Indeed I can - it's a red herring and has nothing to do with the original premise of what was being discussed. This was already explained to you.
You initially posted this here:
To which it was, yet again, explained to you:
Thus, your argument is a red herring and contributes naught to the discussion at hand. You THEN diverged into:
To which it was attempted, several times, to explain to you that the need for a third body to cause capture (as opposed to a strike or a pass through) is a requirement due to conservation of momentum.
This appears to have come from here:
Further pointless argument from you, as explained here:
The discussion was already had - you are arguing for orbital capture, and then attempting to "proof" it using examples that would NOT result in orbital capture (such as target strike).
Yet again, you demonstrate your
inability to post without including attempted insults.
Yes, the fault with what you just said is that you are, apparently, unable to ascertain why the fuel spent by Apollo 11 is important and changes the scenario entirely, or how there is a requirement for a third body to interact.
And these are further red herrings, and have little to do with the discussion at hand.
And once again, you resort to
insults and
ad hominem because you are incapable of making a scientifically valid point.
The greatest failure I see here is that you have been allowed to remain at SciForums when all you seem capable of doing is hurling insults at those you disagree with (see your multiple examples above). I also notice you fail to even acknowledge your attempted deceptions regarding what was said by whom, or when.
You are, to be blunt, a disingenuous troll that gives every appearance of only coming around to disrupt intelligent conversation with obfuscation and red herring. Not only that, but you incessantly derail the discussion at hand with subjects that are, at best tangentially connected, in an apparent effort to justify your positions (as you have done here).
Furthermore, you have, yet again, provided not one iota of evidence to support your claims - I guess you expect us to take you at your word alone? Guess what - that's not going to happen, and that isn't how science works.
If you have a problem with backing your claims with evidence, I suggest you take your posts elsewhere - perhaps Twitter or Facebook?