Valued Senior Member
what is the difference in ideology ?
andrew is a Chinese american ... ?
an american
a democrat
a man
a middle aged man ?
a human
etc etc
ask 100 american working class who work 40 hour weeks on wages for an employer
and do not earn over 50k USD
"what is the difference between a democrat and a socialist?"
you could divide that up into ethnic classes immigrants, 1st 2nd gen etc
there must be a few Chinese decent americans who are 3rd or 4th generation americans
the "virtue signaling" of political class toward ethnic class is a highly dubious activity
it tends toward a normalisation of xenophobia as a culture model that demands ethnic intellect levels be defined during nurture as a base false premise to create false culture.
i have met mixed market chinese
socialist chinese
capitalist chinese
the act of extrapolating a subjective meaning by their comments to define external culture class is ...
imperialistic at best
imperialism is not inherently bad
slavery is inherently bad even though all culture systems have class systems
slavery is a form of class system
but is slavery imperialism ? no!
are class systems inherently bad ? depends on the foundational concept of human value
all friend groups could be defined as a class system based on expressed values of hobbys and likes etc.
who would wish to muddy the waters ?
those with a pre defined intent to avoid people making up their own minds.
i dont think(though i am making a statistical guess not an appraisal) Dennis really understands the difference between mixed market economics and capitalism as a ethnic class system(how many people do?)
obliviously, now i have lined the concepts i have almost designed several answers for Dennis to which makes your inquiry less potent.
such is the fickle nature of complex concepts
i doubt Dennis will respond, his posting habit is not debate on specifics.
the parallels i see in Asian hate culture in the usa is the potential and intended directive culture narrative as the nazi hate toward jews
chinese americans being hard working & very street smart in business
now with china having so much american companys decide to move there
china has money power over the perception of common american consumer markets
that american hate toward opposing power figures, disguised as conservative small government and hyper liberalism
framed as "real republican"
is easily leveraged toward defining china as the new big bad guy for having all the power
all the power that americans gave them for more american elitist profit
imagine if the chinese government decide to lock down all those american companys in china
and stop sending goods to the usa
imagine that as a dystopian american apocalypse movie of their(usa) own desire & making
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