Moderator note: This post has been edited to remove certain personal information relating to people who are no longer here to respond, or that might be used to find the real-world locations of individuals. It is a breach of our site posting guidelines to publish such information without the explicit permission of the person(s) involved - not to mention an inappropriate breach of privacy.
How are you all going? Wow! some not totally unexpected changes since I left a couple of years ago. James did say I would soon be back. Another monumental error of his...let's just say after more then two years, I am just passing through!!! I have been perusing through some threads over the last day or two, and notice a number of increasing disagreements with our resident king of the castle we call James. And by what are generally well respected members, not the nutbags that in many cases were given freen reign to do and say what they like. That sort of vindicates the general disagreements and battles I have had with him, and shows my claims of James being arrogant, a liar at times, insulting many times, and condescending as not too far from the truth. In fact, spot on. My problem was in the final analysis was my lack of IT skills in recalling past claims I made. In saying that, James wasn't always like that. And I might add, I have known him (via forums) longer then any of you. We both once took part in a now defunct forum, [deleted]
Here is where the irony that is James started. He was not aggressive, he was not arrogant, he was not a known liar, he didn't indulge in insulting and condescending. He was in fact a rather meek and mild mod, [deleted] like Batman and Bruce Wayne, or Clark Kent and Superman. In fact I really cannot remember ever conversing with him personally on that forum. Of course we did have a number of excellent expert professional mods, an astronomer, a meteorologist and a relativist expert to name a few.
Why the change? I don't know. He was also fairly naive on that forum [deleted]. Perhaps here, he is being rewarded by starting controvesial issues, or making otherissues apparently controversial. Perhaps he is rather embarrassed in simply being seen as a "scientist" that moderates forums...or one of mediocre note?
As a non scientist, but still someone who always supported the scientific methodology, my only disagreement with James was the photon/energy issue. Let me make that clear again. A photon is the quanta of electomagnetism...they are real...they are is real, as real as space, time and spacetime. Yet there are still a number of scientists that say those things are not real. To me it is pedantic, uneccessarily so, just as claims that I am a sexist because I call the females I meet as love. Once that little issue was finished, without me kow towing to James and his pedant, more issues came to light. And so I was in his gunsights! ANZAC DAY being one of those...a day in Australia when we remember all who have made the ultimate sacrifice in all wars. Not to james, who claimed it was a glorification of war, something I'm sure he would never have the intestinal fortitude of raising in a RSL club I bet.
We have had other decent mods on this forum...[deleted] of course, who was the one that finally got rid of the three god bothering Indian brothers, who was as honest as they come, as he was also a believer in God. Or perhaps his disappearence had more to do with his conflicts with [deleted]...that other mod that loved swooping down from up high, grabbing and getting anyone who disagreed with [his or her] extreme views on political correctness and such. And of course [deleted]...and there was another, expert in languages and grammar. Ahh those were the days!! Myself I was always crossing swords with the nutbags... [deleted], and a number of other ratbags which *shock, horor* saw me suspended many times.
But that wasn't my greatest sin on this forum. My greatest sin was not being as stupidly and pretentiously "correct" in the eyes of James and [deleted]. So they go and fabricate lies and nonsense in saying I was sexist and a mysoginist. In there pretentious fabricated opinions of course. Because the facts are that I still call female shop assistants, bank tellers, receptionists etc "love" and of course in many cases am addressed back by them as sweety, love or darling. The blokes always as mate, irrespective of whether they are my mate or not as defined by that word. What our pair of pretentious clowns fail to address, as well of course does a minority of others trying to change society, is the "INTENT"
A couple of examples supporting all I have claimed. There is a great Q+A quiz show entitled "The Chase" While we have our own version, my favourite is the British version hosted by a bloke called Bradley Walsh. A very funny man who often addresses his contestants as love, sweety, darling, or mate of course. There is absolutely no kickback of resentment from those contestants, no grimace, no snarls, no objections, just the recognition on their part that it is just trivial and everyday common banter. Great to see such rebuffing on the nonsense some sections of authority are trying to ram down our throats. Great to see the pommies also rejecting this crap.
Finally so bare with me, while I was waiting for a bus the other week, along with ten to a dozen other people, including another couple of old buggers like me, although obviously not as fit. Also a group of 14 or 15 year old boys bouncing a basket ball around and making a nuisance of themselves. Anyway along comes a bus, and while I was third in line behind two old men, one with a walker, these young punks Literally tried to push in front of the old bloke with the walker until I stuck out my arm into the chest of the obvious ring leader, and stopped him in his tracks, saying "hold it sonny"! When the two blokes in front of me were on, I then said "now my turn". Which rasies the question of why don't these pretentious so called politically correct adherents try teaching the young people of today, common decent respect.
