Absolutely Nothing: Atheists on What They Know About What They Pretend to Discuss

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You don't even know what the word 'explanation' means let alone being able to offer one.

Actually, it's people just like you who give me ample reasons not to believe in God.

Here's a little hint, Jan, there actually are people who think rather than just believe. The fact that you're not one of them speaks volumes in that response.
You got me!
I’m not a human being.
Please keep it to yourself.

I’m not a human being who thinks but believes instead.
I am a human being who feels sorry for those who got caught up in the greatest lie ever told. “The Theory of Evolution”.
Especially Q, who unfortunately, was hit worst of all.
It’s funny how you know things, without any knowledge of the thing you claim to know.
One of these days you should take some time off and learn what the Darwinian Theory of Evolution is.

It's a deep, elegant, widely applicable, thoroughly supported, and enlightening theory - well worth the effort.

I’m not a human being who thinks but believes instead.
I am a human being who feels sorry for those who got caught up in the greatest lie ever told. “The Theory of Evolution”.
Especially Q, who unfortunately, was hit worst of all.

What's damning about your accusation, for you, is that you couldn't prove the theory of evolution was a lie if your life depended on it. Your explanation to all of your empty claims is the same ridiculous thing you always say, "Accept it or not." Lol.
One of these days you should take some time off and learn what the Darwinian Theory of Evolution is.

It's a deep, elegant, widely applicable, thoroughly supported, and enlightening theory - well worth the effort.

You might as well be talking to Kent Hovind.
What's damning about your accusation, for you, is that you couldn't prove the theory of evolution was a lie if your life depended on it. Your explanation to all of your empty claims is the same ridiculous thing you always say, "Accept it or not." Lol.
Your claims are full...

...of foam.
One of these days you should take some time off and learn what the Darwinian Theory of Evolution is.
So should you.
You should also tell that to those that believe in the theory, but have no clue of what the do-called evidence is. See my Ray Comfort video.
It's a deep, elegant, widely applicable, thoroughly supported, and enlightening theory - well worth the effort.
So. It’s a work of art.
Says nothing about what the evidence is.
What's damning about your accusation, for you, is that you couldn't prove the theory of evolution was a lie if your life depended on it. Your explanation to all of your empty claims is the same ridiculous thing you always say, "Accept it or not." Lol.
You still being emotional.
You haven’t come up with anything that shows it to be real.
You insult me, jest with me. Then when I jest back, low and behold you are still being serious about your belief system.
Grow up. Accept that not everybody accepts it,
It is on its way out, and you cannot do anything about it.
You still being emotional.

Only in that I can't stop laughing at your ridiculous posts.

You haven’t come up with anything that shows it to be real.

Museums full of fossils are all fake? Is the Earth flat, too?

You insult me, jest with me. Then when I jest back, low and behold you are still being serious about your belief system.
Grow up. Accept that not everybody accepts it,
It is on its way out, and you cannot do anything about it.

You should do stand up comedy. You'd have them rolling in the aisles.
He's dead, right?


Oh no, he was finally released from prison and is making ytube videos where he whacks atheists with a mallet while peddling his usual brand of insanity and promoting his theme park, you know, the one where humans and dinosaurs coexist.
They aren't my claims, they are the claims of 97% of all scientists. Clearly, to you, it's a huge global conspiracy to trick people into believing ... what?
Well global conspiracies exist that do trick people into believing the craziest stuff...Jan should know he no doubt gets to witness such trickery up close.
If one was a conspiracy guy you may even think the whole god thing as driven by the church, the faith healers and private jet owning pastors is just make believe.

I am for throwing out evolution...ok with it gone what do we have...let's see...god came out of eternity, created everything including the mud he modelled his first human from and created all the animals that ever existed at some point in his six day building spree...yes that's fine so much more reasonable than evolution..what was Dawin thinking how could he get it so wrong..didn't he have a Bible..it's all there you know.
You do realise that in real life Jan is no doubt a comedian..he runs his jokes here to select those that bring the most laughter..but you must admit they are all over the top funny.
Oh no, he was finally released from prison and is making ytube videos where he whacks atheists with a mallet while peddling his usual brand of insanity and promoting his theme park, you know, the one where humans and dinosaurs coexist.
So there is hope he can be talked to? :)

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