A Challenge to Genep


Plutarch (Mickey's Dog)
Registered Senior Member
As clearly Genep is in possession of truth of "Supreme Comedy", I do hereby issue a challenge:

Present and argue every single aspect of your philosophy in this thread. I want to see proofs for each and every single sentence of your doctrines. Clearly, you are willing to make Sermons on the Mount, so it is time that you present to us, as concisely as possible, the full extent of your affirmations.
beyondtimeandspace said:
I've got ten bucks riding on the fat kid.

My money's on whoever is in opposition to Genep. He's just another case of a super overblown-ego like Rabon.
What Genep talks about is an experience, not some meticulous exercise in mental masturbation. There is no proof because there is no doctrine.
The topic question reminds me of God's 'reply' when his buddy Job started whining about his condition.
"Where were YOU when I laid the foundation of the universe" kind of stuff.
Job would have been a fool to answer such questions posed by the supreme Ego!
As would Genep.

The idea that this life is "Supreme Comedy" sure sounds like "doctrine" to me.
Prince_James said:
As clearly Genep is in possession of truth of "Supreme Comedy", I do hereby issue a challenge:

Present and argue every single aspect of your philosophy in this thread. I want to see proofs for each and every single sentence of your doctrines. Clearly, you are willing to make Sermons on the Mount, so it is time that you present to us, as concisely as possible, the full extent of your affirmations.

When it comes to the nothing called fiction I AM the Supreme Authority. So much so that never in the history of the world has there been, or will be, a greater authority on fiction, nothing, than I.

So if you want to learn anything at all about fiction then there are no limits to what I can teach.
I can teach you, for example, that all fiction works the same to be the same: Reality’s Nothing. And that physics is perhaps the best fiction.

I can Joyfully tell you, with the utmost certainty, that this mind and its body is no more real than is the Mickey Mouse on TV.

But I can only be the Supreme Authority on nothing, fiction, as long as I don’t go on all the wild-goose chases that knowledge and wisdom create/are/need to appear real when they are this nothing, fiction.

And so if you want wisdom, philosophy and truths then forget about asking me and go ask Mickey Mouse before you cram him into the TV set he needs to be on TV.
Prince_James said:

The idea that this life is "Supreme Comedy" sure sounds like "doctrine" to me.

The Supreme Comedy is not a doctrine
but a lethal-Laughter (lethal to the mind/ego)
that in the East they call Kundalini
and in the west Physicists call their quantum-gap
that doctors call every mental-disease in the books.
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When it comes to the nothing called fiction I AM the Supreme Authority. So much so that never in the history of the world has there been, or will be, a greater authority on fiction, nothing, than I.

Okay, El Shaddai, I am glad I have come to the supreme authority, then.

So if you want to learn anything at all about fiction then there are no limits to what I can teach.
I can teach you, for example, that all fiction works the same to be the same: Reality’s Nothing. And that physics is perhaps the best fiction.

I want to learn everything about fiction. Present your proofs.

I can Joyfully tell you, with the utmost certainty, that this mind and its body is no more real than is the Mickey Mouse on TV.

Wonderful. Please present your proofs.

But I can only be the Supreme Authority on nothing, fiction, as long as I don’t go on all the wild-goose chases that knowledge and wisdom create/are/need to appear real when they are this nothing, fiction.

I do so hope this is not the concession of "I can't prove it".

And so if you want wisdom, philosophy and truths then forget about asking me and go ask Mickey Mouse before you cram him into the TV set he needs to be on TV.

Mickey is sadly silent on the issue. He prefers to whistle on steamboats and fight Bluto.

The Supreme Comedy is not a doctrine
but a lethal-Laughter (lethal to the mind/ego)
that in the East they call Kundalini
and in the west Physicists call their quantum-gap
that doctors call every metal-disease in the books.

Proof, please?


Then what does it mean?

Some nonsense about reality being "fiction", and that nothing is real, or some such pseudo-Oriental New Age doctrine that is a bastardization of Hindu, Buddhist, and Taoist contemplations on reality.
Prince_James said:
I want to learn everything about fiction. Present your proofs.


Some nonsense about reality being "fiction", and that nothing is real ...
Prince_James said:

Wonderful. Please present your proofs.

Apparently you don't read English: I'm the Supreme Expert on NOTHING, fiction, thoughts.

As long as I KNOW NOTHING I AM by definition the Supreme Expert on Nothing. And just what part of nothing do you not understand?

You can also be the same expert on Nothing but you have to be just like me and know nothing.

As long as your ego keeps wanting proofs and answers you have no choice but to follow it on the wild goose chase stupidity needs to masquerade as wisdom.

AGAIN: if you want to know something like proofs and answers then find a guru or join a religion or cult because I cannot help you.
I can only help you if you also want to be Untouchable, Complete and Content by knowing the same nothing that Socrates knew.

Apparently you don't read English: I'm the Supreme Expert on NOTHING, fiction, thoughts.

I quite know what nothing is, but I do not see "nothing", I see "something", yet you claim it is all nothing. The burden of proof rests on you.

As long as I KNOW NOTHING I AM by definition the Supreme Expert on Nothing. And just what part of nothing do you not understand?

What precisely about existence is "nothingness"?

As long as your ego keeps wanting proofs and answers you have no choice but to follow it on the wild goose chase stupidity needs to masquerade as wisdom.

"Stupidity masquerading as wisdom"? How? Moreover, you believe simply because? With no proof or reasons?

