Sarkus said:
But "accidently" is becoming more accepted... but I still flinch when I see it written... as it just strikes me as wrong, even if it is accepted.
Thanks for everyone for the contributions. I used the longer version, and as it seems, it was the correct one although personally I prefer the short version...
"Evolve" means, basically, "change." In biology it is assumed to be an adaptive change, resulting in a new type of organism that is somewhat better adapted for survival in its environment. In language it means pretty much the same thing.Many will remind that language is dynamic and constantly evolving, but what does "evolving" mean in this context?
Our spelling is already erroneous and weak. Perhaps if it becomes even more so, our people will finally demand the reform that's half a millennium overdue. Why should we be so smug about every vowel having at least three different ways to be read? Why does every word we borrow from a foreign language retain its original spelling instead of being anglicized?Does evolution naturally favor the erroneous and weak?
No. So please explain why you think that spelling "accidently" with slightly more phonetic precision than the traditional way makes communication more difficult? In 50 years everybody will pronounce it that way, whether we change the spelling or not.If the language "evolves" in a way that makes communication more difficult, is it really evolving?
I've already dismissed with great prejudice your rant about spelling. Come to me with a decent spelling system and we'll talk. As for grammar, grammar evolves as civilization evolves. We don't have grammatical cases like the Germans any more, because we don't need them.But I don't see the degradation of communication skills, including spelling and grammar, in a society as a positive evolution. It seems regressive in undermining the communicative utility of language by favoring the erroneous and ignorant.
You sound more like my mother in 1954 every day.Maybe it's just me, but yeah, I believe (1) that American English is changing in order to accommodate the erroneous, and (2) such changes are degrading the utility of language, and therefore harmful to society and the species.
"Accidently" is in the dictionary. (Don't tell Tiassa or he'll have a heart attack.) "Personly" is not. The difference is that a lot of Americans pronounce the word "accidentally" that way. Not very many of us elide the A in "personally."Personally or personly?
Is it? I'm not disagreeing, I just wasn't aware that this was the case.Notice that Standard British English is spoken much more quickly than Standard American...
Hmmm. I think this is a tendency rather than the rule. It is becoming more common, but to me (at least) it still smacks laziness and uncouth speech.and one of the ways they get more words per minute, without simply talking at machine-gun speed like the Spaniards and Italians, is elision. They compress unaccented vowels out of their words so that a word that has four syllables in our dialect, such as "peremptory," has only two in theirs: "premptry."
No, the accurate phonetic transcription is still with 5 syllables.We do this too, just not to the same extent. A perfect example is the way many Americans pronounce the five-syllable word "accidentally" as a four-syllable word, "accidently." To spell it that way is, to be sure, a lapse in scholarship, but it is also a more accurate phonetic transcription of the word.
Except for all the accents they decide to put on their vowels, you mean, that change their pronunciation?English spelling hasn't been reformed in centuries: this is why we still have the silent GH in "through" and the silent K in "knock." Almost every other European language underwent reform so that its written words are at least recognizable, if not faithful transcriptions of speech. (French, obviously, is the other exception, explaining why moi is pronounced MWA instead of MOY.)
Indeed - I agree with your argument, but I do hold to Tiassa's sentiment.So please explain why you think that spelling "accidently" with slightly more phonetic precision than the traditional way makes communication more difficult? In 50 years everybody will pronounce it that way, whether we change the spelling or not.
It may not matter any more than understanding or appreciating the etymology of words, and the Latin or Greek languages. It becomes an intellectual position (I don't mean a position from which to demonstrate one's intellect but one of the intellect) that one is loathe, or unable, to relinquish.How about the subjunctive? Are you one of the sixteen Americans who faithfully say, "If John were here he would know what to do," instead of, "If John was here"? And if so, what the hell does it matter?
Of course.Do you say, "A series of tests was performed,"...
Hmmm. That irks even the scientists not involved with String Theory. But it sounds better and more serious than String Guesswork....such as scientists' haphazard use of the word "theory?" They expect people to understand that the Theory of Evolution is the closest thing to a fact that has ever been discovered by science, but then they turn around and use the term String Theory to describe an interesting hypothesis that is half speculation and half arm-waving.
Maybe in the US you avoid the "T", but in the UK the "T" is more often kept, whichever version one uses.BTW, as I mentioned earlier, those of us who do not use that pronunciation of "accidentally" almost always say "accidennally" except when emphasizing it.
Those of us who still cling to the Queen's English (but nowhere near as clipped) still pronounce all 5 syllables, "T" included. Some see it as a sign of "education", so who am I to persuade them otherwise. )The other way reduces it to four syllables, in the British tradition of faster speech.
Well we have a spectrum of accents like you do. People in the South and the West (not extending to the West Coast, which is a different demographic) talk a little slower than the rest of us, and people in Northeastern cities (New York etc.) talk fast enough that you wouldn't notice the difference. Obviously you have a spectrum too. Since you still have true regional dialects rather than mere accents, which most of our dialects have been reduced to under the influence of radio and TV, regional differences are much more pronounced in the UK than in the US. I would say that RP is spoken at a moderate clip to add gravitas to the news, and I would say the same about the actors in your movies and TV shows: first the hybrid Hollywood-Manhattan "media dialect" leveled regional differences in the USA and now it's merging with yours to create a sort of International English. But when I hear your average citizens speak, especially the Londoners, it seems like their pace is measurably faster than ours.Is it? I'm not disagreeing, I just wasn't aware that this was the case.
