceleration
Let's choose "32" as an example
L (example) = 100.000 km/s
6 = Total Number of max dimensions contained in the Universe
X 200k (X= distance variable) (200k = mass of the object in kg)
3.14 = 1 infinity in the universe
2n x 32L + (X meters)(200k) - root/racine carre of 3.14 divided by 6
= 64n +(X meters)(200k) - root of 3.14 divided by 6
Now, X reference = 1
= (remark the beautiful equilibration in this number)
640064 x 200 - root of 3.14
= 128012800 - 1.77
= 2133633,0383 = addition of Time X Eophis =
2 + 32 = 34
Then, 2133633,0383 = 34
At 2133633,0383 time expansion
is corresponding :
34 = time compression.
Then do you agree with me that a 200 kg object is making 2 133 633, 0383 meters in 34 seconds of
Speed-Light acceleration....passing through a Gate...?
0r 2133, 633 Km in 34 seconds?
Understand now that the Maximum mass of an object is limited and that passing this limit there is a risk of
implosion inside the gate.
Limit is : 36 000 Kg.
This is why Aliens use a very strong but not heavy material to built there SpaceCrafts from generations.
This material is based on Tungsten and a white liquid or powder translucid which is solidificating the
material that can support a pression of 100.000 milibars per cm.
The Speed acceleration will not exeed 340.
340 x 36 000 divided by 6 dimensions = 20 40000 m/s for 1Kg = 2040 km/h per second.
for a 20 kg object = 40800 km/h ; you can now imagine how fast goes a Space Pyramidios; even able to
reverse time.
also remember we have 60 minutes in an hour corresponding to the Silver number 6.
7 is for God/Gold number and 8 for the Universal infinity.
Also there is a variable we don't have to forget; it is K.
K is tracing time back and forward passing thru the Gates.
We can control K to an absolut "0" which is the center of the crossfade made by the Gates. This control that
I'll explain later is made to not affect external Time and internal Clock of the travelers.
At this point energy's mass is changing: electrons are moving from their imanent layers to other places. All
the composed atoms passing thru the Gate can be permuted and restructured the state they've been before at
the outside. The time values they got permutted enters through a computer board program which enables the
Ship to be sent at any point of the Universe for this reason:
Deep-High frequencies are setted adressed close to Light value in the universe. A pulsar, for example, is a
Balistic response for the computer like when auto-pilotes Virtual Active Systems (VSA)-(NASA) have been
taken under control of a central tower. Every Pulsar is emetting in different sources-directions many
different stable high-freq. The board computers are calculating the way like a Sextant does onto a Sea-Ship.
Imminent layers places are infinite; they define each
ISS (Intelligent SolarSystems) locations into the Universe.
Note: Space-Crafts of such a dimension are used to transport space-teams of a minimum
of 500 board-entities.
1 Alien Reptilian = 34,3 kg Min.
SpaceCraft ever built = 21000 kg Max.
Onto Board =
1.No food : All products needed can be replicated.
2. 221 L. of Water on board.
Max 557 Places CrysoÔds-Tubs. Passengers are asleeped when the Gate is Opening.
Dimensions 1, 32 meters high; 35 to 40 cm large.
Gate entries are made possible after leaving Planets Attraction.
Particules of Light/Darkness
Positive energy/Negative energy
Positive fields/Negative fields
Electron + / 'Electron' - : Neutrons
Time compression / Time expansion
There is only something in between which is not the center but the equilibration of both...
-Mr. Newton's equation from World Enterprises.-
2n = 1 (n = Time Variable) 2 = 2 variables : (forward + backward)
32L = Eophis Variable / "Eophis" = Light acceleration
Let's choose "32" as an example
L (example) = 100.000 km/s
6 = Total Number of max dimensions contained in the Universe
X 200k (X= distance variable) (200k = mass of the object in kg)
3.14 = 1 infinity in the universe
2n x 32L + (X meters)(200k) - root/racine carre of 3.14 divided by 6
= 64n +(X meters)(200k) - root of 3.14 divided by 6
Now, X reference = 1
= (remark the beautiful equilibration in this number)
640064 x 200 - root of 3.14
= 128012800 - 1.77
= 2133633,0383 = addition of Time X Eophis =
2 + 32 = 34
Then, 2133633,0383 = 34
At 2133633,0383 time expansion
is corresponding :
34 = time compression.
Then do you agree with me that a 200 kg object is making 2 133 633, 0383 meters in 34 seconds of
Speed-Light acceleration....passing through a Gate...?
0r 2133, 633 Km in 34 seconds?
Understand now that the Maximum mass of an object is limited and that passing this limit there is a risk of
implosion inside the gate.
Limit is : 36 000 Kg.
This is why Aliens use a very strong but not heavy material to built there SpaceCrafts from generations.
This material is based on Tungsten and a white liquid or powder translucid which is solidificating the
material that can support a pression of 100.000 milibars per cm.
The Speed acceleration will not exeed 340.
340 x 36 000 divided by 6 dimensions = 20 40000 m/s for 1Kg = 2040 km/h per second.
for a 20 kg object = 40800 km/h ; you can now imagine how fast goes a Space Pyramidios; even able to
reverse time.
also remember we have 60 minutes in an hour corresponding to the Silver number 6.
7 is for God/Gold number and 8 for the Universal infinity.
Also there is a variable we don't have to forget; it is K.
K is tracing time back and forward passing thru the Gates.
We can control K to an absolut "0" which is the center of the crossfade made by the Gates. This control that
I'll explain later is made to not affect external Time and internal Clock of the travelers.
At this point energy's mass is changing: electrons are moving from their imanent layers to other places. All
the composed atoms passing thru the Gate can be permuted and restructured the state they've been before at
the outside. The time values they got permutted enters through a computer board program which enables the
Ship to be sent at any point of the Universe for this reason:
Deep-High frequencies are setted adressed close to Light value in the universe. A pulsar, for example, is a
Balistic response for the computer like when auto-pilotes Virtual Active Systems (VSA)-(NASA) have been
taken under control of a central tower. Every Pulsar is emetting in different sources-directions many
different stable high-freq. The board computers are calculating the way like a Sextant does onto a Sea-Ship.
Imminent layers places are infinite; they define each
ISS (Intelligent SolarSystems) locations into the Universe.
Note: Space-Crafts of such a dimension are used to transport space-teams of a minimum
of 500 board-entities.
1 Alien Reptilian = 34,3 kg Min.
SpaceCraft ever built = 21000 kg Max.
Onto Board =
1.No food : All products needed can be replicated.
2. 221 L. of Water on board.
Max 557 Places CrysoÔds-Tubs. Passengers are asleeped when the Gate is Opening.
Dimensions 1, 32 meters high; 35 to 40 cm large.
Gate entries are made possible after leaving Planets Attraction.