mine too, I know I rambled a bit, but in the early part of my babblings I mentioned that we DID differentiate between the difference between an early term and late term. Though now that I have reread your statement about 6 times I am realizing I may have totally misunderstood what you were saying. I thought you meant that no one in this thread had made a differentiation between zygote and fetus in terms of what we consider a sentient life form. esp Human. I have a feeling that isn't what you meant at all :shy:
Maybe :shrug:
None of my doctors ever divulged that there are varying types of abortion. Even the ones who tried to get me to abort my last two pregnancies very early on because they predicted problems and both occasions had the doctors certain I would not survive the pregnancy let alone the delivery. But I have some special circumstances that are not normal.
Well lets sing the abortion procedures song:
There is MVA,EVA,ME
but for a grand scraping cleaning a D&C!
After 15 weeks gestation there is D&E where the cervix is forced opened
and then the critter is pulled out with pliers
vacuum cleaner and anything else with a scraping
Then there is IDX in which the beast is forced out with induced labor
and the rest cleaned out with a vacuum
and a scraping, oh glory, oh glory-eee
There is also something called a Hysterotomy abortion
don't think I need to explain that one!
But wait there is mooooore!
There are abortifacients that require no surgery
no vacuums or scrapers or pliers these are cheap and easier abortions
and viable up to 9 weeks gestation
Now if you did not want to hear this aweful song
you could have just browse through wikipedia!
In matters of ethics, science has limited relevance, IMO. And this thread is one of ethics, not science. Science simply does not provide definitions of right and wrong. It only provides information about our environment.
But if Nazis used it then it can't be used can it?? My whole word view is ruined! I'm sure the nazi coerced all kinds of scientific studies to their cause of aryan superiority: Nazis used science and therefor science can't be used by us according to your logic, not without being equated with Hitler, oh the horror!
Science has little to do with ethics. Science can not determine if something is ethical or not. It can only provide data. And you did not even provide data. You provided an interpretation of data. Which was merely evidence that someone agreed with you on whether or not parents are happy people. Well many people agree with my point of view too. I am sure VI is not alone in her views. All of our opinions conflict and they are all just opinions on a very subjective matter. We are talking about matters of conscience.
I was not providing a view on ethics or evidence on ethics or anything like that, I was providing an example of subjectivity of happiness.
I think it IS legal in those special cases and I am not opposed to it at all. The life of the mother is as precious as the life of the child. and quite often in strange circumstances it is easier to save the mother than than the child. By the way, I, at least, have REPEATEDLY stated that I feel it should be legal in early term for any reason the woman wishes and in late term cases where the mother's life is in danger, and an abortion can reasonably stand a chance of saving her, the abortion should be legal then as well.
Well this is no good, we need an argument so say something we would disagree on...
pzzz say you love Hitler