Funniest stories of the net !
Thank you Guys,
And Spookz, first try Discovery Channel, then try with Google or hack in to some govt. site for more information ! Any way even if I am wrong there, I assume you will forgive me for that.
I have the funniest stories for you all.
Read the following ............
Before you say the whole story is crazy…let me explain…one thing is true…the main yogi in the story.
Sree Sree Sivaprabhakara sidha yogi parama hamsa
Note: (Mahamaye Devi anugrahikkename ! - means pls bless me universal mother and take care of me) I added this sentence because when I talk about such a divine person I should remember Mother so as to absorb any problems (both good and bad) attached to the thought.
He is a parama hamsa. No doubt. Do you know when a man practice Hama Yoga for many years precisely 14 years ( like many divine souls Jesus Christ, Allah, Sree Ram of Ramayana etc who where all missing for about 14 years) he comes to the stage of being a HAMSA Yogi. Being with such a person removes all your bad thoughts. If such a person’s breath falls on you, that removes all deceases. So that’s just a HAMSA Yogi. “Param” means “extreme”. The same Hamsa Yogi when he practices more and become powerful with extreme Yoga Balam (Yogic Power) he becomes Parama Hamsa. So the main Yogi in the story is such a person.
Sree Sree Sivaprabhakara sidha yogi parama hamsa known as Bhagavan in Kerala and all over India and aborad. There are no followers to this Yogi ( I feel like saying just yogi itself is a great insult from my side to this Maha Yogi ) as he tries to keep everyone away. Or rather its impossible to be with him. He lived in Kerala in a very quite manner till 1984 (I am not very sure of the exact date). At that time he was supposed to be believed to have more that 700 years of age.
This Maha Yogi has been with a man, I know very personally, for more than 14 years and from him I have heard most of the stories and all real magical incidents, which took place during his time. Even after this Maha Yogi’s samadhy, few close people have seen him again but he never came in public after that. Sort of missing (My father has seen him personally but I never had that great great blessing!! I miss him like anything!!!!)
Now about this great saint, he had all the ashta sidhis (8 power full magical powers). He had laghima (Levitation power) with which he will get on top of a banana leaf and walk on top of that which originally won’t even support the wait of a big bird. He had taken a man from Kerala to Mumbai in one night and bought him back the same night. Many many such things, which people can never understand nor believe. If I discuss this even my state of mind itself is questioned by the reader ! I know that ! But still “I BELIEVE “.
The great hugging mother of Kerala Matha Amrithananda Mayee has just spend 5 days with this Maha Yogi and he beat the hell out of her, abused her with words, kicked her, spit on her and tried to send her out for her hallucination and related acts. At that time she was just a Krishna bhaktha ( A believer of lord Krishna !). But after 5th day when she left he asked her what she want, and before she say anything told that “ He will make her the mother of the world” which is almost already happening. Many great saints of India are his disciples (not through receiving any deeksha (advice) but just because being with him for some time). No one dare to speak of him. No one has the guts to say anything about him. Nor even keep his photo. But to me who is so dear.
About the Sidha Rayar, in the story. He is a fake guy. I met him once at the samadhy place of this Maha Yogi. When I looked in to this Sidha Rayar’s eyes he got confused. At that time I was a boy, 25 may be, but he got scared. He called me and asked who am I, I said I am no one and just came to see the place. Its not because I have any great powers nor do I look like a great saint, but just because the idiot is making money and ruining the name of the great saint.
Sidha Rayar and his disciples make up all stories. But the Maha Yogi is original and he could have done many things unimaginable for all of us.
I have many many information regarding this Maha Yogi, which I can pass on to people who are interested. I am not trying to propagate any Yoga school nor any paramapara (hierarchy of yoga practice) as there is nothing to promote since there exist nothing but the truth.
Journey of thousand miles starts with one step. Have you taken your’s ?