A Lonely, Lonely Place.


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"You enter this world alone, and you leave this world alone"

Sad, true, and inevitable.

My point, Worry about yourself and only yourself.

Cause in the end it is just gonna be you in you grave.

Anyone dissagree?
somebody needs a hug ;)

technically you're right. but it's all about your state of mind and how you choose to perceive the world.

if you choose to believe you're alone, then you're alone.
but what is "alone"? we don't live in a void, do we?
Originally posted by cthulhus slave
or if your a simese twin?

What he means is that u die alone, essentially. My sister used to be very disturbed by this thought (she being an incredibly sociable animal!) and I do agree that it IS kinda scary when u realise u are living your own life and have your own destiny, time of death etc. There will come a time when u will never see your family and loved ones ever again (I believe). Death is very lonely.

The only comforting thought is that everyone has to do it! Hehe.
I am also trying to get the point that you shouldnt make your life priority being making other people happy. Make yourself happy first cause in the end its you and only you.
If you have multiple personality disorder and you masturbate while thinking of one of your personalities, does that make it actual sex?
Originally posted by Xev
If you have multiple personality disorder and you masturbate while thinking of one of your personalities, does that make it actual sex?
I come back here once in a while just to read posts like this one.
Originally posted by Xev
If you have multiple personality disorder and you masturbate while thinking of one of your personalities, does that make it actual sex?

I dont think so. In order to have sex there must be penetration.

Hypothetically Xev, If I was thinking about you and masterbating(Wich Im not), then it isnt sex. I think it applies for all masturbating. If it was sex then it wouldnt be called masturbating. Right?
What about lesbians? Not necessarily penetration involved.
Furthermore, penetration can be involved in masturbation, and often is. If you're female, that is.

So masturbation is sex, it's just sex with the one person who truely loves you. And if you're fantasizing about one of your other personalities?
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True, then I guess that Lesbians dont have "sex".

Instead, they have in a way invented a new type of sex.
There are different types of sex. Playing with yourself is sexual activity. That is one of the many ways to have sex. If you wish to have sex with another person, the other person should be mutually involved. Even if you're raping them.
Originally posted by Guyute
"You enter this world alone, and you leave this world alone"

Sad, true, and inevitable.

My point, Worry about yourself and only yourself.

Cause in the end it is just gonna be you in you grave.

Anyone dissagree?

I agree with the first part. But what do you mean by "worry about yourself and only yourself?" Are you suggesting that we shouldn't care about other people or that we should only be concerned with our own personal mortality? Or something else?
Originally posted by certified psycho
everybody needs somebody to share life with :(

Yeah, until they annoy the crap out of you and you think back to the wonderful days of the single life. Of course I'd never swap the other half for anything... until he annoys the crap out of me of course:D... just kidding.. hehehe

So masturbation is sex, it's just sex with the one person who truely loves you. And if you're fantasizing about one of your other personalities?

Ah but would it be incest if one of your other personalities were a child?

Originally posted by Guyute
"You enter this world alone, and you leave this world alone"

Well I came into the world with a twin brother, and I've kept in contact with the bastard since then, and when I die I plan to take a bunch of others with me, so I'd have to say that this is a pretty useless assertion in my view.
Originally posted by Xev
penetration can be involved in masturbation, and often is. If you're female, that is.

Well that's a rather sexist remark! I assure you that there are plenty of men out there supporting the dildo market, and then penetration can indeed take place in male masturbation as well.

All multiple personalities don't have to like you. Twoface for example (ok so he is a cartoon but a crude example nonetheless). The other one in your head could be hateful person who likes no one, not even his mind mate.


If in 20 years you still feel this way then you truly meant what you posted but chances are you'll look back at this and laugh.
Originally posted by Guyute
I am also trying to get the point that you shouldnt make your life priority being making other people happy. Make yourself happy first cause in the end its you and only you.

I disagree. The very fact that we all share this same fate shouldn't make you feel isolated but instead closer to your fellow man. The fact that we die alone is trival. I don't know why people dramatize this natural body process. We all take a dump alone too (I hope!). It's no excusse to be self-centered. Try to make others happy the same that you would want them to make you happy. It's a simple old rule but the world will be better for it. Just my opinion but I agree with whoever said above about a hug... someone needs to buy you a beer. :)