A Riddle

the longer I stand...

if it was the further I run it could be a pregnant woman and her unborn child.
This is tough!

whatsherface, I knew I had heard it before.
I didn't get it last time until I found out where on his body it was!

That Tree they have in the Netherlands too. We used to play with those leaves all the time, yes.

A parachute is WRONG.

Try the other one in between, I bet you know it...:cool:
and yes, beg pardon, i knew what a 3-legged race was but was confused at who posted the riddle. :)

What is it Banshee? i meant to ask. :D
no no no!
parachute was the answer to whatsherface's puzzle.

We think your last on is a book!
*lol* we;re confusing each other, these pages update too slowly for this attempted speed discussion!

Yes, parachute was correct for the contents of the unopened package with the dead man in the middle of nowhere, esp and i reckon book for yours, Banshee?

You were posting while I was typing. And the computer is sooooo slooooow, unbelievable!

You are right, it is a book.

The other one is an hourglass...;)

Another one. All coming from my beloved son.

This thing destroys it all, birds, beasts, trees, flowers. Gnaws iron, bites steel, grinds hard stone to meal, even kills a king. It can ruin a town, and beats high mountains down. What is it?


An allied bomber is flying over WWII Germany.
The navigator reports that they are at the correct location to release their bombs.
The bombardier presses the release button.Nothing happens.

Sorry, Banshee. I think your answer's time.

Time is correct!

I really can't help it. The answer is hourglass. What do you prefer then? :D

Esp, there are no bombs on board, they forgot to take them...
this is really starting to confuse the F*ck oput of me

Help. I dont know where Im up to. I post and my answers have been posted already. This is really wierd!
Fun but weird.
esp, nothing happens because perhaps they have no bombs, perhaps?

(you know our defence ministers have just wasted billions of dollars buying attack copters that can fly but can;t shoot? *lol*)
*LOL* It is fun, but.

We'll have to direct our anwers more carefully when trying to do this.

Time was clear, Banshee, "hourglass" isn;t even when the answer was given, "two bodies"? nup, doesn;t make enough sense.

esp, your turn, banshee and i reckon nothing happens because there are no bombs? yes/no to that?
Real confusing...

And we riddle on and on. Don't care who is coming in between. Very nice. Keep on going...:bugeye:

I never was, am always to be, magicans say they can see me, but none else ever will. And yet I am the confidence of all to live, I´m the hope of the poor and the doom for the rich.
No. The bomb bay is fully loaded. And the doors open.

I can see where the two bodies comes in though.
More confused...

No, tomorrow is wrong!

Give it another shot.

The bombs got stuck? They were glued into the bomber?:bugeye:
Banshee, yours is something to do with change, but i;m not sure how to phrase it specifically to make it fit.

esp, dunno on yours. :)