End of pleasent rant: Did you enjoy your popcorn wegsy? *sob* *sob* Seeya people, better things to do as many other obviously finding out.
How are you all going? Wow! some not totally unexpected changes since I left a couple of years ago. James did say I would soon be back. Another monumental error of his...let's just say after more then two years, I am just passing through!!! I have been perusing through some threads over the last day or two, and notice a number of increasing disagreements with our resident king of the castle we call James. And by what are generally well respected members, not the nutbags that in many cases were given freen reign to do and say what they like. That sort of vindicates the general disagreements and battles I have had with him, and shows my claims of James being arrogant, a liar at times, insulting many times, and condescending as not too far from the truth. In fact, spot on. My problem was in the final analysis was my lack of IT skills in recalling past claims I made. In saying that, James wasn't always like that. And I might add, I have known him (via forums) longer then any of you. We both once took part in a now defunct forum, [deleted]
Here is where the irony that is James started. He was not aggressive, he was not arrogant, he was not a known liar, he didn't indulge in insulting and condescending. He was in fact a rather meek and mild mod, [deleted] like Batman and Bruce Wayne, or Clark Kent and Superman. In fact I really cannot remember ever conversing with him personally on that forum. Of course we did have a number of excellent expert professional mods, an astronomer, a meteorologist and a relativist expert to name a few.
Why the change? I don't know. He was also fairly naive on that forum [deleted]. Perhaps here, he is being rewarded by starting controvesial issues, or making otherissues apparently controversial. Perhaps he is rather embarrassed in simply being seen as a "scientist" that moderates forums...or one of mediocre note?
As a non scientist, but still someone who always supported the scientific methodology, my only disagreement with James was the photon/energy issue. Let me make that clear again. A photon is the quanta of electomagnetism...they are real...they are is real, as real as space, time and spacetime. Yet there are still a number of scientists that say those things are not real. To me it is pedantic, uneccessarily so, just as claims that I am a sexist because I call the females I meet as love. Once that little issue was finished, without me kow towing to James and his pedant, more issues came to light. And so I was in his gunsights! ANZAC DAY being one of those...a day in Australia when we remember all who have made the ultimate sacrifice in all wars. Not to james, who claimed it was a glorification of war, something I'm sure he would never have the intestinal fortitude of raising in a RSL club I bet.
We have had other decent mods on this forum...[deleted] of course, who was the one that finally got rid of the three god bothering Indian brothers, who was as honest as they come, as he was also a believer in God. Or perhaps his disappearence had more to do with his conflicts with [deleted]...that other mod that loved swooping down from up high, grabbing and getting anyone who disagreed with [his or her] extreme views on political correctness and such. And of course [deleted]...and there was another, expert in languages and grammar. Ahh those were the days!! Myself I was always crossing swords with the nutbags... [deleted], and a number of other ratbags which *shock, horor* saw me suspended many times.
But that wasn't my greatest sin on this forum. My greatest sin was not being as stupidly and pretentiously "correct" in the eyes of James and [deleted]. So they go and fabricate lies and nonsense in saying I was sexist and a mysoginist. In there pretentious fabricated opinions of course. Because the facts are that I still call female shop assistants, bank tellers, receptionists etc "love" and of course in many cases am addressed back by them as sweety, love or darling. The blokes always as mate, irrespective of whether they are my mate or not as defined by that word. What our pair of pretentious clowns fail to address, as well of course does a minority of others trying to change society, is the "INTENT"
A couple of examples supporting all I have claimed. There is a great Q+A quiz show entitled "The Chase" While we have our own version, my favourite is the British version hosted by a bloke called Bradley Walsh. A very funny man who often addresses his contestants as love, sweety, darling, or mate of course. There is absolutely no kickback of resentment from those contestants, no grimace, no snarls, no objections, just the recognition on their part that it is just trivial and everyday common banter. Great to see such rebuffing on the nonsense some sections of authority are trying to ram down our throats. Great to see the pommies also rejecting this crap.
Finally so bare with me, while I was waiting for a bus the other week, along with ten to a dozen other people, including another couple of old buggers like me, although obviously not as fit. Also a group of 14 or 15 year old boys bouncing a basket ball around and making a nuisance of themselves. Anyway along comes a bus, and while I was third in line behind two old men, one with a walker, these young punks Literally tried to push in front of the old bloke with the walker until I stuck out my arm into the chest of the obvious ring leader, and stopped him in his tracks, saying "hold it sonny"! When the two blokes in front of me were on, I then said "now my turn". Which rasies the question of why don't these pretentious so called politically correct adherents try teaching the young people of today, common decent respect.
End of pleasent rant: Did you enjoy your popcorn wegsy? *sob* *sob* Seeya people, better things to do as many other obviously finding out.
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