AGAIN: if you want to know something like proofs and answers then find a guru or join a religion or cult because I cannot help you.
I can only help you if you also want to be Untouchable, Complete and Content by knowing the same nothing that Socrates knew.

Evidently, you have never read a single Platonic dialogue. Socrates did not claim anything even remotely similar to what you are stating. Yet sure, let's see how you can help me become "untouchable" and "complete and content" in the same "nothing".
Prince_James said:

I quite know what nothing is, but I do not see "nothing", I see "something", yet you claim it is all nothing. The burden of proof rests on you.

What precisely about existence is "nothingness"?

"Stupidity masquerading as wisdom"? How? Moreover, you believe simply because? With no proof or reasons?

Evidently, you have never read a single Platonic dialogue. Socrates did not claim anything even remotely similar to what you are stating. Yet sure, let's see how you can help me become "untouchable" and "complete and content" in the same "nothing".

The simple basics of nothing, fiction, thoughts:

Over 5000 years ago sages around the Indus River used meditation to study their thoughts. ( do a google blog search:The Supreme Science ) They UNIVERSALLY agreed that there was a universe-vanishing gap between thoughts that made it impossible for thoughts to be connected. This gap is Samadhi, Atman, Kundalini.
They also universally discovered that thoughts were not only totally disconnected but also unpredictable and thus they could not be controlled. They would give us the non-duality called Advaita.

ANYONE can make these same universal observation by using meditation to study their thoughts, or, more specifically, the UV-gap between thoughts.

5000 years later modern physics gives us the exact same story. All physicists UNIVERSALLY agree that Particles have quantum-gaps between... each other, they are totally unpredictable, thus the Uncertainty Principle … and they cannot be controlled because the observer determines the observations.

If "you" want to "learn" anything more about fiction you have to accept that the connection between thoughts is illusion, as is the control of thoughts. Thus there is no such thing as thinking.
(Words are the same fiction as is thoughts. So if there was such a thing as thinking then a book could write itself so that it could publish itself so that it could then read itself.)

If your ego cannot accept that thinking is illusion then I cannot help you, nor can anyone else. You are doomed to follow your ego around until you die, or Realize that YOU cannot find anything you cannot lose. Thinking, finding and losing is just thoughts, the mind.

All fiction works the same to be the same nothing, thoughts.
Thinking is thus an illusion that the Hindus call Maya, and any ego that tries to argue about/with this Maya is just creating the Karma that Maya needs to be entertaining.


Over 5000 years ago sages around the Indus River used meditation to study their thoughts. ( do a google blog search:The Supreme Science ) They UNIVERSALLY agreed that there was a universe-vanishing gap between thoughts that made it impossible for thoughts to be connected. This gap is Samadhi, Atman, Kundalini.

Actually, you're abusing the last two terms. Atman is the Upanishadic "the personal self" which is of the same essence as Brahman (God), whilst kundalini litterally translates to "coiling like a snake" and describes the Yogic energy. Moreover, I'd ask you to present how it is impossible for thoughts to be connected? And I'd further ask why we are to trust these sages from a period of time which was little removed from hunter-gatherer societies?

They also universally discovered that thoughts were not only totally disconnected but also unpredictable and thus they could not be controlled. They would give us the non-duality called Advaita.

Then why, pray tell, am I - and all those who I know - capable of calling up thoughts at will? Indeed, am I not responding by doing such right now? Moreover, how does this support non-duality?

ANYONE can make these same universal observation by using meditation to study their thoughts, or, more specifically, the UV-gap between thoughts.

How so?

5000 years later modern physics gives us the exact same story. All physicists UNIVERSALLY agree that Particles have quantum-gaps between... each other, they are totally unpredictable, thus the Uncertainty Principle … and they cannot be controlled because the observer determines the observations.

You betray your lack of knowledge about Quantum Physics. For one, what do you speak fo when you speak of "The Quantum Gap"? Are you referencing the mass gap? Also, the uncertainty principle does not, at all, state that they are "totally unpredictable", but rather does it state that, owing to disturbances of the quantum-scale particles, one cannot know their exact position and exact momentum at the same time. Moreover, we can, in fact, make exact probablistic determinations of particles, and Bohm's theories allow for deterministic results, although with "hidden variables". I'd also ask you to define "observer", so I might see whether or not you grasp what the Quantum Observer is.

If "you" want to "learn" anything more about fiction you have to accept that the connection between thoughts is illusion, as is the control of thoughts. Thus there is no such thing as thinking.

I'd be glad to accept such if it is real. Please, present your evidence for such? Moreover, why is it that one is capable of understanding cause and effect if one's thoughts cannot be linked together? What about memory?

(Words are the same fiction as is thoughts. So if there was such a thing as thinking then a book could write itself so that it could publish itself so that it could then read itself.)

Yet it doesn't. A book requires a human writer, a human publisher, and a human reader.

If your ego cannot accept that thinking is illusion then I cannot help you, nor can anyone else. You are doomed to follow your ego around until you die, or Realize that YOU cannot find anything you cannot lose. Thinking, finding and losing is just thoughts, the mind.

And what is so bad about the mind? Moreover, what is so bad about following one's ego around?

All fiction works the same to be the same nothing, thoughts.

Even if we are to assume you are correct - which I do not affirm - in that thoughts are non-connected and not directed by the self, thoughts still exist as observable mental phenomena and would then, by definition, not be "nothing" but just as substantive as anything in the world around us.

Thinking is thus an illusion that the Hindus call Maya, and any ego that tries to argue about/with this Maya is just creating the Karma that Maya needs to be entertaining.

And what is so bad about Maya? Why not create karma?