case in point: this all because he wore dreadlocks. that's how petty. nevermind, when others buy hair that's not theirs. i mean it's just hair. people can't wear a certain hairstyle?
one realizes that you have to be very careful to NOT take americans seriously, generally speaking.
the openly racist commentary is common against northeast asians particularly. that's not just blacks but also whites as well as hispanics speak this way about asians as not 'one of them'.
actually, they kind of sometimes gang up in a group which makes them look very stupid from an asian or the other's point of view. they look like a misshapen assortment of odd/blemished/reject fruit. the reason why is because they are too disgusting to realize or notice their own faults. it doesn't matter if their group consists of idiots, craven or ugly themselves just as long as they are not asian, they think they are superior.
for instance:
They all look the same to me. If someone tells me aliens look like asians, I will believe them in a heartbeat. Those slanted eyes give me the creeps
and such:
I feel sorry for some of these delusional kpop a fan of a group of people who imitate and copy stereotypes of blacks....absolutely idiotic....
These people have proven time and time again that they are only good at doing 3 things....lying, copying and being racist....some of you need to wake up...
because this obviously is not racist (to them) but it's totally okay to be racist toward northeast asians specifically in america, right? though a retort did reveal the hypocrisy.
and it would be absolutely wrong to fire back something ugly using negative stereotypes since all ethnicities and cultures have them, right?
it's considered wrong because americans assume they are better than others and therefore entitled to judge others with impunity. that's how the average american thinks. literally.
hmm, just saw my asian doctor today and she ain't appropriating anyone's culture. not everyone is interested in wearing dreadlocks or listening to rap. omg, that's the worst offense anyone can do.
I hope you were never a fan of rock, pop, jazz, rap or r&b sung by a single white person because chile I hate to break it to you but Justin, Adele, Ariana, Bieber, Bob Dylan, the Beatles, Backstreet Boys, NSync, Britney Spears, and pretty much 90% of all the white artists you stan? They a group of people who imitate and copy stereotypes of blacks.
Absolutely idiotic.
americans are not innocent: at all. just as there are some good people, there are many nasty, hypocritical, prejudiced, rude, cruel/mean, spiteful, ill-wishing people of all races too. it's actually pretty hard not to become a racist in america because there are so many of them as the dynamic goes that when you are mistreated or denigrated, it produces the same reaction in the other and vice-versa.
i'm not even going to include northeast asians as being the most racist or just as racist because i've not seen that, as people try to claim. there are racist asians but in general, they are not as cruel about it. they are just not as petty as other races and that is what i've noticed. repeatedly.
They are not about going around and getting their jollies off of denigrating, gossiping incessantly, using nasty slurs and putting people down. if they don't want to deal with a race, that's just it but i've noticed other races love to berate other races as much as they can like it's some type of hobby. they are a lot more petty about it. so in that sense, there is a difference in that asians tend to be more mature, generally, from what i've noticed and there is a qualitative difference.
let me reiterate just how obnoxious americans actually are: they are lucky that they have as much power/land/military to be as obnoxious/nasty/ annoying/ stupid as they are because they can really try your patience since they are a really spoiled and nasty bunch of people (majority; not everyone but still it's true) who mouth off constantly/stupidly/carelessly with no conscience and if they didn't have as much power and protection, anyone who is sane or has half a brain would want to beat the living shit out of them until lights out.
granted, we all do it sometimes but even i have more conscience generally about what i say than most americans from what i've noticed/experienced.
You'll have "rappers" in a korean hip-hop/pop group that are scared to come to the US because they are scared of black people.
it's too bad that so many idiots in america have so much power to influence mainstream society with thier goddamn stupid opinions/mouthpiece that everyone else with a few more brain cells has to navigate their constant shit.
this is a typical person you want to slap because they don't have to ever think. as if a rapper in korea can make a career in america with all the prejudice. why would they want to? the whole thread was pretty much racist, degrading, disrespectful and attacking (this is considered normalcy). as if this bitch who was denigrating them from getgo would give them a welcome. jay park was the first to be signed to a major label and it's 2018.
A lot of their choreographers in KPOP are black or have stolen moves from blacks and they steal a lot of fashion from black Americans, especially the street fashion
wow. americans are a very jealous/spiteful type of people. i've noticed that. they are extremely petty too. and they are upset why? no, the street fashion and general fashion is not exactly the same.
if they see someone with slanted eyes and light skin, then it's stealing but if they are brown with round eyes, it's not. if someone is hispanic, then it's not stealing, for instance.
that's what i've noticed all throughout growing up in america that i've found to be odd is that a country that is so blessed with resources and land yet the people are the pettiest. that never made much sense to me.
i've noticed americans are very jealous and spiteful people which is a contradiction to their excess.
but asians don't care if others eat asian cuisine, use chopsticks, enjoy kpop, watch asian dramas, use asian products etc. because it does not infringe on our or other's lives/culture or right to do or choose what they want.
do these people not understand the conept of commerce and trade? why are they offended instead of being flattered?
would it be better if asians said all your shit is unworthy? why is it that when others like or take an interest in asian culture whether it's dramas, music, cuisine, fashion etc, asians are generally are happy about the cultural interest or exchange.
do you know how many people watch kdramas, listen to kpop, eat asian cuisine, use chopsticks, korean-made electronics, and recently asian botanical skincare? asians are not angry about it.
they are happy about it as well as sharing a bit of their own culture with the world and that seems to be a more healthy reaction.
what the fuk is wrong with these people, that they don't want anyone else to know about, keep all aspects of their culture to themselves or not be inspired at all by their culture?