After moon, where should NASA go?

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... I know, which is why I said until the tech improves. As in, a new method of getting into space that is cheap and can be more open to the common man.
That will not be chemical rockets for reasons I explained related to the specific impulse limits. Hydrogen being very light and releasing a great deal of energy when oxidized is hard to beat - why it was used.

...Although resources will probably become a better enterprise once the resources on Earth become scarce.
No even extracting from the oceans is much cheaper than using moon resources. Material resources do NOT get scarce - they remain on Earth. It only gets more costly as the natural concentration is reduced. Given the fact that the moon is smaller, has less internal radioactive heating and certainly less gravitational collapse heat when it formed, it is highly likely that the concentration of the "resources" there is much lower than on Earth. The moon has no volcanoes. - It is the internal heat that separates material into ore bodies. This alone, even neglecting the huge cost of going to get them and returning them to Earth, makes "moon resources" unattractive economically!

Forget about this stupid idea. If I must explain it to you a fourth time you are equally stupid.
...What about personal space vessels? Like cars, except they are space ships, that are mass produced and made affordable to the common man. There's a profit.
Now you are talking. Want to invest in my "pixy dust" plant ?
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Maybe they should focus on making a lasting base/enviroment bubble type structure on the moons surface before trying to launch off anywhere else. I don't know much about space travel but wouldn't it be alot more effective with a working set of factorys on the moon, making the moon a gateway too and from earth. The thrust needed to escape the earths atmosphere must use up way more energy than launching a craft directly from the moon to say ie Mars.

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter is supposed to be looking for water under the basalt rock. If found that would solve our settlement problem as we can get the Hydrogen and Oxygen from that to refill the tanks if we can carry them. Since there will be plenty of sunshine, we could even grow food there.
Maybe they should focus on making a lasting base/enviroment bubble type structure on the moons surface before trying to launch off anywhere else. ...
I have wasted 3 minutes or so trying to find an old thread thabout the three most important /interesting inventions yet to come (or something like that) One Of my three was a Moon Base. I went into some detail about how it would be. (Underground as the sun shines continuously for 14 earth day with no clouds) and how it would be powered - large rooling sun screen keeps solar heat form the cold patch of earth during the 14 days and then moves over to cover the Hot patchwhen14days of nite come to reflect the radiant heat back into the dirt. A heat engine with coils in these two patches to collect high temperature heat and dump waste heat will have high efficiency as the temperature difference is very large.
Maybe they should focus on making a lasting base/enviroment bubble type structure on the moons surface before trying to launch off anywhere else. ...
I have wasted 3 minutes or so trying to find an old thread about the three most important /interesting inventions yet to come (or something like that). One of my three was a Moon Base.

I went into some detail about how it would be. (Underground as the sun shines continuously for 14 earth day with no clouds and micro-meteors make it too dangerous to be long on the surface.) and how it would be powered - large rolling sun screen keeps solar heat from the cold patch of dirt during the 14 days and then moves over to cover the Hot patch when14days of nite comes to reflect the radiant heat back into the dirt. During this time the cold patch is cooling down by radiating to the ~10K sky.

A heat engine with coils in these two patches to collect high temperature heat and dump waste heat will have high efficiency as the temperature difference is very large and the heart sink is very cold - much colder than antartica.

Main use of the base is astronomy - long exposure during the 14 day long very black night.
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I think you wasted 6 minutes, and that is way too much. We already killed the argument for NASA's future.
Not NASA's. It is a Chinese moon base.

One of my other three inventions was a "data dot" (information source for a 3D holographic projector with information more than 1000 old fashioned blue ray DVDs could hold). I advised visitors to the Chinese moon base not to take any data dots with them that show nude ladies doing wird things in 3D as the Chinese are still quite prudish.
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I mentioned that in footnote of post 15 as follows:

"... *Solar flux deposited He3 is the only one that might be there worth the cost of bringing it to Earth. (I think essentially none is there as helium is extremely volitile and the surface of the gets very hot during the 14 days of steady sunlight.) Until, if ever, man knows how to make controlled fusion that He3 is not worth much either. ..."

That is it only value of significance and that requires the controlled fusion on Earth is both possible (I have my doubts) and economically competive. - I am almost sure it is not, never will be, against other known solar energy systems.
Yeah well in that other reply you did not care to mention it.

You seem to obstruct any idea of space being useful for humankind.

Well guess what even if there was no Helium-3, it is always will be in our best interest to spread to space and use the resources there (even under false pretenses) as a driving force to expand our civilization.
You're assuming that
A) anti-gravity is possible and
B) it's a propulsion method. :rolleyes:

I do not wish to get into any arguments. I only wish to get the information out there.

Reports are already out in the open, it is only up to you whether you choose to accept them

This technology already exists and is operational on several aeronautical craft.

Source 1

Source 2

"The TAW-50 is a hypersonic, anti-gravity space fighter-bomber" Makes for excellent reading even if you do belong to the cult of "no." lol
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I do not wish to get into any arguments. I only wish to get the information out there.
Reports are already out in the open, it is only up to you whether you choose to accept them.
This technology already exists and is operational on several aeronautical craft.
Richard Boylan - a self-confessed technological ignoramus (check out his "science and technology" reading list it's published on his website I think).
Quite simply he's wrong and has no clue as to what he's talking about.
And FYI my information comes from aerospace insiders and my own experience in that field.
Self-confessed? Do provide that link.

Like I said, I do not wish to debate, I just wish to share a point of view. You are welcome to the "official" information. Of course they aren't going to let classified material to the public, even to your "insiders." This sort of stuff, if this, "Cabal" with their intentions and motives, which is highly undemocratic were to exist, would not be open public knowledge. Only whistle blowers would tell the straight facts in my view. Like I said, it's a choice. You have chosen, fine.

I have seen enough, and so have others, to know better. I am very aware that there IS a NWO. I've studied politics all my life. I am not naive. You choose your world view, I'll choose mine. I know what the truth is, I am not blinded by bias anymore.
Again there is nothing on the moon that is not available on the Earth 100 times cheaper.

With all respect Billy, because I will not reject your viewpoint out of hand, could not the same be said about the colonisation of America?
Was there anything in America at the time which could not be had in Europe at a fraction of the cost?

In my opinion, our next step is still the moon.
It's exploration and possible exploitation.
Mars is a future objective, but a current diversion from what should be our main goal.
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