data is a strange animal
[it depends on what directive the creators have to fashion its value often]
If we look at HIV diagnoses by race and ethnicity, we see that Blacks/African Americans are most affected by HIV. In 2018, adult and adolescent Blacks/African Americans accounted for 42% of all new HIV diagnoses. Additionally, Hispanics/Latinos are also strongly affected. They accounted for 27% of all new HIV diagnoses.
how many different whites are there in the world ?
how many different blacks are there in the world ?
is that a valid scientific question
is it some type of deliberately designed manipulative narrative ?
above statistic's require mediation via interventions
socio-ecconomic access to sex education & contraceptives
in the usa this is the dirty word
socio-ecconomic institutionalized class systems of oppression
soo ... as you can see the science is driven up to the front kerb and then pushed out of the car in-front of the school bully & left to get a kick in the face & sexual assaulted
labelled as "un avoidable risks of life"
Aloe vera juice is a good source of one of the eight major nutritional sugars.
aloe vera juice is said to deliver good results with daily ingestion for arthritis suffers after several weeks of every day use
(taken as soon as they get up on an empty stomach)
elderly diets is a constant problem
diets in general is a LARGE constant problem
when people are motivated enough to start daily measuring & self administration to deliver less pain
they tend to pay closer attention to the quality & content of their diet
millions of middle class people are looking to exploit this & make millions by never giving a solution and selling it over and over
soo... if your asking(expecting, selling or buying) capitalism to solve science(an illness)
your singing the adult version of a children's fairy tale