I know there are some stereotypes we have of the Southern American drawl... and that is rather slow... but I'm not aware that such was across the spectrum.
There are no rules in English, even in your country where rules come into existence by consensus and are enforced by tradition. One generation's laziness and uncouthness is the next generation's standard. Over here we're grappling with "snuck" for "sneaked," "dove" for "dived," "to lay" for "to lie," "between you and I," resurrection of the silent T in "often," spurious pronunciation of the first C in "artic" which has been silent since before we even appropriated the word from the French, and a zillion other neologisms, many of which are already in the dictionary.Hmmm. I think this is a tendency rather than the rule. It is becoming more common, but to me (at least) it still smacks laziness and uncouth speech.
Well so I picked a word that isn't as common on your side of the Whaleroad. How about "extraordinary"? Some of your countrymen can almost reduce that to two syllables. We pronounce six.Plus, the majority of British speakers wouldn't have a clue as to what the word meant, let alone use it. That word, to me, has, and always will have, four syllables... Per-EMP-tor-ee
An "accurate" phonetic transcription is a rendition of the way the word is actually pronounced, not the way it was pronounced by our grandparents. A large number of Americans pronounce the word as "accidently." As I have repeatedly reminded everyone, English is a democratic language rather than an authoritarian one, so it is the common folk who make the rules, not the government, the schools, or some self-appointed academy. If there is any institution that has a measurable influence on our language, it is the press, and at least in my country they strive to record the vernacular because their primary goal is to be understood.No, the accurate phonetic transcription is still with 5 syllables.
"Poor pronunciation" is idiolectal: one person pronouncing a word differently from his peer group. If an entire community (region, class, profession, generation, ethnicity, etc.) changes the pronunciation of a word then it is dialectal and is longer "poor." (If you're about to argue, review my comment on English as a democratic language.)You can't... or probably the correct term is shouldn't... excuse poor spelling because of poor pronunciation.
Actually the diacritical marks are one of the most regular aspects of French orthography. If you see a vowel with an accent ague, accent grave, circumflex, diaresis, etc., you know how to pronounce it. The real problem with French spelling is that one-third of the letters in every word are silent--and you have no way to decide which ones!Except for all the accents they decide to put on their vowels, you mean, that change their pronunciation?
The GH digraph used to be CH and was pronounced like German CH, Spanish J, Greek X, Russian transliterated KH, etc. I think it gradually softened into a voiced velar fricative, a sound that tends to attenuate over time in most languages (e.g., Hebrew) and vanish completely. But the vowels whose shape were influenced by its proximity and its impact on the shaping of the vocal organs retain their new pronunciation.And why do we not pronounce "-ough" the same way... Cough (-off) Rough (-uff) Through (-oo)
In America that second syllable rhymes with "slow." One of the many little ways we slow down our pronunciation.Thorough (-uh)
It was originally thinkhan/thankhte. The N before a voiceless consonant vanished in many words: "tithe" is really "tenth," "tooth" is really "tonth" (cf. German zahn, Latin dentis, Greek odonto-, etc.When we think we have had a thought
Only in America where we save all five vowels and reduce it to "accidennally." This is a phenomenon I have remarked on before: Wannabe, gonna, Atlanna, innernational. Your people (and many Americans) more customarily elide the fifth vowel so the T is safe. We Americans are more likely to turn that T into a glottal stop (like Cockney wa'er for water) so it may come out acciden'ly.Phonetically it is (despite me clearly flinching to show my discomfort) being compressed to "accidently" - and soon possibly the "t" will become silent.
I think it's more important to understand the language that other people speak and write.And at the moment it is phonetics winning the battle, for better or for worse is a matter of opinion - but it begins to erode the intellectual pedestal some of us (sub)consciously have built for ourselves by having what we (at least) consider a superior understanding of the language we speak / write.
There's nothing wrong with understanding etymology. It's a great help in learning new words.It may not matter any more than understanding or appreciating the etymology of words, and the Latin or Greek languages. It becomes an intellectual position (I don't mean a position from which to demonstrate one's intellect but one of the intellect) that one is loathe, or unable, to relinquish.
What's wrong with "the String Hypothesis"?That irks even the scientists not involved with String Theory. But it sounds better and more serious than String Guesswork.
We lose our T's often. The reduction of intervocalic T and D to a flap (the intervocalic R of RP or the R of Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and a thousand other languages) is a hallmark of the American dialect: leader and liter are homophones here.Maybe in the US you avoid the "T", but in the UK the "T" is more often kept, whichever version one uses.
I think you're referring to RP, or what Americans refer to as Oxford English or BBC English. Listen to a recording of the Queen's speeches back when she was first crowned, and you'll be amazed at how differently she sounds today. RP is evolving, just like all languages do!Those of us who still cling to the Queen's English (but nowhere near as clipped) still pronounce all 5 syllables, "T" included. Some see it as a sign of "education", so who am I to persuade them otherwise. )
OK, which one is better or more correct or is there any difference? I guess shorter is the better...
In scientific usage, an hypothesis needs to be both testable and falsifiable.What's wrong with "the String Hypothesis"?
Then perhaps the String Model.In scientific usage, an hypothesis needs to be both testable and falsifiable. It is still questionable whether "String Theory" meets either of these. So it is a far cry from being a theory... which is a generally accepted hypothesis.