Prince_James said:
I quite know what nothing is, but I do not see "nothing", I see "something", yet you claim it is all nothing. The burden of proof rests on you.
What precisely about existence is "nothingness"?
"Stupidity masquerading as wisdom"? How? Moreover, you believe simply because? With no proof or reasons?
Evidently, you have never read a single Platonic dialogue. Socrates did not claim anything even remotely similar to what you are stating. Yet sure, let's see how you can help me become "untouchable" and "complete and content" in the same "nothing".
The simple basics of nothing, fiction, thoughts:
Over 5000 years ago sages around the Indus River used meditation to study their thoughts. ( do a google blog search:The Supreme Science ) They
UNIVERSALLY agreed that there was a universe-vanishing gap between thoughts that made it impossible for thoughts to be connected. This gap is Samadhi, Atman, Kundalini.
They also universally discovered that thoughts were not only totally disconnected but also unpredictable and thus they could not be controlled. They would give us the non-duality called Advaita.
ANYONE can make these same universal observation by using meditation to study their thoughts, or, more specifically, the UV-gap between thoughts.
5000 years later modern physics gives us the exact same story. All physicists
UNIVERSALLY agree that Particles have quantum-gaps between... each other, they are totally unpredictable, thus the Uncertainty Principle … and they cannot be controlled because the observer determines the observations.
If "you" want to "learn" anything more about fiction you have to accept that the connection between thoughts is illusion, as is the control of thoughts. Thus there is no such thing as thinking.
(Words are the same fiction as is thoughts. So if there was such a thing as thinking then a book could write itself so that it could publish itself so that it could then read itself.)
If your ego cannot accept that thinking is illusion then I cannot help you, nor can anyone else. You are doomed to follow your ego around until you die, or Realize that YOU cannot find anything you cannot lose. Thinking, finding and losing is just thoughts, the mind.
All fiction works the same to be the same nothing, thoughts.
Thinking is thus an illusion that the Hindus call Maya, and any ego that tries to argue about/with this Maya is just creating the Karma that Maya needs to be entertaining.