Aether Wave Theory - a new approach to the contemporary physics understanding

What do you think about AWT?

  • Simply amazing, I can't understand, why such concept wasn't invented a long time before!!! 8-))

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • I hope, it will be successful and long living concept not just in physic as such :-)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • What's the matter? I don't care about it... :-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • |A quite interesting concept, but too much general for practical purposes... :-\

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Too much gaps in logic and low predictability to single hypothesis.... :-(

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • Word salad, as usually... :-((

    Votes: 11 64.7%

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  • Poll closed .
But what i am saying is, is that there is no way, even with an Aether concept can we measure what is going on inside a black hole. We can only speculate. But suppose it is true:We would expect the same laws in this universe we exist in right now, for this universe itself wold have to be the interior of a black hole... But things just aren't dense enough from an observer inside a black hole.
...But things just aren't dense enough from an observer inside a black hole...
Of course, because what you can see is just a tiny, subtle density fluctuations of environment, which is even much more dense. But the density of matter/energy inside of elementary particles isn't so distant from the conditions, predicted by different theories for it. By Wheeler's calcullation the energy density of vacuum foam corresponds well the energy density inside of black hole (some 10E+90 J/m3, as it can be estimated from third power of Planck constant easily). You can consider it as another evidence of this model (which was proposed a long time before the AWT was postulated, after all).


The black hole universe model is not idea of mine. The quantum foam model of black hole interior was proposed by Kip Thorne, which was the student of J.A.Wheeler, who was the father of the quantum foam concept for vacuum.
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I'll continue to talk about this... but can you please edit your last response of page 1... you've qouted something read-only said to you, and said it was me saying this...:)
and said it was me saying this.
there is no way, even with an Aether concept can we measure what is going on inside a black hole.
That's true - but who cares? We cannot even measure, what's one hundred metters bellow the Earth mantle.

On the contrary, just from these reasons, we should use as simple and straightforward logic as possible during development of physical theories. For example, if we don't know, why the black hole shouldn't behave as a dense stars, we shouldn't consider the opposite. If we don't know, how the interior of black hole is behaving, we should consider the dense particle stuff as a starting hypothesis. If we don't know, how such dense particle system is behaving, we should use the behavior of dense vapor as a first shot. And so on.

Only after these trivial models will be refuted reliably, you should consider the more abstract and complicated one - but not before. But as I can see, you're not big friend of Occam's razor criterion, aren't ya? Why?

The Occam's razor is the only relevant clue, which we have when considering the relevance of theories: if two or more ideas are of different complexity, the most probable is the simplest one. Just because of principle of least action by AWT. The information tends to spread along as short and straight path, as possible, because it's being driven by innertial diffusion, i.e. by the same way, like the energy.
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Black holes are very dense from the outside, but the equations describing their interiors are not... I just don't see how any Aether Concept today would help us understand, even the nature of this universe we live in.

What excperimental evidence do you suggest? I cannot think of any, without resorting to the old theories, which are now overthrown.
..I just don't see how any Aether Concept today would help us understand, even the nature of this universe we live in..

The AWT says, the Universe is basically of chaotic nature of many quantities, the pair of them (inertial energy and mass density) is relevant for us due the anthropic principle. You can think about it as about solution of question: how the ideal shape and density of inertial gradients should appear to see as most from our Universe, as possible. This question is quite relevant in dense fog of inertial particles. If such fog will be too dense, you will not see many particles because of dispersion. If the fog will be too sparse, you'll see at the distance, but you'll see a too few particles anyway. So here's some optimum density of fog, which will enable you to see as much, as possible.

..What experimental evidence do you suggest?..
For example, this is the scheme of MAGIC experiment (dispersion of gamma light), which is relying to the spin foam structure of vacuum. In fact, the same reasoning is working even for inertial foam, too. But the AWT is predicting the same result even for the case of microwaves, which are expected to be dispersed by the vacuum foam as well.


The another question is the intepretation of well known reality. Can you explain, why the light is spreading in transversal waves at the distance? If the vacuum would be of zero density, then the frequency of energy waves would be infinite. Why just the transversal waves? We know, in sparse particle encironment the energy spreads along longitudinal waves. But as the environment density increases, the character of energy waves will change to the transversal one.


When the density of vacuum foam increases (for example near magnetars and black holes), we can observe the gradual switching to the transversal model of energy spreading again, followed by the birefringence of vacuum, multiplication of event horizons and many other related phenomena. The system of testable predictions of AWT are quite broad and complex.
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This so-called gamma-dispersion, sounds very similar to the failed aether-wind predicted from Michelson-Morley experiment... or perhaps it is I who is not understanding?
''you're not big friend of Occam's razor criterion, aren't ya? Why? ''

Because not everyting in this universe can be summed up so easily. In other words, a universe as complex as this one, will not allow us to reduce its complexity so readily.
This so-called gamma-dispersion, sounds very similar to the failed aether-wind predicted from Michelson-Morley experiment...
Even the Maxwell has predicted the Aether drag and the light invariance violation correctly - he just didn't realized, the Aether is so dense, so that these phenomena would occur ouside the visible light spectrum region.

