About the Members Round 19 : USS Exeter


Fixin' Shit that Ain't Broke
Valued Senior Member
Yes...it's your turn bro..

1. Are you like...totally absorbed with the Navy?

2. Where are you from?

3. What are your biggest dreams?

4. What brings you happiness?

5. Have you ever had group sex with the Dallas Cowboy's Cheerleaders?

About the Members Round 18: Lucifer's Angel

About the Members Round 17: MacGyver1968

About the Members Round 16: Draqon

About the Members Round 15: Yorda

About the Members Round 14: Snakelord

About the Members Round 13: Lori

About the Members Round 12: Tablariddim

About the Members Round 11: S.A.M.

About the Members Round 10: Challenger78

About the Members Round 9: Captain Kremmen

About the members round 8: Spud Emperor.

About the members Round 7 : Varda

About the Members Round 6: cosmictraveler

About the Members Round 5: inzomnia

About the Members Round 4: Avatar

About the Member Round 3: BentheMan

About the Member Round 2: Orleander !!

About the Member Round 1: Enmos
Yes...it's your turn bro..

1. Are you like...totally absorbed with the Navy?

I really do not know what I was thinking when I put the "USS" in front of my name; on several other forums I belong to, I am just "Exeter."
2. Where are you from?

Madison, Wisconsin: the Kremlin of the United States (cuz of all the commies)
3. What are your biggest dreams?
Just not living an ordinary life. :p
4. What brings you happiness?

Getting good grades in High School, winter and summer break, and just making the best of my abilities.
5. Have you ever had group sex with the Dallas Cowboy's Cheerleaders?

Hmmmmm....I'll have to add that to my "To do list."
Why are you here ?
And whats with the whole group of USS names..

1.) I got interested in this site ever since me bro' USS Enterprise-B showed me this place.

2.) My friends tried to explore this site but they never really got "hooked." ;)
I probably won't be able to answer some of the questions tomorrow, I got a meet in the afternoon, but I shall get back to thy.....soon, if I can survive an all-out 3200-meter race. :p
Would you rather fly a JSF or a F-14 ? which sound better, if you didn't know anything ?

If I did not know anything, I'd think that the JSF sounded like a western-european fighter, so I would go with the f-14 all the way. :cool:
Right. Live now or die forever ?
Supersition or Science, given equal chances ?
RPG or AK ?

Live now; die another day.

Science, I like to invest my time into something that has proof and logic.

AK for sure. 30 rounds for an AK and one shot for a RPG.
Heh, you're going to be interesting. Erm *thinks* *hears some clanking* *see some smoke* *stops thinking*

Who is your greatest influence?
What is your favourite sound?
If you could ask "God" one question, what would it be?
Can you tell my firefox spellchecker that I did not spell favourite incorrectly?
What is your favorite Movie?

Favorite Band?

Do you own gaming systems? If so which ones?

Do you have any brothers or sisters?
If you saw Mars big poster and a babe in a bikini poster...which one would you buy? (only one can be chosen)
Is there a word you always have to check how to spell, no matter how many times you write it (like naive, or something? Or a word you can't pronounce without saying it slowly, like vocabulary?)
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  1. What was the date when your post count surpassed mine? :)
  2. Are you one of those [ENC]atheist catholics[/ENC] who live the life of an atheist but repent on your deathbed just to play it safe?
Argh. I screwed up the question. It was meant to be.

Live forever or Die now ?

Hmmm, since I dfo not believe in an afterlife, I'd say live forever.

Heh, you're going to be interesting. Erm *thinks* *hears some clanking* *see some smoke* *stops thinking*

Who is your greatest influence?
What is your favourite sound?
If you could ask "God" one question, what would it be?
Can you tell my firefox spellchecker that I did not spell favourite incorrectly?

Anyone who is better than me at something.
The sound...of a high pitched turbine.
God....Are you there? Hello?! Speak up! Who am I talking to?! :p
Your spellchecker sucks.

If you were a one way ticket to Mars, would you go?

Without question....yes!

What is your favorite Movie?

Favorite Band?

I have many different kinds for each genre...
For rock: Iron maiden Led Zeppelin, or Flogging Molly
I have to think about the rest of them....:eek:

Do you own gaming systems? If so which ones?

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

One sister

If you saw Mars big poster and a babe in a bikini poster...which one would you buy? (only one can be chosen)

Babe in a bikini, I already have a Mars Globe (beats a poster). ;)