..Because not everyting in this universe can be summed up so easily...
This is just a conjecture. Here are many who are believing, the final theory of Universe should be very simple, at least conceptually. The Nature is full of examples, where the simple mechanism leads to the very complex results. The ontogenesis of human brain, for example: everything about it is hardcoded in the linear sequence of genes. Isn't it amazing?

With respect of this the AWT isn't far so special, it just extrapolates the same concept for inertial matter evolution.
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My computer is very slow at the mom.
Note for Read-only and others:

Don't incorporate my images into your quotes. Some browsers are handling the larger number of animated GIF badly.

After all, the repeating of images in posts is thoughtless and useless.
I'll keep the number of images on the single page low for the future.
Even the Maxwell has predicted the Aether drag and the light invariance violation correctly - he just didn't realized, the Aether is so dense, so that these phenomena would occur ouside the visible light spectrum region.

This is just a conjecture. Here are many who are believing, the final theory of Universe should be very simple, at least conceptually. The Nature is full of examples, where the simple mechanism leads to the very complex results. The ontogenesis of human brain, for example: everything about it is hardcoded in the linear sequence of genes. Isn't it amazing?

With respect of this the AWT isn't far so special, it just extrapolates the same concept for inertial matter evolution.

I have a problem with the superdensity you are referring to...

The Lumineferous Ether, would need to exist in your theory, and it is considered to be the medium through which light propagates... Light is very very very light... almost weightless in comparrison to your dense theory... If this is so, then no wind could even be produced as a photon moved through it... no?

''Isn't it amazing?''

Yes, the universe is amazing, and what is even more amazing, is our lack of understanding of it...
In other words, something as light as a photon, wouldn't be dragging the aether, but the aether would become a resistence on the photon.
.....Light is very very very light.........
The mass of photons plays no role in considering of Aether density, but the energy density. And the energy of gamma radiation is able to break the atoms into particles - which is something, which cannot be done by the heaviest hammer available. Such energy density must be mediated and transfered by the environement, which is even much more dense: from this the idea of dense Aether of AWT follows. It's trivial causality requirement, no less, no more.

IYes, the universe is amazing, and what is even more amazing, is our lack of understanding of it...
The more it's surprising the apparent unwillingness of many people to consider the most simple explanations first and foremost. But the people tends to the mysticism, the complexness of contemporary theories is just replacing the religion for many people.

..something as light as a photon, wouldn't be dragging the aether...
The water is rather dense, but the tiny surface waves aren't dragged by the underwater: just because they're so tiny, so they don't penetrate the underwater. By AWT the Lorentz invariance of light spreading to the Aethe reference frame has the very same origin: the light waves aren't penetrating the interior of Aether foam, so that they're using just the surface membranes. By such way the absolute motion of Aether is undistinguishable for us by the same way, like the tiny surface waves (so called the capillary waves) are ingoring the underwater motion. With respect of these waves the water is behaving like thing elastic (mem)brane, so that the motion of underwater doesn't influent the surface wave spreading, despite of its energy density. Again, just a Victorian physics is required to understand that.
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I know the energy of the photons (for they do not have a mass), do not determine the density of the Aether, but rather a coupling effect is determined by the theory as it propogates through it... It is a medium after all. If what you where saying where indeed true, then the Aether would result to act against the photon.
I am right in believing that the classical Aether is supposed to be a very ligh medium, as in, not very dense at all? - I'm a bit tired... I could be getting this wrong... but isn;t this heavy density something you have created yourself?
...the Aether would result to act against the photon...
The Aether is dispersing the light photons at the case, when the wavelength of light becomes too high or too dense. From microwave perspective we can observe the foam structure of nested vacuum foam at the cosmological scale by the same way, like the short gamma ray is dispersed in the MAGIC experiment.

The observation of polarization of microwave bacground differs from the gamma dispersion just by distance scale. The vorticity of Aether environment is the main reason of so called materialization of light. During this the virtual pairs of particle-antiparticles appears by the same way, like at the case of vortices at the water surface. The light is making the Aether turbulent easily, but the resuting vortices are recombining much more easily, then at the case of fluid environment. This is because the Aether is behaving like elastic foam rather then fluid, where the particles are moving freely.


...isn;t this heavy density something you have created yourself..
Of course, the heavily dense Aether is the concept of AWT, but conceptually this idea was hidden in the Maxwell's assumption of transversal spreading already. Because just the very dense inertial environment can spread the energy in transversal waves preferably. By such way, Maxwell was rather close to the ultimate Aether understanding in whole its depth.
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These in specific:

''I know the energy of the photons (for they do not have a mass), do not determine the density of the Aether, but rather a coupling effect is determined by the theory as it propogates through it... It is a medium after all. If what you where saying where indeed true, then the Aether would result to act against the photon.''


''I am right in believing that the classical Aether is supposed to be a very ligh medium, as in, not very dense at all? - I'm a bit tired... I could be getting this wrong... but isn;t this heavy density something you have created yourself?''